
Interview with farmerbrett

Hi there, Family!

Who's been waiting for @farmerbrett to share his story with the community? We've reached out to him and asked a couple of questions about his life. Enjoy getting to know your community!

Q: Hey @farmerbrett, how are you doing today? What’s on your agenda?
A: I am good, thanks for asking. My agenda, Monday through Friday is always work, and work, and more work. They say I'm living the dream. Lol

Q: Where are you from? How old are you? Kids? Wives? What do you do for work?
A: I'm from Southern California, Orange County to narrow it down a bit. I was born here. I just recently turned the big 50...... but mentally I'm nowhere near that number.
Im a single father of a 14 year-old daughter, full time dad. It has been this way for 10 years now, and I don't see it changing. I'm a busy guy. I have never been married, went to court to fight for rights to my daughter. It was worth ever minute and every dime.
I'm a commercial plumbing contractor, I mainly build Restaurants, and Breweries. Right now I'm doing a restaurant remodel at a major theme park. You know the one with the mouse for a mascot. Work is good, so I won't complain. I've been plumbing since '92. It has really helped me understand water. It's really all I know.

Q: Do you travel a lot? What countries have you visited? Where do you want to go next?
A: At this time in my life, I really don't have the time or the money to travel. But I have been all over the world as a teen. China, Japan, Germany, the Caribbean, Mexico.. just to name a few. I also have lived all over the United States building restaurants. But home has always been Orange County. I'm actually ok with just staying home for now.

Q: When did you start growing weed? What was your first strain? How did it turn out?
A: I started growing for the first time in the summer of 1979. And I knew nothing, I actually watered my plant with gin and vodka mixed with water. I thought it would make it better. I also had to hide my plant on the roof of my mom's patio. I had no idea what I was doing. But there was little to no information on the subject. And the only seed available was bag seed. 
Things started to change when I found High Times Magazine in the early 80's. Monthly information on different subjects. This is the first time I ever thought about yield. And started to play with hydroponics growing in closets. And actually started forcing plants to flower, cloning etc. Don't forget driving 2 hours to get newts or anything I needed, and I was happy to do so. It was a whole new world. Ask Ed helped a lot back then. Along with Ed Rosenthal's book Marijuana Growers Guide (just a wealth of information for its time). And info from Marc Emery (the Prince of Pot) I started to understand what and why, at least I thought I did. 
From there it was pheno hunting from bag seed. For mother plants, and large room perpetual harvests. I still learn things with every grow. There is so much to see and understand. 
Nowadays there is so much info out there it is really amazing. Now I have my greenhouse to play in, and nothing beats the California Sun. I really enjoy growing trees. It has always been my passion.

Q: What’s you favourite strain to smoke? How do you take your weed?
A: I really don't have a favorite strain, I really like having a variety to choose from. 
Usually I just smoke small bowls out of a glass pipe. That's all it takes.... I like fresh hits.
Sometimes I'll eat edibles. But I find mine are a little strong. Lol
I also like making keif and hash once in a while. But lately I don't have any time. So my bucket sits.

Q:Would you like to work in the industry?
A: I would love to work in the industry. Really who wouldn't?? I would be listed here in California as a craft grower. The problem is craft growers are not recognized, and Despenceries will only give you a 1/4 of the value if you are lucky. At the moment its not a viable option. I'm a grower at heart. So to stay within the law, I choose to gift my extra to friends. And I have a lot of extra, and for some reason I have a lot of friends. Lol.

Q: How did you find GD?
A: I found Grow Diaries through Fast Buds. Talking to them through email, I was asked if I would like to make some diaries on some gifted seeds. So i checked it out and here I am.

Q: Have you made any friends here so far?
A: Yes I have made some friends, thanks to @WhiteWidow. I have met many friends, @CBD_Sweden @TheFairyBudMother @Bigpun @Tazard1 @Jeff123fish. And best of all my BFF @GardenOfAutos, we literally crack each other up. She is one awesome person. So glad I met all of these people. And @Ironlungs who I already knew and has helped me harvest monsters. Oh and one more @Tryhard but he wont talk to me anymore. And the long lost dabcrab, RIP.

Q: How do you see the future of GrowDiaries?
A: I see the future of Grow Diaries in a positive light. I have new diaries coming out, and maybe another tree come June. 
From the contests for growers to the recognition for the breeders, not to mention the beautiful pictures, sometimes unbelievably beautiful. 
There are so many possibilities out there for Grow Diaries. 

Q: Any final words?
A: I would like to hear @WhiteWidow's story, before he disappears into the sunset. That would be nice Victoria. Please  I would also like to Thank You and Grow Diaries for all the work that you people do. High Garden.....The best advice I can give is, always take clones of everything you sprout you never know what you may have. 

