
Twisting leaves stress response?

GandalfsDickstarted grow question 2 days ago
I moved my light up about 6 inches, and increased from 50 to 60% power on a 100w light a few hours ago. Now this leaf is twisted. Normal response?
Leaves. Twisted
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 days ago
Turning toward light. For some reason it sensed more light in that direction. maybe a hotspot from wall or something? when it tilts at the petiole (stem) that's reacting to light. If you get twisted leaf growth - wavey, contorted leaves but otherwise healthy, that's likely pH swings around roots resulting in shifting rates of growth. if you want to cover everything in flower, work backward from flower requirements. All other things the same, 12h = 100% power, 18h = 67% power. the hanging distance should result in best distributed light to canopy while not sacrificing total light given. then, you never change behaviours with the light. simply adjust power to 100% with 12h operation. But, that's the area you want to fill - what that light can give you with 12h operation. Fill half that coverage by the time you head to bloom/flower phase, and all is well. early on you can save some more watts with a shorter hanging distance, but it's a matter 20-25 cents per day vs convenience. personal preference
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