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Bud rot :( what now?

ClydeGrowsstarted grow question 2 years ago
Discovered bud rot on my queen cola (second largest lol). Obvs I removed it and checked the whole plant and added more fans. My Q is how likely is it to spread, Inc to my other plant beside it? And should I harvest early? I'm now thinking the yellow sugar leaf tips are mold indic
Buds. Other
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
always take more than what you can see... a couple nodes down from it or more... just cause you cannot see it doesn't mean it isn't contaminated... even this extra removal is no guarantee. That shit has been growign and spreading and getting pushed around tent by a fan etc etc... easy to spread. hoge donk colas bring this extra risk... they look great in pictures but fuck they are dangerous. i've thrown out 80% of a grow before and i'm still pretty sure the nugs i kept had something wrong with them despite not being visible.. .coulda been psychosomatic too. The dead sugar leaves are an absolute indicated or something goign wrong under the buds... Carefully peel some back and inspect without too much damage- -- if oyu see grey or white fuzz, you know it's riddled with infection. so if a bunch of sugar leaves die in 1 location, defintieyl inspect... could be nute or senescence related, but usually looks different enough they way the leaves die off. def think about harvesting early. the sooner it dries the sooner shit will stop growign on it... if you hang dry, maybe put a bit more space between everything.. or even cut individual nugs off.. you'll see any discoloration or fuzz in problem areas sooner that way.. and dry faster. not best for taste, but safer. i wouldn't go overboard trying to speed dry, i just wouldn't worry so much about what's "best" under normal circumstances. if you run into any more infection while snipping stuff off, clean area hands and equipment before moving any more plants or limbs into work area. limit spread cuase the plant material will be ripe for it as it's still moist for several days more. clean your tent or grow area well, obviously... get some bleach out if you can.
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Selected By The Grower
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Bud rot spreads very quickly... lost pretty much my entire summer grow to it this year. If you want to try to keep the plants going, you'd have to inspect each bud on each plant every single day at least once if not twice... and when you find it, you should cut it out and spray the area with 1% H2O2 and sterilize your utensils and your hands before moving on with your inspection... It's nasty stuff and should NEVER be smoked or used in any way... it will cause bad lung damage... Yellow leaf tips are NOT indicative of bud rot... what IS is an absolutely dead sugar leaf on a bud... and that's the first VISIBLE sign of it... once you see that, you'll know that the rot has been growing inside the bud for a while... I tried to keep my grows going.... it was a waste of time and effort... harvested early and that was pretty stupid, too... nothing was smokeable and I went through a lot of trim jail for nothing. Perhaps I should have saved some of the trim for some edibles but I didn't... and I wish I had just cut the damned things down and thrown them away... but that's me... Good luck... I hate bud rot!
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ezgrows4anoobanswered grow question 2 years ago
Honestly I would not smoke it at all. It is a hard call to make as a grower and it feels really bad to lose all of that hard work, but its not worth risking your health, and frankly its a lesson for next time. Air circulation is king. Honestly a little too much is better than too little. One thing people often don't understand is if you see Botrytis on a cola, it has already infected the whole plant, it is just not visible yet. Often there will be what seems like deficiency signs, i.e. yellowing leaves, droopy stems and or leaves, etc. I would not risk it. My buddies who outdoor grow will cut off all of the moldy parts and infuse what is not visibly rotted with alcohol and drink it like that. However this article, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6679495/ , seems to say that inhalation of Botritys is not necessarily harmful to humans unless they are immunocompromised or have preexisting lung issues. I am not sure what the effects would be if you decided to make edibles. No matter what you decide to do, take it as a lesson that air circulation is king. Also make sure that between grow cycles you sterilize all of your grow equipment and your grow room. Also definitely use alcohol to clean off whatever instrument you used to cut the rot off before touching another plant with it. Good luck and happy harvests!
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
* maybe just do some extractions with high alcohol% with this bud, if oyu can... pressing won't be a good option as the microbes will go right through the typical prss bags... even eating it.. meh.. but, sometimes it's what you got and better than wasting money on black market or at some fart-sniffing dispo. we've all smoke stuff we shouldn't have... hopefully you have some stored to rely on in mean time. if you can avoid it, do so tht's my only suggestion but i wouldn't shame anyone for trying to salvage any... i've done it before. def coughed a little extra, lol, but still alive.
ClydeGrowsanswered grow question 2 years ago
More info-- in the last two weeks, JUST the sugar leaves on my buds have been yellowing from the tip. I thought this was a pH problem, which is now fixed. Also thought it could be light, so they are far away now. NOW I'm thinking they are indicating bud rot or something and I should take up the whole plant??
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