An athlete during a marathon is not happy, it is a sign of its discipline, its optimal efficiency, the turgor pressure is spot on, the leaf surface temp is just right, and everything is ticking along beautifully.
The cohesion-tension theory explains how negative pressure enables water movement from the roots to the leaves of a cannabis plant. As water evaporates from the leaf surfaces through stomata, tension is created, generating a suction force that pulls water upwards through the xylem vessels. This process relies on the cohesive forces between water molecules, forming a continuous column for efficient water transport.
In cannabis plants, xylem vessels serve as the conduits for water transport. These specialized cells form interconnected channels that allow water to move upwards from the roots to the leaves. The negative pressure generated through the cohesion-tension mechanism helps drive the water flow within the xylem vessels. Negative pressure facilitates the movement of water from the soil, through the roots, and up to the leaves of cannabis plants. It helps maintain proper hydration and turgor pressure, ensuring the cells remain firm and upright.
This is "Praying" leaves, I use it as a tell that the plant is cycling water very efficiently, I use it as a "go time" for switching to flower.
Taxing on a plant, the same way you cant sprint for an entire marathon, I found maybe a week of praying she starts to fade id give her a rest.