As usual, I can't say if this is a night or day strain. It affects me like most other strains, in that it depends on what I do with it. If I then sit down on the couch, I'll just relax and won't be getting up anytime soon. But more often, I just get high and have short term memory losses and forget what I was doing. So no multitasking, but good on just doing single tasks. Cleaning/tidying up, writing reports, cooking, or even playing online chess. Chess on weed is interesting; forget an overall grand strategy, I treat it as puzzles where I just figure out the best move for any given position. For some reason I can "see" the board more clearly, I can see the different lines and the available attacks more easily.
The smell of this thing when dry is REALLY good. I swear it smells like grape bubble gum. Love it! But when it smokes, it just tastes like weed. It's a smooth smoke though, so there's that.