
Interview with PharmaZ

Q: Hi there, PhramaZ! How are you doing today? Tell us about your day. How old are you and where are you from? Married with kids? What did you study and what do you do for living? What are your hobbies besides growing?What’s your favorite desert? How do you spend you free time?
A: Hey, I’m doing great thanks! I actually started a new job today. It’s good job and I’m happy but unfortunately it prevents me from getting high all day... but not all night ;) I’m going to be a bit cryptic about where I’m from... it’s a land of dragons, leeks and yellow daffodils. I’m married with a 2 year old son, sorry ladies haha. I haven’t done much studying since school just a bit of I.T. My hobbies are Gaming, traveling and sleep (I work pretty hard). I’m not really a desert lover but I could polish off a whole NYC Cheesecake in under a minute, now I’m hungry. I spend as much time as I can with my son, he’s a daddy’s boy and doesn’t like me going to tend to my grow so I try to do it strictly when he’s in bed. But sometimes that can’t always happen, and for that I feel guilty whenever I’m tending to my plants if he’s awake.

Q: When did you start growing? Did it turn out well? Who was helping you and where were you learning the information about growing from?
A: My first grow I was age 17, I’m 30 now, it was in an abandoned garden center... me and my friend planted 20 seeds in a greenhouse and that summer was a good one, so that’s when I got my green fingers I suppose. After that it was in various spots in my area and then in houses, never in my house until I was a little older. At first didn’t do much reading on how to grow it was something that was taught to me by older friends and relatives. But then many years later when I started indoors it was a requirement to some reading as we all know there are a few risks involved. Now information is so widely available, I even read somewhere that the most available information on the net of any species of plant is about cannabis, sounds true right!... tbc

Q: What are you planning to grow next? Do you get a lot of free seeds by being here?
A: I’ve got a bit of selection, I definitely want a chance at that iPhone FastBuds, it is an impressive company and I don’t need free seeds from them to tell you that, I’ve bought my fair share and I’m sure other will agree with that last statement! I’m also going to pop in a Sour Stomper I won here on GD so thank you all for that prize!! Yes I do get free seeds from being here and I am very appreciative of that, I’m just a hobbyist grower so to be given a chance to “try before you buy” it is a great opportunity! GrowDiaries created that opportunity for me so I will always be a supporter of this platform and it’s success!

Q: What’s your favorite evening smoke? How do you take your weed? Any favorite strains you can name?
A: I'm slowly finishing my Sugar Black Rose I grew in soil using only grow caps and water. Grower error for sure, I’m not at all impressed with how it turned out, tbh I had some issues in the summer months. Aside from the yield and PH problems the Sugar Black Rose is some tasty stuff and it really does knock you out! But I do have some GSC drying now so that will be replaced very shortly ;) mmmmm cookies hehe. For favorites it’s got to be AK47 and Skunk IMO they give you everything you need from weed.

Q: Do you sell weed or grow for personal use only? What's a fair price per gram, in your opinion? If you could, would you consider selling weed? Do you ever think of working in cannabis industry?
A: No way, I don’t sell anything. I do trade it every now and then... personal and medicinal. Fair price per gram is an honest price, if it’s commercial rubbish don’t try and “sugar coat” it saying it’s high grade. My plan is in the future if legality permits me, to own my own place. I like the idea of owning a dispensary or a coffee shop. I was considering taking a trip out to the US maybe meet some people try and get a job trimming I’ve got experience... anyone? haha JK

Q: How did you find out about GrowDiaries? Are you treated well? Is there anything you’d like to be changed? Any ideas that you'd like to share with us?
A: It’s been to many joints to remember how I found this wonderful place, sorry. I’m treated very well here everyone is great! I would add an option for specific feeding plans in more of a chart format I know most of us feed/water our plants more times than one per week, this feed could be different every time. It could be confusing but you’ve got the website wizards to get it done haha

Q: Who’d you consider the best growers of GD? Who was the most help to you? Do you think there is a way to improve ‘Grow Question’ feature?
A: there are many best growers on here, I’ve learnt a lot from @Hawkbo he has guided me down the coco route as smoothly as possible. I’m pretty happy with my results considering all my F ups, so thanks dude. Also special mention to @DudeGrowsWeed of course! @Tripaholic88, @BigDaddyK, @Tazzard, @ExperimentGREEN, @Gibby_tha_3rd, @Beans, the list goes on.
Improve the grow question, I know it’s a big part of GrowDiaries and must be some stress for you guys... I don’t know if this has been suggested already but if we make it so all of the participating answers are invisible until the grower selects the question of choice know one knows who’s answered what you wouldn’t have any way to just regurgitate a perfectly suitable answer to the question.

Q: What direction should GrowDiaries take? How do you see its future?
A: I can’t really comment on where I think GD is going. I totally agree with the advertising material and think it’s nice and minimalistic, especially when someone is growing an interesting strain you offer links to buy seeds, that’s awesome!

Q: Who should we interview next?
I think @ExperimentGREEN is due for an interview!

Q: Any final words?
A: Last words are a quote my dad told me once, one I need to follow more often “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” - Epictetus


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Top interview bud , good reading πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
@MissFlowerPower420, cheersπŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ‘πŸΌ
Awesome interview!!! Take care of that boy @pharmaz as you know he should always come first.
@Tazard, cheers brother! he does of course, it’s a paradox when you have kids, you don’t want them to see you gardening but you’re helping someone at the same time...
Echo all above dude. Good to learn a bit about you and I too can appreciate the guilt factor of gardening vs. Kid time. That said - the plants always seem to wait patiently until we’re done πŸ˜‰. Looking forward to seeing your next one πŸ‘πŸ‘Š
nice interview πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜‰πŸ‘
@Joni2017, cheers brotherπŸ‘ŠπŸ»
Good hearing about you! Cheers!
@Horantu, πŸ™πŸ»
I love your interview... and you have some awesome grows!
@Lady_NugWitch, cheers, you too :)πŸ‘πŸΌ
Nice interview @PharmaZ. Thanks for the special mention! πŸ˜ƒ
@DudeGrowsWeed, no problemo bro!πŸ‘ŠπŸ»
Great interview @PharmaZ - you’ve certainly helped me a couple times πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘ŠπŸ»
@@TheWeedMan, Cheers manπŸ‘ŠπŸ»
Cool interview mate @PhamaZ πŸ‘ You helped me a lot and i love your diaries 😘😁
@KrautFabrik, Thank you for your kind words, anytimeπŸ‘ŠπŸ»
Cool interview ;) good to get to you know a bit better
As a single dad and grower this interview spoke greatly to me. I too find it hard to leave my boy when he’s awake if my girls need attention. I try and always look after them when he sleeps. Great interview and read. Looking forward to more great content here on GD. I hope maybe one day I’ll get interviewed πŸ˜³πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ Much respect to @PharmaZ
@Dadasgrow, Hey Dadas thanks for sharing! I can only imagine how difficult it would be on my own, you be πŸ’ͺ
Very nice brother ✌️πŸ”₯πŸ’¨
@Mitchell_Grows_Ganja, cheers broπŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ‘ŠπŸ»
Nice interview mate! Cheers for your father's quote!! πŸ’ͺ
Kick ass man nice interview ! Keep up the hard work at your new job and keep up the hard work here on the GD :)
Thanks for the shot out man! Just saw your interview, I'm behind on my online life lol. Congratulations!
Nice interview bud! I agree that the feeding schedule part needs to be changed, not only that but suited for hydro grows as well as soilless or ph'd basin to x and topped off with y amount of h20, or watered with nutrients and created a 20% runoff.
πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘ Nice interview dude