
Help me lol. Do I need to trim so lower leafs can get light

Motherfuckingjonesstarted grow question 5 months ago
Autoflowersucks what’s going do I need to trim to get some of this lower growth to get light ?? Also is the white dots from the captain jacks neem oil. Because I am treating it to get rid of the invaders ?
Leaves. Tips - Thick
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 5 months ago
Forgot to mention, if you have higher temps with low humidity, you are gonna make that girl transpire like a mother fucker. That can cause all sorts of bullshit to happen but mostly it can result in more water and nutrients taken up by the plant in order to try to keep itself cool, and in doing so, it also uptakes more nutrients with that water. More nutrients than it can process which results in nutrient burn. Even though you haven't over fed your plants, the increase in transpiration rate can cause the plants to become toxic with too much nutrients. By the way, if you would like, i have a discord where we talk about all things growing. I can give you more personal one on one help with your plants, and we can even voice chat, private chat, whatever. If that is something you'd like DM me and i can drop you an invite. It's still new and getting off the ground but there are a few people in there already and questions and answers are already in there that you can browse.
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 5 months ago
I don't trim the leaves off the bottom. In fact i have leaves buried in coco, half buried in coco. It means nothing. It's not gonna harm the plant in any way shape or form if they touch the soil. What i see in your plants is low humidity and elevated temps, am i right? I think your pH is out of range. I do see the white speckles. I have never bothered with neem oil. Quite frankly neem oil didn't exist the last time i battled spider mites, so i have no experience with it so i can't say if it is residue from it or not. At first i thought it was insect eggs, but they tend to lay them under the leaves not on top so it's likely a left over residue from something you sprayed on. I have that soil meter in the pic you have there, it's a dogshit meter that doesn't provide very good or accurate measurements. Just a bullshit money grab product. The best most accurate way, and the cheapest way is litmus paper tests strips and then match it to the colour chart to determine your soil pH. I think you got pH issues. You can't just willy nilly dump in unchecked tap water into your soil. You have to check the pH first and then adjust to get it in the range you want which for me is 6.2 You will need a water test pH meter. And if you are in Canada, i wouldn't trust any meter under 60 bucks. HM, or blue labs (blue labs can eat a dick with their bullshit pricing) or my personal recommendation Apera. You can get one off Amazon. They are a bit pricey too but the difference is they have detatchable probes that can be replaced (rather than a whole new meter) and it runs on 2 regular AA batteries.
HeavyHittahanswered grow question 5 months ago
I like to trim those first couple nodes off Tbh. It's better to have it nice and clean underneath . Easier to water also. Trim them if you like it will focus energy to the main top . Then just give it time to grow out some more. Snip those leaves with the calcium defiency on also .
DontStopBelievnanswered grow question 5 months ago
I would trim the lower part so that nothing is resting on the soil. Those lower leaves resting on the wet dirt are prone to catch disease and damage from being soaked.
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