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Interview with MASTER GROWER DabCrab

What's up precious people! 

All together we have harvested so many Master Growers this month that I am thinking of quitting GD and becoming a professional interviewer! Just Kiddin' :) Please raise your joints to health of @DabCrab, the most popular Master Grower of all times! He's started GrowDiaring only 3 month ago, and look at this, he is already a Master Grower, Grower of the Month, Community Caretaker, Fighter for Justice, Wolfpacker, and a heartbreaker (back off ladies, he has a gf). Go read what he has to say, family! And don't forget to congaratulate your fellow in the comments section below! 

Q: What's crabalackin' @DabCrab? Tell us about yourself. Who are you? What do you do? Where are you from? What's your favorite band? Do you have a girlfriend? ;)

A: Hey everyone! I’m so honored to be interviewed by the community here. Thanks you all for having me!  My name is Tom. I’m a 25 year old horticulture student here in Colorado. I raise bunnies and longboard in my spare time (Actual downhill and standup slides, not just cruising) I’m originally from Missouri and I got out of there the first chance I could. I had been coming to Colorado since I was 8 to ski and Ect. so it just seemed right to go to the place where I felt most comfortable. The fact the pot is legal here was a very nice added bonus.  My favorite bands would probably have to be a hard three way tie between Tool, Deftones and older Metallica. I’m a happily spoken for man. I’m engaged to my soulmate whom I met the week after I turned 21 at a St. Patricks day celebration in the boonies of Missouri. 

Q: When and why did you start growing weed?

A: Oh gosh. I started growing weed before I even began smoking it. When I was 14 I hung out with the ‘stoner’ kids. I didn’t smoke then but I was heavily immersed in the culture. My good friends brother grew in his shed so I had the privilege of being around plants at a very young age. I grew every seed I found which were few and far between since my friends always had the seedless ‘Kind Bud’. I really didn’t actually take doing it seriously until I was 19. I came out to Colorado to go to an electronic music festival and I bought myself an ounce of Strawberry cough from a guy I had been chatting with on reddit for some time. I found 1 seed and I just knew it was meant to be. I took her back home to ‘Misery’ and grew her in a cabinet with two 45 watt LED bulbs. I got an ounce off of her and I just knew that I wanted nothing more than to grow. I grew a few more random plants from un-named seeds over the following years until about two years ago when I made the move out here to Colorado. The second I unpacked I started making friends and frequenting the seed banks, clone shops and dispensaries around me. After sampling some of the products from the legal recreational dispensaries out here I found myself just a slight bit disappointed. I decided that with a bit of help from some friends I’ve made in forums over the years as well as delving back into school I could help myself grow a better product for my personal use. Thats where you find myself now. I wish to one day actually work in the industry once I learn enough for someone to decide I’m worth training as their official apprentice. It started for fun and now I hope to one day run a legal operation. I want to pay tons of taxes and give people jobs one day from this so wish me luck!

Q: When did you join GrowDiaries? What do you have to say about the project?

A: I joined GrowDiaries a little over three months ago. I had however been following the site for well over a year before I decided to post my own content. I heard about you guys through reddit and some other forums by people highly recommending the wealth of community knowledge you have posted on here. I think you guys are doing an amazing job here with your ‘project’. You all have literally made a Weed growers Facebook here. No one is doing anything remotely like what you guys have going on with your website; most importantly no one has the content you guys and gals do. You are a unique gem shining brightly on the industry setting a new standard for how recreational content should be posted and shared. Kudos! 

Q: What's Wolfpack? Are you conspiring?

