Yes, nice photos!
If all the pistils are brown, I would be harvesting, for if they are all brown, THC is, right now, breaking down into CBD and CBN which gives you a body/sleepy stone and not a mind expanding psychoactive high.
Remember too, some plants will never have amber trichomes, so waiting for that could lead to almost dead plants before a panic harvest of "its now or never".
In future and if you prefer a high and mind expanding psychoactive and trippy effect, harvest when there are still about 5-10% whitish pistils left and this will give you flowers with their highest amount of THC at the peak of its quality.
If you prefer a body type of sleepy and lazy "couchlock" effect, harvest once all the pistils are brown, and by then the flowers have more CBD and CBN than THC, which is why late harvested pot is so sleepy and relaxing and with reduced mental psychoactivity.
Harvesting solely based on trichome colour, is in my opinion, a mistake and judging maturity by pistil colour and condition will actually give you an exact idea as to the health and age of the flowers. It is health and age which determine cannabinoid composition, not trichome colour.
Hope this helps,......... Organoman.