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Interview with Master Bigpun

Hello Family,

We are continuing getting to know each other through this little part of GrowDiaries Journal activity; THE INTERVIEWS. We absolutely love it, you guys are amazing, each of you has a beautiful story to tell, and we are so glad that the community is so open to sharing them! 

This time we have reached out to the fellow grower @Bigpun to ask him a couple of questions about his life, and how he ended up on this website. Here is what he has to tell you.

Q: Hey, @Bigpun. How are you doing? Please tell us about yourself. Who are you? What do you do? Where do you live? What's your favorite edible and stoner food in general?
Hi there, im doing well thanks for asking.
My first name is Nick and i live in Alberta Canada on a nice quiet acreage with my dog Montana. She is crazy. I own a small courier company, we deliver a little bit of everything from Dental Supplies to oil field equipment. I've got some really great family that is taking care of that business for me as I am not working right now. as for edibles I've only ever had chocolate edibles. they were okay  but I'm still more of a big joint kind of guy. But after I smoke said big joint and have the munchies that can be dealt with many ways but black liquorice always a classic hahaha that's for you @CBD_ Sweden or for the munchie that's a little higher class one could make a alberta prime rib eye at medium rare temperature mmmm ok dinner plans made hahaha

Q: What was your first grow ever? Did it turn out well? 
A: My first grow, which I eventually posted on here is bag seed as it was planted first.  After planting bag seed, i purchased some seeds and got my cheese auto as a freebie. Cheese finished first so that was my first harvest and I was really excited about how that turned out. I got some great quality and a decent quantity. hopefully The Beginner's luck lasts hahaha
Q: Why did you start growing?What resources were you using to learn about it?
A: I started growing cannabis to try and make it affordable for me to use as a medicine. Before cannabis I was on several medications like Oxycontin, Dilaudid, Cymbalta, benzodiazepine for sleep and many others not worth listing as you dont have time to read a novel haha. With cannabis I have been able to get off all except for one that helps a bit.  I have a serious head injury that gives me cluster headaches and widespread nerve pain along with the occasional seizure just to keep things interesting. one of the real hard Parts is that I suffer from memory loss. it can happen at any time and that's one of the main reasons grow diaries is attractive to me. I not only get to learn from all these amazing Growers but it helps me keep a record of what I've done so that when I inevitably forget it there it is and hey sometimes it's funny to read over the comments that you've left when you have no memory of leaving them thinking to yourself man that was a pretty funny comment haha 
I'd have to say i learned how to grow mostly from YouTube. I didn't have anything else to do so I watched growing videos like it was my full-time job.

Q: Who is your guru grower? 
A: Wow that's a tough one lets say John Berfelo from YouTube. He's a Canadian grower that grows medicine for himself and i admire his passion. One day id like to get my hands on his medi kush.

Q: How do you know @CBD_Sweden?
A: Oh that crazy Swede I met that wonderful person on Kik as i was invited to join the wolfpack group. I guess they needed to class The Joint up a bit. Me and CBD have a lot in common he's from Sweden I have direct Scandinavian ancestry. he's dealing with a debilitating issue as am I. i want to thank @CBD_Sweden for inspiring me to try growing cbd strains as it seems to help him so much. Maybe i can get even more help from cannabis if that is possible.I think it helps finding someone you can relate to and I will cherish that friendship for as long as I can possibly remember it exists hahaha bad joke.

Q: Is there a person on GrowDiaries who you know in real life? Who would like to meet?  Should GD organize a party? :)
A: I haven't met anyone from GrowDiaries. Wow there's so many people I would like to meet but definitely @CBD_Sweden and @farmerbrett I think we could get into some shenanigans. GD should definitely throw a party! 

Q: What do you think is the best aspect of keeping a Grow Diary? 
A: Im using grow diaries as a memory training tool because keeping the diaries helps me keep track of everything I've done with my plants. Its also nice to look back in time and see the plants from seed to weed.

