N deficiency. Clearly paling from tip in and bottom-up on the plant.
Far too often marijuana brands think you don't need N in flower, but the plant still needs 80-90% of N it can use in vege.
leaf symptom chart -- https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0242/5585/files/marijuana-deficiency-chart-jorge-cervantes.jpg
That's a direct link to the highest resolution leaf chart i prefer to use. You can see that the only clear symptmo on this plant is for N deficiency. Usually it is not this clear cut and takes some cross-referencing to eliminate indiscrete possibilities. You can see some have very similar symptoms or they progress in different areas of the plant (mobile vs immobile) etc..
It may seem daunting, but you'll always have more information at your fingertips than what is given in questions here. Keep asking for help, but also look at the leaf chart each time yourself and try to figure it out... over time it becomes familiar and that breeds confidence in self-diagnosing. This isn't rocket science and it often comes down to a guess more times than not, but this particular time 99% confident you simply need to up the proportion of N based on these leaves -- assumes a well-balanced diet is provided, otherwise.