
Leafs turning yellow

Silverexstarted grow question 10 months ago
Some plants are starting to show an issues which is causing fan leafs to turn lighter green. All 3 are clones of same strain, same living soil, watered with bottled water at same intervals yet issue is only showing on 2 of the plants other is looking good What do you guys think
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 10 months ago
I think your plants are just hungry. You've given them a long time to grow and even well-amended soil has its limits with cannabis. And since your diary is too short (and mixed up), there's nothing to tell me how the potting soil was prepared, whether you scratched fertilisers into the soil or topped them up with liquids afterwards, or whether you're drowning them by watering at too regular intervals, without letting the soil dry out, which might explain the slightly long growth.
Selected By The Grower
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 10 months ago
Not enough info to determine cause. VPD info would be nice aka, temp and humidity, daytime temps and night temps. Nutrients used and strength of mix would be nice. And your pH of your mixed nutrients and water when you do water. Nutrients of choice? Don't water on a set interval. Water when the plants need water, and not before. Feel the weight of the pot. If it feels light, then you water. Determining a problem isn't always easily identified by a few pictures. Pictures, coupled with the info mentioned above, will give you a much better chance of the actual issue being identified and advice given to resolve it. But with next to no info anyone that gives you an answer based on those pictures is just guessing at best. Unless the problem is super obvious, like a potassium deficiency.
ZinosBestanswered grow question 10 months ago
I usually use CalMag Agent from PLAGRON and thats always helps me with this.
Silverexanswered grow question 10 months ago
Have a hard time seeing they are running outta food since they transplanted into 7g pots 2wks prior to flower and only in wk3. Only use bottle spring water since I’ve had Ph issues in past. 300w mars hydro is at 75% 24” above canopy. I did have it turned up to 90% when issue started but hasn’t seem to get better since lower it back to 75%
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