
When is this plant ready to harvest?

PAIN_1Gstarted grow question 3 months ago
This is my first harvest and I have no clue if or when this plant is ready to harvest. I know to look for trichomes but I simply don't see the difference between them. Was hoping to harvest next week.
Other. Harvest - Drying
Organomananswered grow question 3 months ago
You probably got another 3 weeks to go, roughly. When there are 95-98% brown pistils.hairs, you will be entering the harvest zone. After getting to that stage, looking at the trichomes and estimating when there are 10-30% amber trichomes will give you your final harvest timing. Trichomes start clear, turn milky/opaque and finally, a honey amber colour.
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Selected By The Grower
Mangarosa027answered grow question 3 months ago
At least one months.
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TheUk420Showanswered grow question 3 months ago
nope you have got to this point don't ruin it :) 3 weeks minimum ignore all the trike talk on your first and just concentrate on other signs you will get a much better yield the longer you let her flower and the longer she flowers the more trichomes will mature and develop. my opinion anyway I look for loads of signs before cropping and most of the pistils have to be brown and the strain hasto smell like its ready in my opinion. but hey your plant your rules do what you want :)
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Mo_Powersanswered grow question 3 months ago
it all depends on what effect you are hoping for from your weed. Milky trichomes = energetic high, amber-coloured trichomes = physical high. a bit of both = head and body high. just check your trichomes for this what i can see at your pictures, she could be ready to harvest. looks like a good mix of milky and amber coloured trichomes.
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