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Interview with Master biggreens420

Hi Growers,

I know you've missed the interviews. Master Grower with 18 beautiful Diaries has shared his story with us today. Please welcome, @biggreens420!

Q: Hello there. It's been a while since we've done an interview with a grower. Are you excited about the opportunity to share your life story with the community?

A: Yes I'm very excited and happy about the opportunity of sharing my story with the awesome community we have going on here thanks for asking me ?

Q: Please tell us about yourself. Where are you from? How legal is it to grow cannabis there? What's your favorite stoner movie and food?

A: .I'm a male even though some people think I'm a female I choose not to correct lol I'm a family Guy with missus and kids. I working in the construction industry I'm from the UK so obviously it's not legal here yet... hopefully we will be making progress sometime in the near future as cbd is becoming legal and there making a product called sativex from cannabinoids which should only do good for favorite stoner movie has got to be Friday trilogy and I love all sweets I have a real sweet tooth especially jelly's and chews

Q: How did you start growing? Does your family know about it?

A: I started growing because I got fed up of paying For medication and people wanting ridiculous money for something I can do myself so I started of By following a guy called growpotcheaply from YouTube I watched what he did did lots of research and decided what was the best for me and proceeded with my first grow the 4 autos ...some of my family know most do not... prefer it that way...

Q: How did you find out about GrowDiaries?

A: I found out about grow diaries looking for my next strain to grow saw all the documentation and awesome diaries so started looking before I knew it I was uploading my own grow diaries.

Q: You are a regular on the site. 5 month, 18 Diaries. Have you made any friends so far? How much do you spend on the site on average?

A: yes I would say I'v made lots of friends here I talk to a very lot of people always spreading the positive vibes and trying to help people out with there grows while Learning more along the way myself i love being involved in this awesome community...I spend a lot of time on here lol I don't know how much but I don't do Facebook or game console and I don't or drink lol so that's my excuse

Q: What do you like about the site and what you'd like to be changed/improved ?

A: I like everything about the site how you can search for specific breeders, nutes, lights,grow technique how you guys bring us growers the breeders nutrient manufacturer all together so we can share info and learn from each other not to mention the awesome competitions and sponsors you guys organise there's nothing I can think of I would change it's great

Q: Do you ever buy weed? Do you sell? What's a fair price for a gram, in your opinion?

A: yeah I still have to buy weed now and then not that often now though..I never sell anything I grow is for personal use only and if I grow with someone we split 50/50..where I'm from it's roughly a gram for 10 which in my opinion is shocking.

Q: What's your most favourite strain to smoke and to grow? How do you prefer your weed? When do you think it will be legalized in your country?

A: My favorite strain to smoke is gorilla from royal queen seeds (hear that, @James?) I've smoked for roughly 15year and she's the best for me. and to grow I would say northern lights auto from royal queen seeds as it grew buds like arms and it was my first grow I was really happy with her.i prefer flower preferably indica although a lot of hybrids have been surprising me and joints no bong or dabs old school spliff for me will happen it's just when I don't have a clue soon hopefully.

Q: Anything else you'd like to say to the community and to the GD team?

A: Yeah I would like to thank all my followers and friends we make this site what it is let's keep the good vibes going u guys at grow diaries keep doing what your doing awesome job u guys do and I love it happy growing guys

Q: Whom should we interview next?

A: I would like @Tistou, @Hawkbo or @BudKingsGrow to be interviewed next.

Couldn't you just pick one, @biggreens420? JK Let's do a group interview, guys?

@biggreens420, thank you so much for sharing this information with us! We are very happy to have you in the Family! Keep on Growing!


