freezing can be a very good way to maximize longevity, BUT if the moisture content of the seeds is 'wrong' you'll kill the seeds as that water expands as it freezes and damages it.
If you can't measure or ensure moisture levels, this is dangerous.
Fridgerators have wildly swinging RH% levels. this is also not optimal. If it is in a vacuum sealed bag it might be okay? but even that after years humidity might creep in, i wouldn't know for sure.
anecdote - i made fem seeds 3 years ago. they still germ 100% and all i do is throw them in zip lock bag in a box in a drawer. I have higher humidity in summer months, but the AC helps some but not all of the time, so their exposure is not controlled. They probably experience too low of RH in winter months, so it is far from optimal.
So, maybe vacuum sealed and in container that is airtight with a lower RH% boveda 2-way humidity pack, if you wanted to be super anal about it. This would avoid high RH swings of the fridgerator. Maybe a wine cooler with a thermoelectric cooling element? That might not need the 2-way RH packs. Believe those result in much lower RH levels than a compressor based fridge.
Also, if they don't have a date on them when you receive them, they could be 1-2 years old or more when you get them, too. don't assume they are fresh.