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Outdoor Grow Germany 2025 Which strain - FastFlower

Anditschstarted grow question a month ago
I need your help. Outdoor Grow Germany. Which strain? I would like to use a FastFlower, as last year I had problems outdoors towards the end (the weather turned bad, mold problems) Do you have any experience with FastFlower Outdoor? Thanks :)
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Setup. Outdoor
m0useanswered grow question a month ago
I grow a lot outdoors in Toronto Ontario Canada and its slimier weather patterns as in Germany. Plane and simple. Grow Autos Outdoors, it make it stupid simple. They finish in time, they look nice, and they grow well. City lights do not bother them vs photoperiods. Long version. Fastflowers come in two forms. True photoperiod plants that just happen to finish a week or two earlier then other photoperiods. They are the OG fastflowers from back in the day. New Age Fastflowers are a mix of auto x photo genetics and they tend to flower faster by a week or two. However sometimes they turn into autos. To me fastflowers are useless with autos on the market. Unless it has a special cannabis profile that you want. But almost any special thing is in auto or photo seeds. If anything get the OG Fastflowers not the new age ones. Photoperiods indoors are nice as they have time to finish and they can take a lot more stress then an auto and clone em out. When you move em outdoors theirs just more to worry about like weather at the end of the season and light pollution. Its not to say they can not be done, as I have seen photoperiod plants grow well outdoors but if your in a city. its harder. My dad grew a really nice clone from me outdoors last year. it was Exotic Seeds Honey Mints. It did good in his small town, mine did not do well in the city outdoors, but in the tent did fine.
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Selected By The Grower
Hashyanswered grow question a month ago
Autoflowers mate.
Shinsimillaanswered grow question a month ago
I would go with Mouse's advice. A fast flower will maybe save you 2 weeks at the end. IMO that is too late for you anyway. Autos are generally done in 3 months, so if you just plant in late spring, they'll be done long before it starts to get cold & wet. I grow many autos outdoor every season and photoperiods after and a few fast flowering plants in there. I'm in South Africa, so much warmer weather, but even here our winter can come early and ruin my photoperiods, fast flower or not. My autos I plant early in season are my only really safe plants.
BlazingBudanswered grow question a month ago
I think if you grow outdoor in germany the best way to go is autoflower, they are ready before fall. Maybe you can do 2 runs too.
Naujasanswered grow question a month ago
Man kann nie sagen, wie der Sommer und Herbst werden. Ich habe FastBuds Gorilla Cookies FF in der freien Natur angebaut, eine großartige Wahl. Ich habe auch Dutch Passion Tropical Tangie Photo angebaut, es ist großartig geworden, aber im Grunde hängt alles von den Wetterbedingungen ab, die man nicht regulieren kann. Ich hatte letztes Jahr solche Probleme in der freien Natur :) Dieses Jahr werde ich in der freien Natur nur automatische Genetik verwenden..
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question a month ago
time them to avoid the seasonal risks. can't really be too confident about advertised weeks to finish, so plan for the worst-case. the variance of flower length is the same as a photoperiod. Autos vary further by an unknown amount of vege days. Unless you can send material into a lab, you can only guess when an autoflower actually went into flower. It's 7-8 days before you notice any preflowers, or however long it took for them to grow. Unless it's some XXL long-vege'ing autoflower variety, not going to see preflowers in vege phase, so it can be used to guesstimate actual flip to flower. When you take that into account, most stuff is 8-10 weeks just like a photoperiod. Building the same plant material, using the same inputs, making use of similar DLI... it can't skip steps.
oldskoolkoolanswered grow question a month ago
AMS,anti mould strain from Green House Seeds.The name says it all.The Dutch certainly know about growing outdoors in the wet and cold.In their outdoor section they have seeds for cold climates.They've got Super Bud in there which Iv grown twice in was that good and has a huge yield.Dutch Passion also have a decent selection.Iv grow their auto frisian dew which is topo notch.Probably the best outdoor Iv done for taste and bag apeal and then there's the the good old trusted Durban Poison that's been about for decades.Plant health is crucial with growing outdoors that far north. I'm in the UK so know something about growing outdoors.Iv not done it for a few years so I'm sure there's lots of new strains about that suit out door growing.The last few times Iv grown outdoors Iv grown autos.Auto Frisian dew and auto mazar.I think they do a photoperiod frisian dew.I'd say its the best out the bunch.Check the Dutch passion site as they have loads of info about growing outside.The very first plant I grew was outside,that was 88,ha.
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