GD Team


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biggreens420commented7 years ago
@growdiaries I couldn't just pick one I talk to too many interesting people lol happy growing guys
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented7 years ago
Absolutely true for the Royal Gorilla. The strain has been stabilized by a skilled hand 👍
BigDaddyKcommented7 years ago
Hi , nice to hear your story , if you believe that everything in the universe is connected , i enjoy beer bottles , not something I can easily find anymore , great interview , all the best bro 👍
Magnetous_trykocommented7 years ago
@BigDaddyK, come to Belgium mate, almost only bottles here! 😉
BigDaddyKcommented7 years ago
@biggreens420,beer bottles are like cola bottles
biggreens420commented7 years ago
Thanks @BigDaddyK, I don't quite get that one lol
TinyGreenscommented7 years ago
Nice to know a little about you! Happy growings
Fergiecommented7 years ago
Awesome stuff loving this new concept 😀
Tryhardcommented7 years ago
Great stuff bro only the otherday i was thinking why they not done a interview in a while so it was a nice shock to come on see a fresh journal even more so when I seen it was you loved reading it bro also got some Candy Kush from royal queen seeds I will send you a congratulations bud has a celebration great grower keep up the good work @biggreens420
biggreens420commented7 years ago
@Sillyasswhitedude, thanks bro much appreciated
Sillyasswhitedudecommented7 years ago
@biggreens420,im glad that @GrowDiaries brought back the interviews man here too so I haven't been on here much lately...but wanted to stop in and say nice interview!!!!
Tryhardcommented7 years ago
@biggreens420,bro it’s nice to read these things find out a bit more about people like I didn’t know you were a family man I am my self
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Tazardcommented7 years ago
Congratulations grandmaster @biggreens420
biggreens420commented7 years ago
@Tazard,thanks brother 👍
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@biggreens420, you’ve certainly earned it great growing
biggreens420commented7 years ago
@Tazard,grandmaster? Lol didn't even realize it nice one brother💪
Tazardcommented7 years ago
Nice interview and I will not ma’am you again 😂
biggreens420commented7 years ago
@TheFairyBudMother,thanks fairy sorry to let the side down lol
TheFairyBudMothercommented7 years ago
@biggreens420,I know I feel so disillusioned that you’re not a woman! But I still very much appreciate your friendship here.
biggreens420commented7 years ago
@Tazard,lol no problem brother
WhiteWidowcommented7 years ago
Bravo amigo 😎💪
biggreens420commented7 years ago
BudKingsGrowcommented7 years ago
An amazing Interview! Congrats on the Master Status @biggreens420 - Although belated lol! 👍
biggreens420commented7 years ago
@BudKingsGrow,nice one brother
HLG_Israelcommented7 years ago
Great interview, really nice of you to share with us a bit from your life much respect 👏
biggreens420commented7 years ago
@HLG_Israel,thanks 😀 and no problem I enjoy being involved in this awesome community 💪
Herbalizecommented7 years ago
the return of interviews yesss! it's really great to learn more about the community, I love it 😃 nice to meet you @biggreens420 and bravo 👏
biggreens420commented7 years ago
@Herbalize,no problem bro and thanks💪
PigBearMancommented7 years ago
Haha, congrats 4 the interview. Some nice quotes in there I swear. 😅👍
biggreens420commented7 years ago
@PigBearMan, thanks bro
Magnetous_trykocommented7 years ago
Great interview, thanks! Always nice to step into virtual character's real life!
Rickscommented7 years ago
Well done biggreens nice interview, I understand you fully as I now know we're from the same place prices are ridiculous bro, keep up the good work
Floresdejesuscommented7 years ago
Haha! Big greens hard not to well...think...nevermind 😉! Aweome read hope you guys get your freedom to grow soon!
biggreens420commented7 years ago
@Floresdejesus,can u message what u mean my friend
TOTEMcommented7 years ago
@biggreens420 is that happy and positive guy that welcomed me when I joined GD. Since then, he’s always been present with his encouraging comments! Such a great person 🙌
biggreens420commented7 years ago
@TOTEM, thanks brother good vibes happy growing💪
Xxxxxcommented7 years ago
Big up
drzoidbergcommented7 years ago
almost forgot to comment and say nice interview i enjoy watching your grows
ScotlandDrGreen420commented7 years ago
Great interview mate , great to see another UK grower going u dear the radar haha I salute you.....