Q: How did you find out about GD? 
A: I found out about grow Diaries looking up strains actually. I believe it was @FAST_BUDS that had a link to grow Diaries to show the people growing their strains. I thought that was awesome. if I'm interested in a genetic I can check to see how it's going with real people in the real world. it's try-before-you-buy in a way. 
Q: Anything you'd like to add? 
A: I would like to say thank you to @growdiaries for this platform as well as to all the great growers here. GD has really helped me in unexpected ways. Before Grow Diaries I shut myself off from the world  because of my head injury. GD has allowed me to take baby steps back into the world and lets me communicate with people. it really means a lot.
Q: Who would you want to be interviewed next?
A: I'd like to see my canna brother @farmerbrett do one of these. He grows some massive trees in California and I'm sure he has a great story to tell.
 Thanks @Bigpun for sharing your story with us. Congrats on the Master Grower status! @farmerbrett you are next!
Peace Growers,


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JUNGLE_B4RNScommented7 years ago
@Bigpun, @CBD_Sweden, 20 years ago Ben Dronkers had said to me that Cannabis would save our world in many different ways, medicine, agriculture, oils, food, textiles.... . You both guys are pioneers in research for cannabis healing properties, and you both guys are witnesses like many others that Cannabinoides has better healing properties that our modern medicine. I do have John’s mobile phone number, if you want contact me on PV chat, I’m sure he could get you some of his Medi Kush after telling him your story.
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, thanks for all your help buddy I really appreciate it I feel safer being a guinea pig on cannabis than I ever felt being a guinea pig on all that other shit
Mr_Dicommented7 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Respect for your noble spirit bro
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented7 years ago
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TheFairyBudMothercommented7 years ago
I love this part of your interview, Bigpun: “GD has really helped me in unexpected ways. Before Grow Diaries I shut myself off from the world because of my head injury. GD has allowed me to take baby steps back into the world and lets me communicate with people. it really means a lot.” This is part of the reason I’m so happy that GrowDiaries has kept doing these interviews! It helps us get to know one another better and understand the reasons why we grow and use cannabis -and- fosters a great community based on a common passion. What a wonderful thing you’ve created, GrowDiaries! Also a shoutout to @WhiteWidow for creating a welcoming and supportive chat group adjunct to Grow Diaries where we talk about everything from growing weed to health, licorice, pets, and music- please join us on kik: WolfPack! @BigPun, You’re an inspiration as a person. You’re always supportive and helpful with my grows. You have grown some really beautiful cannabis, and I know that it’s not just luck. It’s especially meaningful that you’ve worked to do so. Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
@TheFairyBudMother, thank you so much fairy. I really wish I had some deeper words here but again thank you
WhiteWidowcommented7 years ago
Hahaha rock on TEAM WOLFPACK! Only thing i didnt know is that you own a business, congrats and good luck with that. Cant wait to hear more about the tucker @Teamdirtbag2 haha altough we pretty much know everything about ourselves. I must state again that the purpose of group chat called WOLFPACK isnt conspiring for votes and likes, its about gathering people over the exact common interests, everyone is welcome and lets all just be very good friends all over the world 😎
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
Thank @WhiteWidow, your a wonderful person I'm very thankful that I can talk to you anytime even just to say hi. Keep up the LST buddy hahaha
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@WhiteWidow, really is a great group everyone is welcome everyone is so friendly!!!
couch_lockedcommented7 years ago
Great interview. I had been hesitant to read the master interviews, but now that I have I look forward to someone reaching master (self included lol) to read the interview. Just one more cool thing about this site. Getting the story behind the grower.I had kik at one point got rid of it because I had no use for it, but might have to check out the wolfpack. And I can't forget..... congrats @Bigpun!
couch_lockedcommented7 years ago
WhiteWidowcommented7 years ago
@couch_locked, try to find us on kik, if cant, add me whitewidow1992 and i will put you in
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
Hey thanks @couch_locked, Check with @WhiteWidow he knows the deal, hahaha he had to do some hand-holding to help me get on as well
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Ironlungscommented7 years ago
It’s been awesome getting to know you big! looking forward to our future chats and grows together! #WOLFPACK
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
Thanks @Ironlungs, i can just imagine The Three Stooges, you Brett and myself hahaha
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@Bigpun, Congrats on the Master Grower status 👊 I knew that you would make a great interview, but this is even better than i imaged. Love the story and i got to know a little more about you. And im glad that i could inspire you to try and grow CBD and hopefully this interview will make others to try it to. And finally i hope you will get better and that @growdiaries, will throw a hell of a party so the GD family could meet up for a great gathering. Im looking forward to your @Teamdirtbag2, interview.