A: Rule #1 about Fight Club is you don’t talk about Fight Club. (Just kidding) So the Wolfpack was started by White Widow. It’s a Kik messenger group where about 16 of us all got together to privately help one another out with problems we all feel embarrassed posting about on here. Like when someones leaves get burned to all heck, bugs/mold. or if we are having lighting issues. Mostly it’s sharing recipes for cooking, showing off where we live and travel, talking about unspeakable things. It’s a collection of a great group of us from all around the globe. We all met on GrowDiaries because we were all doing something similar or jealous of one another and wanted a few pointers. Basically we are just all a bunch of people who wouldn’t know one another without your fantastic platform. We in no way shape or form conspire with one another. Most of us actually refused to tell each other who we all voted for in the last contest to keep things interesting and fair. We don’t ask each other for likes or votes, just personal input. We just wanted a place to chat offline and all together at once with immediate issues in case we walk into a grow rooms and find something horribly wrong happening.

Q: Do you grow for personal use only?

A: I grow for my own personal needs and the sense of personal accomplishment. It’s like having your own vegetable garden. I know it’s easier to go down to the store and by my own veggies. In most situations it’s cheaper to do so actually. There is just no better feeling than slicing into a tomato that you grew yourself. It’s even better when it’s your own bud. It’s all about it being your own. My current endeavor is breeding my own strain to try and make something unique for myself and my friends. 

Q: What was your best harvest ever?

A: Oh gosh. I’d have to say last year I pulled in 10 ounces off a few plants. I’ve never even tried growing for yield until this year. LightAddict’s Fluxing manual is what I intend to follow next. My current diary of my custom Ahsoka Tano is where I’m practicing a version of it while I breed the final version of my new strain. He’s got a book coming out soon that describes his compact training methods and high stress training methods for high yields in small spaces. He’s the guy I want to emulate. My goal is to get 1 pound per meter squared by the end of next year and I believe by following his methods I’ll be able to achieve that.

Q: Do you consider yourself a pro grower? Would you want to work in the industry? 

A: I don’t consider myself a professional in any manor. I consider myself to be a novice with a very high learning curve. I’m absorbing everything I can so that I can one day be considered skilled enough to be hired as someones apprentice. Although sadly I’d have to leave the site if I became an industry professional, it’d be my dream.

Q: How long do you think we have to wait for worldwide legalization? 

A: I feel like theres no way to answer this question without injecting a healthy bit of conspiracy theory, Illuminati references and talking about the New world order. I will say it probably will never happen but I do have a strong feeling that in the next 10 - 15 years so many states here in the USA will have voted it in as legal our federal government will have no choice but to acknowledge it’s benefits both medically and spiritually.

Q: Are you keen of the idea at all? Some believe that decriminalization is a better way to do it, considering corporations taking over the business, and local farmers struggling through the competition.

A: While I can’t speak on to well on the geopolitical and economic factors of how the industry would function if things were to go fully legal I consider the idea of legalization to be a no brainer. It’s a must. The medicinal benefits of cannabis have been well known by private citizens and the government since the early 1900’s. Only though propaganda and personal greed was cannabis ever made illegal in the first place. I’m proud to say that in the last year the US government has acknowledged the medicinal benefits of cannabis to treat cancer as well as the benefits of CBD for everything from seizures to bone density loss. I believe the world will be a better place when we can all grow our cures to our ailments in our closets and not have to pay the pharmaceutical companies our entire life savings just to feel better. 

Q: Is there anything you would like to add?

A: The only thing I’d like to add is give me a job!!!!!! (I’m kidding, but not really) Your company is doing fantastic things for the recreational and medical industry where it is both legal and where it’s not. This site has helped so many people learn how to grow themselves their own clean medicine without having to worry about where their money is going. I hope that one day I’m lucky enough to help even a sliver of the people who’s lives you’ve changed thanks to this platform. Thank you and God bless!

 Hell yeah, @DabCrab! Continue on with the purple Diaries and send us your CV! 




