Ive been looking into your Diary and only find the Information ---100 percent organic soil... but wich one=?... Not all soils are great for a seedling.(to be organic or not)......If you dont mind tell me the brand.. or did you mix by your own=?... but now back to your Nutrients.
Sitting in a biig pot filled with soil, your Girl should not be hungry... for weeks. You can give her benefical stuff like, Kelp, aloe, calcium , magnesium, spirulina, silica, humic and fluvic acid, and molasses.
This is a mix for every living organism ( you can drink it too). Those mixed provide your grow, in feeding the microbacterias in your soil and helping the plant as chelators.
The "real" feeding that mean NP and K.. should start in weeks from now.
Normally in transisiton to flower your Plant has a bigger need in N....... or if you see defiencies ( older leaves are yellowing)
But if you use a good soil with Living orgnasims your plant should be good without feeding for 3-5 weeks.