pH is a bit low for soil. Could be inhibiting N a bit, or you just need a bit more N. If the progression slowed or stopped after you transplanted, it's probably okay, now. FFOF should be able to feed a plant for several weeks and up to a couple months. In your case, the plant is so tiny it's not even touching vast majority of volume with roots, yet, so it should provide for an extended period of time. Any added elements like perlite would ruduce it relative to volume added vs volume of substrate used. if it results in 50% of ending volume, it's 1/2 the original nutrient content per volume, too.
tiny plant in a large pot. This makes irrigation a pain in the ass. Make sure you water a diameter slightly larger than its canopy, but also ensure that moisture drives all the way to the bottom or else you are training a superficial and weak root system. It's always better to pot up with a growing plant - even with autoflowers. IT's total nonsense that autoflowers somehow get shocked from potting up. Maybe, if your (plural) use your retard strength and destroy the rootball while you do it, lol. Otherwsie you are simply gently placing and cover it up and that's virtually zero stress.
if not doing this, it might be a contributing factor... if roots can't expand into new areas etc.. it can exhaust what was in the limited moist zones.
incorporate some intermediary pot sizes into your methods. It makes everything easier and you'll have more consistently good results, all other factors the same.