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ClubRiotcommented8 years ago
Hello, congratulations for the title! The only thing we have in common everyone on the site is that green smoke. This can get us closer to the site where there is not the main struggle for survival. Everybody wants to be the best or always the first but I do not think this is a reason to argue. Always the best one will be seen by those around, no need to say it. The group is something different from the site, there is talk about anything, not just smoke. People put pictures of their pets, their holidays, their free moments. It is a group where you can post educational information about cultivation, but it is also a place where you can speak anything. Everyone on this site is doing good work and we all have a lot to learn, so whoever comes up with something new is good for the rest of the community. The best regards for my friends! Sorry for mistakes but it's not my basic language. 👍💪👌 @DabCrab @CBD_Sweden @@@@@@@@Tryhard_grower_grower_grower_grower_grower_grower @JUNGLE_B4RNS @BigDaddyK @WhiteWidow @CANNASIM @GardenOfHerbs
CANNASIMcommented8 years ago
@ClubRiot, 👊🏻👊🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻
DabCrabcommented8 years ago
@ClubRiot, Thanks you so much for your wishes Club! I'll blaze one to that :D Cheers!
Tryhardcommented8 years ago
I think this all silly we should support each other but dab crab well done it's very well deserved mate I'm buzzing for you mate top grower top fella
DabCrabcommented8 years ago
@@Tryhard, Thanks for the wishes friend :D You are the real top fella :D Cheers!
CBD_Swedencommented8 years ago
@DabCrab, Congratulations to your Master Title, I think you deserve it and that you do a good job here at GD and are very helpful to fellow growers and possess the knowledge necessary to benefit GD and all the members. For my part, I am very pleased with everyone that have had a master title at GD and all the help I have received during my time here. Happy growing to all and i hope all get massive harvests and delicious buds to enjoy.
DabCrabcommented8 years ago
@CBD_Sweden, Thank you very much CBD. I can't wait to learn more so that I can be even more knowledgable and help even more people with the issues I'm not to familiar with currently. I hope you too pull in massive harvests of the dankest nugs :D
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented8 years ago
@BigDaddyK, @DabCrab, I feel like in the old time in a old town in the far far west guys ....
BigDaddyKcommented8 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS,well at least he would turn up at dawn
BigDaddyKcommented8 years ago
I don't understand why you need another group , @GrowDiaries is all one family here , I have at least 100 people pm me on here for help , #onefamily
WhiteWidowcommented8 years ago
@BigDaddyK, its because world is filled with douchebags and the best way to keep them of your skin is not to start a relationship with them in any manner. I apologise for even talking to you, enjoy the life mate.
BigDaddyKcommented8 years ago
@WhiteWidow,sounds a real happy non negative vibe you got going on there 👍 Is this because I said no ?
WhiteWidowcommented8 years ago
@BigDaddyK, zero times bro. Why?
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Tazardcommented8 years ago
@dabcrab, congratulations I'm still a noob but am very experimental trying IR burst at dawn/dusk and increasing light hours during flower for larger flowers. And using monster cropping (flowering clones) method with super crop defoliation and scrog goal is 6-8 oz per plant.
DabCrabcommented8 years ago
@Tazard1, You've lost me. lolol
Tazardcommented8 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, maybe you should add a modifier for light per day? Like maybe 12= 1, 13= 1.075 and maybe 14=1.15. Just guessing on those.
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented8 years ago
@Tazard1, @DabCrab, Yield is based on lights folks ☝️ The equation is simple: Lights Watts x Plant Health % x Plant Watts % = Yield For example you can't get 600gr. with 400w lights. Or you can't get 600gr. with a 600w light with sick shitty plants . The choice of the strain is very important, you must choose an XL family or a Commercial Strain. What is called Plant Watts is the size of your plant that you need to fill up those squares meters. i.e: 600w x 100% healthy plant x 100% amount of light coverage full = 600gr. now 600w x 50% healthy plant x 50% of light coverage used = dick yield
