
Can anyone explain curing process and when i can make sure its dry enough for curing? Thanks

Snakekingstarted grow question a day ago
Hey everyone I am curing process for my first harvest My dry room is around 60 humidity /70 degrees After snap test i trimmed buds and put it in the jar. Inside the jar humidity goes to %68 After burping and open the door it comes to %62 Am i do correct or its to much humidity
Week 26
001100010010011110answered grow question 18 hours ago
The best way to notice is when the plant material is no longer losing weight -- preferably it loses a few percent of moisture in cure. You never want it bone-dry, of course. Think what results at room temp with 58-62% RH is 7-8% of mass moisture content? Doesn't matter exactly what it is because we aren't using lab equipment to measure. It'll reach that targeted 'equilibrium' moisture content in cure with the proper temps and RH%. 2-way humidi paks make this much easier and give room for error when you do put them in a sealed container. Do not go cheap. Boveda work well. Integra boost humidi paks work like shit. I've kept a temp.rh probe in my storage buckets for multiple months. Boveda are +/- 1 RH, though the probe is admittedly +/-3%. Integra never kept them moist. I threw them out after a couple years of trying to use the cheaper option.... Integra Boost is trash. Anyway, until i got a very consistent drying process down and enough familiarity to adjust to different density of nugs, I used to weigh a few tester nugs of different sizes - tag or place in specific spots so you know which to weight as it dries. Once it stops losing weight, you know it's at equilibrium with the environemnt -- as i said above, you want the last little bit to gas off in cure. Ensures you don't over-dry. You'll get familiar with the weight of the nugs and the 'feel' of the nugs exterior.. you can learn to feel when they are close but not quite there. If you seal it up and they get soft / moist again, you remove them for more drying. Good to spot check after 4-8 hours or so... see how they react to a sealed container. Verify that you dried them enough to avoid growing weird shit in your containers. Maintinaing a consistent temperature and RH% will give you a proper drying length, too. The more consistent you are with this, the more predictable everything becomes. In addition to controlling enviornment you can wet or dry trim or leaves buds on branches or cut them into individual buds to dry to further impact how long it takes to dry... e.g. if you know it's going be a bit warmer or maybe a bit dry, you hang entire plants to delay drying times. pointn of reference.. In winter, i have a bedroom i use that is 68-70F. I used a humidifier to maintain 60% (58-60%). I wet trim and cut down to individual buds. It takes 9-10 days depending on density of buds. this is incredibly consistent because i keep the environment consistent. humidifiers are cheap... controlling temperature is not cheap. A big reason in grow in the winter. So with those temps/rh, if i left them on branches or hung entire plants, i'd expect maybe 12-14 days drying. If you have temp and rh spot on, you also can't over-dry, or at least it'd be incredibly difficult to do so. Can still ose excess terps to enviornment, but you won't get dry, brittle nonsense. When at equilibrium with enviornment as much moisture is condensing on the buds as gassing off - which is why the mass will remain constant at that point.
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Selected By The Grower
Legendaryseedthumbanswered grow question 19 hours ago
And when drying weed! Never dry quicker than 7 days!!! It’s the most important part!! I would say a good dry is 10-14 days and there is other people also doing more then that but I think 10-14 is enough! Then u need to cure it for 62% at least 2/3 weeks before u get the real aromas. People say 3 week cure then ur smoke is ready. Everything more then 3 weeks is just a bonus hahaha
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Legendaryseedthumbanswered grow question 19 hours ago
Always try to cure ur weed in 62% if you are over that u need to burp the jars over and over again if you are up to 68% I would recommend putting them in a paper towel in dark room for some hours then back to jar then keep burping till u get a steady 62%. But boveda pack 62% then u safe. After u cured it a while u can keep curing it in 58% then the smoke will get even more potent and much more smelly and tasty! “IN MY OPINION”
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Ultravioletanswered grow question 20 hours ago
Break a main stem, if it "snaps" clean it's rdy to cure, if it snaps but leaves a "thread" dry more.
Shinsimillaanswered grow question a day ago
I agree with mindflowers and don't have much to add, except those humidity packs are helpful if you're really struggling, but if you can do without them, it is much better.
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MindFlowers68answered grow question a day ago
You will deffianly get a better grasp on it once you do it more. i never really understood how bud could go from stinking like crazy, to hardly any smell, to not being very smokeable/harsh to smelling even more than when it was growing after a month in the jar,and completely smooth. lots of chemical reactions and enzymes at work breaking down the chlorophyll. One you have dried it and its in an optimal range, jaring it just keeps I in that range, but the enzymes keep working, and need oxygen to do their work, so that's why burping is needed to give them oxygen to do their work. if you do not burp enough the buds will slowly turn brown and loose potency. Those little hygrometers can really be inaccurate,I still use them but with a grain of salt and pay attention to what they are saying before going into the jar and comparing. if they are saying 68 percent when closed you have too much moisture and need to let the buds sit out in a bowl for a few hours/day. its important to make sure you are in the sweet zone before you jar everything up(58-62) or it could mold. Not really fan of the humidity pack purely because they cost an arm and a leg! I started growing to save money! If you get it below 62 percent and need to up the humidity. fresh fan leaves have done a perfect job of that. I even used fan leaves to raise humidity of already dried/cured buds up to 70 percent humidity to make it better fro pressing rosin which does benefit from having higher humidity. Your buds are perfect for pressing right now! lol 😂
m0useanswered grow question a day ago
I'm a big fan of the RH packs companies make for curing weed. The salt water one "Boveda" works better for me then the glycerin one "integra boost". They make different RH% products as well. No mixing and matching different %'s eg. no 62% + 58% in the same jar. If you RH is going upto 68 might need one more day drying. If it starts to smell like hay or grass after a day in the jar that means it need more dry time. I like to burp my jars once or twice a day for the first week and go down to once every 2-3 days and then down to once a week till the RH stabilizes. There are bags that do all this for your. grove bags. never used them myself so can't say much, heard people like them. There are also systems/tech for curing weed, some using an air pump and some tubing in jars/buckets other buy a fancy wine fridge. Side note on them mini hydrometers, their tolerance can be pretty big, so it might not be 63% and could be lower or higher. Seen some basic tests of tossing a bunch of them in a jar with a few humidity packs and they all registering different numbers, most within range some way off. I think its around 5%+/- RH for shity ones and closer to 1-2% for good ones. Temps probes bit more accurate, normally 1-2% good or budget versions. Good Luck!
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question a day ago
You need bovidea rh packs. Its simple really. Do stem tests. If a stem crack when folded. Its In the right window. If its still bending. Then they need more dry time. Also, you should let plants dry whole. Coming into the last few days. Then do a full trim or partly trim as it dries. You need to expose as much bud surface to natural air flow as possible. Burping, so the 1st few days weeks you b may feel the weed a bit damp, harder to grind. That's moisture been driven out from the core of the buds and when burping you're releasing it. 2x a day for 10-14 days. And then start dropping it. 1x every 2 days 1x 7days (takes time to get to that) but the longer and more accurate in the RH. rh packs will regulate inside your jars.
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BlocZanswered grow question a day ago
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Organic_Ganswered grow question a day ago
Your RH need to be at 58-62% so if the RH goes above this you Need to make sure to burp, when it Hits 62% your good to go & can burp once every 2 weeks just to Exchange the air.