
Brown spots all over the plant

RyyyyzNstarted grow question 5 months ago
I was in the hospital and someone else was looking after my plants, but apparently he didn't adjust the PH level. I assume it came to nutrient lockout. Can I still save them? They are both Autoflowers and in week 9
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Hashyanswered grow question 5 months ago
Organoman has given you some sound advice, I'd do as he suggested.
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Organomananswered grow question 5 months ago
Continue with your best care and correct pH etc.......but I doubt the plants will ever recover fully before harvest tiime. The best you can realistically hope for is to stop it from becoming even worse. Both seem to be starving for potassium and plant 2 with the brown spots definitely is suffering from a calcium deficiency. Remember too, what is showing in the leaves now, is a direct reflection of what was happpening in the root zone 2-3 weeks ago, so these problems have been building for some time already, maybe 4-5 weeks already. However, they are certainly worth continuing with, just give them the best TLC you can and they might still be surprisingly good.
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Hattiwattianswered grow question 5 months ago
Prob some damage caused but they are weed and everything going to end well. Good luck.
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m0useanswered grow question 5 months ago
gotta find out why they are hurting. Looks like they underfed. and maybe PH is a issue as well. the 2nd pic looks much worse. possibly phosphorous and calcium with that one. I'd suggest giving them a good feed and monitor the EC and PH that comes out. Will give you a bit of insight into the issue. Low EC hungry, high EC overfed and may need a flush. Good Luck!
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