Here to back up YoungSmokes's answer. This is your foliage trying to get away from the intense light. They'll twist, cup or bend down. Anyway to get away from the excess light. Raise her back up and these symptoms will cease. I know you're probably using the manufacture's recommendations, but I really only use those for benchmarks. If the plants don't like it, we gotta move it. Example: My lamp says 24" above canopy. I did that and they were frying. 30 inches was the happy spot. Try raising it slowly (1-2 inch a day) until the twisting stops. Low RH can also cause some of these symptoms, so keeping that above 35% is a good idea (Disregard if you're already above 35%)
Cheers and happy trails. Everything looks real good man👍. A little light stress won't kill er😉