
Hydroponics - Sterile vs Beneficials?

Atulipstarted grow question 16 hours ago
Does anyone have any good info on the benefits of beneficials over sterile(or vice versa) in a purely hydroponic setup?
Roots. Other
FogponicCultanswered grow question 4 hours ago
Beneficials keep the rootzone clean degrading dead root matter in kombination with enzymes thats a huge plus. You can’t run enzymes in the same tank with uv and desinfectants like h2o2 it deaktivates them. H2o2 degrades to water and an extra oxygen atom wich is good and bad in the same time because the plant can use it (with high watertemps this can be crucial) but its an radical oxygen wich leads to oxidative stress when overused and in the wrong proportion it literally burns the roots. Needs to be handled with caution because it also burns skin and can make people blind so you better wear gloves and glasses. Beneficials impact PH when you put them in the nutrient solution it rises when they die it falls. Both h2o2 and beneficials boost nutrient absorbtion because they help the plant brake down nutrients. I use both when i run into trouble like pythium. You should never run them in the same tank but you can flush your plants with h2o2 lowering the pathogen pressure and inoculate again with beneficials who can than take over easily. There are several studies about both beneficials and H2o2 boosting yields. For those who don’t believe in H2o2 it does also boost yield with organic fertilizers in all growing media.
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001100010010011110answered grow question 11 hours ago
you just have to stick with one or the other. you can't mix these concepts or the 'sanitary' path will kill the 'beneficials.' if you do other things well - like avoiding warm water temps and keep light from hitting your water supply as best possible - both sterile/benes are probably going to be effective. You create an environment that breeds nasty shit and neither will work well.
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Shinsimillaanswered grow question 14 hours ago
Beneficial whats? Bugs? I see growing as a problem solving issue. If you don't have a problem, don't try to solve it. Beneficial bugs are there to kill pests, if you have no pests why would you add something to solve a problem you don't have? I'm not sure I'm understanding your question properly.
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