Where are you tryna go, Ww? Up for an interview? Thanks a lot for sharing your story with us, @farmerbrett


GD Team



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@Teamdirtbag2, gin and vodka 😄😄😄😄😄 Plants on a roof , omg ... it could probably be the only case where Cannabis can kill someone 😞
@Teamdirtbag2, 👊😎
@HerbalEdu, its life, At it's best. 👊😎
@Teamdirtbag2, hehe 😂😉 no worry nearlyy the same here 😅
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Great interview brett, thanks for sharing some of the knowledge you have with me. I have learned a lot from you. I look forward to seeing your future grows and can’t wait to help harvest this years tree @Teamdirtbag2
@Ironlungs,thanks brother, oh I can that was alot of work. This year I'm running late. I expect it won't get as big... lol
It cool @Teamdirtbag2 you and widow were the first two people I started to talk to I had my reasons @ironlungs on my case all time and you joining in but all is forgotten you are a good guy I hold no bad feeling towards you and wish you all the best on future grows family and work all them places you visited you have had a good life and wish you all the best with the rest peace and weed
@@Tryhard,I enjoyed talking and playing with you. I know there were times you got the better of me. I always wish you the best in everything you do brother. High @MISS_TRYHARD.
All I can say is, now that I have made a ton of other PSAs: if you ever get a chance to smoke @Teamdirtbag2’s weed, don’t plan on going anywhere. And by that I mean, leaving wherever you are sitting. Even it’s a sativa. You have been warned. Definitely don’t eat one if his edibles.
@TheFairyBudMother, Sounds like a friend i haven't met
@Jeff123fish, no seriously I made a video, after I had some of that Durban Poison Tree, where I was crying about how beautiful his weed is. I guess you can do some stuff like make an embarrassing video of yourself moved to tears about how incredible his weed is. I’ve seen video of how he makes edibles. I eat Korova 5150 bars. 500 mg THC in a decent size brownie. I eat one slowly over time, like, a month. I’m thinking a crumb of farmerbrett’s edibles would launch a person off the planet.
@TheFairyBudMother, I wish i could like this about 8 more times haha
Nice story Brett glad to hear more from the community man you got some serious experience and shows in your works all the best
Farmerbrett seriously rules here.He helped me a lot during my first ever grow,no complaning to my boring questions.I'm glad I came across this experienced,real deal grower in growdiaries.That's a nice interview and the portrait of a cool person
@909HighRoller,thanks ... I'll help you any way I can brother.
this is an amazing interview! i will print it out and hang it on my wall for sure! I'm super glad i met you and could not imagine waking up not talking to you anymore so lets hope you get a little older hahaha! and hopefully one day we meet
@GardenOfHerbs, yes let's hope for that BFF.
1 Dab for Mr. Crab 🙏😿
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 @Teamdirtbag2 nice story bro! Enjoyed a lot to get to know a bit more! 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻 Cheers take care!
@CANNASIM, cheers brother!!
it’s about time grow diaries.... I am pretty sure @Teamdirtbag2 was called out a long time ago.
Cool to hear your story @Teamdirtbag2 !! 😏 it is a pleasure to have such an old school grower here, appreciated a lot your advices last year, made me a better outdoor grower haha Take careee, thank you for sharing your knowledge here!!
@Ageddd, Are you gonna have something outside this year. Maybe I should check your diary. You're welcome any time no thanks necessary.👊
@Teamdirtbag2, great interview and interesting to get to know some new things about you.
@CBD_Sweden,thanks CBD
Another great story made me laugh 😀
@Fergie,it makes me laugh everyday.
Great interview brother. Hope you been freezing for the day you have time to make keif.
@Tazard,thanks taz
Bravo! Another awesome interview! I’m a plumber to!
@TeflonDonFarms, nice brother.
Great interview man! Keep it up! ✌️🏼
@420_liquidsun, thanks bro, I will.
@tryhard Why are you so soft?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha @WhiteWidow👊
Nice interview, I love reading these and learning a bit more about the community ;)
Did DabCrab really RIP? 😳
@TheFairyBudMother,He booted me too. But you are right. I do still talk to him, just not as often.
@Dabout, someone had the genius idea to make him a mod in the kik group. One day he made up a story about how all of us had colluded to “cyberbully” him with his favorite rant target here on GD. Projective identification, much? So he threw everyone, except I think, @Farmerbrett, out of the group. Which maybe says something about how likeable @Teamdirtbag2 is, but I think everyone in the group will vouch for that easily verifiable fact. Needless to say, a new crab free group existed before I even woke up and saw the shit show. I hope he is getting the help he needs, truly. Also a good PSA that if you’re getting paranoid that your buddies are out to get you, weed might not be the right thing for you, you’re smoking the wrong weed, or maybe it’s time to call that behavioral health hotline, or maybe all of the above. And perhaps the most relevant PSA is that it only takes one rotten crab to spoil a really great group. While he was definitely helpful at times and a pretty smart dude, he was pretty rude, and his attitude created a hostile vibe both here and in kik that I don’t miss. One loud, negative voice often overwhelms and suppresses many much more knowledgeable, friendly and helpful ones. It really wasn’t until he left that I felt comfortable asking for help in the group without fear of being judged and ridiculed, and my grow skills are benefiting because of that.
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