@Papa_T, just seen this now,,sorry. I assume you were talking about green light. When I grew in water one year, I went away for a week. Half way through my brother came over to check on me girls and top up the rez. He left the green light on for almost 4 days straight until I got home. Didn't affect the girls what so ever. Plants don't see green light. That's why all the ppm ph monitors all have green lettering. Cheers my friend.
@GMSgrows, lol no problem man they ended up having mold and shit too so I just pulled em all and trashed it. Luckily I had the one overflow bean in coco.
You said there’s a way to fatten up my buds? How? Is it naturally or chemically? I would love to see if I could get them bigger. Thanks in advance for your advice
Thanx for answering my grow question. I can set my dripsystem up 1 to 5l an hour or a constant flow without drippers of 8 x 3 liters a minute. The aim is I guess to wet
the whole grow area?! Any way " I'm on line now!😉When I look at your grow then it makes sense !
Happy growing Matti !
Am I inept or can you not reply to people's answers to your grow question? Anyway I appreciate the feedback and I did flush with Ph 5.8 water before you had mentioned and I run a chiller at 65f. The plant seems to be rebounding now so I appreciate the reply!
@AreDeeDubbleyouSee, sorry my friend., this you'll have to put on growdiaries for not having their notifications working properly. I always answer questions when asked, but I need to have something tell me that someone asked of me. Sorry mate...
@GMSgrows,Hey thanka for the tips! My run off is 6.48 ph, I gave it a bit more calmag I’m growing it in foxfarm oceanic forest, but I know after 3 to 4 weeks the nutes in the soil runs out. Anymore tips brother??
@Bluntblazer66, sold one a while ago. Had to set up a friend, lent him all my water stuff but sold him a cooler. One I have left was only used for 3 months.
Hey, thanks brother! Absolutely agree with you 100%! Some of my associates are familiar with that site. I haven't had a chance to check it out myself, but damn sure intend to when things slow down a bit. We don't watch fake news, and I've got no tolerance for delusional psychotics. I probably should've phrased my comment a little differently, but I definitely hear what you're saying.👍 Happy 420!✌️
Thank you for helping with my question about EC values for different growth stages.
After using your recommendations my girls seem to be smiling 😁😁
Much appreciated. 👍🙏
Happy Growing. 🤐
@GMSgrows, I thought that what matters it as was direct sunlight made her pass by a Harsh time last week with the 32+ degrees days just to make her stay at direct sunlight. Só its best to put her at morning sun and some shade when the sun is in its zenit?
@@Jixxx, outdoors even in the shade you get more light than what you could ever get inside. My outdoor plants get about 5 maybe 6 direct hours of direct sunlight, and I pull a lb. or 2 from each girl.
Happy growing my friend.
reis slm toprak ve gübre seti hangi marka alim canavar gibi olmasını istiyorum üstü açık etrafı kapalı odada büyüyecek t.a sen hep bu gübreler mi kulllanıyorsun..?
@Budz_Bunny, Thanks my friend. If this weather keeps up when they start to flower, will ruin everything very quickly. Just keeps raining/pouring everyday. Also trying to get sun is hard when it isn't raining. Get a clear day and the jets start flying over, again and again creating chem clouds that literally block the sun out. Can't win for losing. They say hottest year on record, yet this year we have barley used our air conditioner. I call BS on climate change. Getting cooler, not warmer. 😏