chlorophyll requires N, but other things too..
Molecular formula of chlorphyl -- C55H72MgN4O5 -- you can see it uses 4:1 atoms of N:Mg. So, Mg is related to lushness seen too. though that pattern of deficiency looks different.
If you are feeding absolutely no N, then yes, eventually you'll get an N-deficiency, but can't see it yet. the plant is a solid green, even if it could be slightly more lush than it is. It's a total bro-sceince mispercaption that a plant no longer needs any N in flower. does it need less? Yes, but all sorts of things require N beside chlorophyl. All cellular dividision needs N as it is part of the construction of nucleic acids, so DNA can't replicate if there isn't enough N to build it. I'd give at least 2/3rds of the N you gave before.
When the plant gets deep into flower, it needs less of everything. You'll want to draw back overall concentration of everything mid-to-late flower, too. Let the plant tell you. Don't follow pre-conceived notions and popular beliefs predicated on an ignorance of existing knowledge that people refuse to reference for some reason. The marijuana plant isn't special or too unique compared to other soft-stemmed flowering plants. Nearl all plants need less nutrients as they get deep into reproductive phase.