Sativa flower time is usually a couple weeks longer than indica. The breeder recommendations are usually pretty spot on, and that depends on when you start counting the days - when you flipped 12/12 or when she began to actually flower like 7 to 10 days later. Here your way too early for maturity. Are the amber trichomes on the leaf area, if so no big deal. Look for it in the bud area, and not just the top bud, that’s the sign of maturity. Your DLI is maxed for the most part without CO2. In the last couple of weeks adjust it down to 40, then the last week 35 DLI for ripening. This really depends on the plant as to the affect, but this is great for most. Sativa are more prone to foxtailing than other varieties. If this happens you have a couple of choices, harvest early because some people just do not like them, or harvest when they mature.