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
@CBD_Sweden, thanks buddy like I told you privately it was all inspired by you. It was a little more difficult than I thought it was going to be but there I said it hahaha thanks for that CBD
Tazardcommented7 years ago
Gratz mate and great growing with you
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
Thanks @Tazard1, till death buddy
GardenOfHerbscommented7 years ago
congratz bigpun! i'm so glad i met you, you are the funniest dude ever! also an amazing grower that's always there to help out with other growers problems. i really apreciate you bud! one day we will smoke a PURE joint together 😋👊
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
@GardenOfHerbs, thank you very much Garden I really appreciate your kind words and your beautifully rolled joints. And if I have anything to say about it that'll be a one ounce pure joint. hahahahaha
Herbalizecommented7 years ago
Nice interview, it's really great to learn more about this big family,in addition to learning a lot about cannabis cultivation this website is really wonderful "Should GD organize a party? :)" .... Fuck yeah ! it could be really great to meet some of these crazy people 😀🙌 Peace and love guys 😘
Herbalizecommented7 years ago
@Tazard1, casino --> win --> free weed and food but with my luck .... ahahahah for the flights im good ,almost all my family works for a bigger french company 👌
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@Herbalize, flights there are cheap and if use casino perks hotels and food are cheap too!
Herbalizecommented7 years ago
@Tazard1, My dream 😍
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Teamdirtbag2commented7 years ago
Hey buddy. Nice interview, I'm sure I am unable to top that. You are 1 cool brother. I look forward to this party. Thanks for calling me out, I thought we were friends. Who wants to hear from a little Korean girl anyway.👊😎
Teamdirtbag2commented7 years ago
@Bigpun,hahahaha 👊😎
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
@Teamdirtbag2, hey thanks mang! Hahaha hey no worries bud, what are friends for hahaha
Tryhardcommented7 years ago
Now every one has said there part I now say mine congratulations my mang @bigpun couldn’t of earned it more your grows are awesome with out doubt your one liners are classics and I’m glad to of made a friend on this site I can chat to you easily come natural you never miss my updates I hope I don’t miss yours I try not 2 just a general nice guy all round and think the pack and most members on here would agree with me happy growing dude
Tryhardcommented7 years ago
@Bigpun,same here mate was a bit of loaner this sites got me interacting with some great people including your self
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
Thanks a lot @@Tryhard, I really appreciate it it means a lot to have people like you and everyone else around here to chat with every once in awhile it really makes a difference in my life.
Agedddcommented7 years ago
@Bigpun Interesting !! Every interview shows me how valuable cannabis is. I like to relax and enlighten my spirit with it, it helps me to sleep easily, but cant say i suffer something like that... Now im realising how much it helps to other people, like you, @CBD_Sweden and others.. Its a completely awesome plant in all senses. A pleasure to read !! Take care and good vibes !
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
@Ageddd, thanks bud, positive vibes from Montana and myself to you and yours
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@Ageddd, Thanks and take care and good vibes to you 2.
Squirrel_Mastercommented7 years ago
Nice to see a fellow Albertan here! 👊
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
@Squirrel_Master,hey that's awesome buddy 🇨🇦🍻
BigDaddyKcommented7 years ago
WhiteWidowcommented7 years ago
@BigDaddyK, you are still invited 🐥
biggreens420commented7 years ago
Congratulations nice interview keep up the top work bro
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
Thanks @biggreens420, I will try my best for sure
420_liquidsuncommented7 years ago
Congrats bro! You deserve this status,i am seeing your helpful comments almost everydiary in here.. and hey wolfpack! I can't be online on kik, cause working too hard, hope everything goes well bros&sis's! 👊🏼😎
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
@420_liquidsun, hey thanks buddy I try to help where I can. And if I can't help I'll definitely tell you something positive. Keep shining liquidsun
Book_of_Thothcommented7 years ago
Really cool to learn a bit about the members. I think it's very liberating to take the reigns of responsibility for our own medicine, and growing gives me a sense of purpose and pride in seeing my hard work growing and develop every day.
DeathEvilcommented7 years ago
Wow these interviews are such a good idea, feels like getting to know the family
XxxAutocommented7 years ago
Congratulations Master @Bigpun ✌️🏼
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
@XxxAuto,Thanks bud!!🍻
DabCrabcommented7 years ago
@Bigpun, I was so happy to see your master interview live. You are such a kind person and It's been a damn pleasure getting to know you man. You've been kicking butt and taking names growing and the community is a better place having you in it! Much love brother and keep up all the great work!
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
@DabCrab, thank you so much buddy I've had a blast on this site and I believe it was your comment when I first got here that really got me excited about growdiaries. You made me feel like i had a grip on what i was doing as I'm unsure about everything I do hahaha love to do a dab with ya one day mang!