Top of soil is dry, so i doubt the roots are drowning. Should always water entire volume of soil with no dry pockets when you are done. Rain won't always do that and can cause roots to grow upward instead of deeper -- they turn toward greatest moisture due to mechanics of how they grow. Superficial roots are bad. Dry pockets are worse.
If you think a light rain half-assed it, consider properly irrigating just so the drying pattern promotes best root growth. If too soon, can always wait. A rare, odd wet-dry cycle won't ruin anything. It's more about consistently poor irrigation habits that cause problems.
A leaf can contort for different reasons.
pH swings while it grows -- does not look to be the case here.
Too much light can cause a plant to bend, twist, pray etc to reduce surface area.. sometimes they will wilt just as if they were dry AF yet access to plenty of water. But, you'd see this start at the top of the plant and not the bottom.
Shielded leaves wil contrort in an effort to find light, too.
Odd rootzzone issues can do funky things to leaves, too... e.g. if the substrate is too hot, which can happen with a black pot in the sun.
I'd wager one of the last two options.