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JUNGLE_B4RNScommented8 years ago
Just build it and they will come ! (Good old film) If you pay good money ( $1500/month+unlimited smoke😅), I will come 👍😉 Congrats 🎉🍾🎊🎈
DabCrabcommented8 years ago
@WhiteWidow, I bet you would, lol. You'd actually get to spend that 1150 on something other than smoke. 😂😂😂
WhiteWidowcommented8 years ago
@DabCrab, i will work for 1150 a month plus limited smokes 😎
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented8 years ago
@DabCrab,haha, it's always the same, Wayne's World has borough this sentence from Field Of Dream (1989).
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WhiteWidowcommented8 years ago
Bro @DabCrab you really put yourself into it. Haha i learned more about you here than in our conspiracy group Wolfpack.. 😂😂 Everyone sociable is welcome, as i have sent invites to several oder wonderful growers, also feel free to contact me to add you to the group :)
DabCrabcommented8 years ago
@WhiteWidow, I don't know man, you give me a dang good run for my money with jokes. Just when I think I've nailed it you come in with a nail gun and really give it to them. lol
WhiteWidowcommented8 years ago
@DabCrab, comma comma comma comma comma comedian 😂😂 You rock dude, pleasure to meet you and share different moments with you as well as with the whole Wolfpack team 😎👋
GardenOfHerbscommented8 years ago
@WhiteWidow, hahaha 👏would love to get to know more of our fellow growers in the wolfpack👊
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GardenOfHerbscommented8 years ago
@Dabcrab 👊👊 very nice interview! Well said about our wolfpack! Im so happy i joined and that you have helped me out with my grows, not to mention i made friends from all around the world Keep it up dab! 👌👏👊
DabCrabcommented8 years ago
@GardenOfHerbs, Don't mention it buddy :D It's all about kinship and actually helping each other with real problems so we can all post pretty pictures and make this site better!
BigDaddyKcommented8 years ago
Maybe it's time for me to post these messages from @Dabcrab , then we can see what everyone thinks ,also my comments are helpful and direct , if you want to start insulting and being rude , it's hardly a 'fun' group is it ? You know the messages you sent me , the ones I screenshotted before you deleted them
MUDBUGcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow,Ahhhhhh the good ol days 😂😂😂😂😂
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@mudbug he did it first 😂
BigDaddyKcommented8 years ago
@DabCrab,how about a dance off , you know I show you my moves , you show me yours , we could make a little video 🦀
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DaGrowQueencommented8 years ago
Hey congratulations @DabCrab I really like your story.
WhiteWidowcommented8 years ago
@DaGrowQueen, yeah sure thing, if you decide to do so i would be happy to host another girl and an awesome grower :)
DabCrabcommented8 years ago
@DaGrowQueen, New friends growing unique genetics and doing different things is exactly what we love in the Wolfpack! :D Plus it'll be nice to have another LED grower hanging out so we can all compare products with more input :D Message @WhiteWidow to join :D
DaGrowQueencommented8 years ago
You're very welcome @DabCrab,& thx a bunch for the invite.
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Toninocommented8 years ago
Great job keep it up !! Great article.
Toninocommented8 years ago
@DabCrab,thanks just harvested the first two 😉
DabCrabcommented8 years ago
@Tonino, Thank you very much for your kind wishes :D I liked your CBD cheese! Cheers!
hosebo0oycommented8 years ago
@dabcrab well done dude 👌👏👏👏
DabCrabcommented8 years ago
@hosebo0oy, Thanks buddy :D
XxxAutocommented7 years ago
Congratulations master @DabCrab ✌️🏼
TheFairyBudMothercommented7 years ago
BigDaddyKcommented7 years ago
Cheater , again
DabCrabcommented7 years ago
Sad sad pathetic man.
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
@DabCrab, good growing mate!
DabCrabcommented7 years ago
@Bigpun, Hey, you too buddy. I like your cheese :D
CANNASIMcommented8 years ago
Congrats @DabCrab cool interview! 👊🏻👊🏻👍🏻👍🏻 All the best! Happy growing
DabCrabcommented8 years ago
@CANNASIM, Thank you for the kind wishes buddy. I greatly enjoyed your interview as well. Happy growing to you as well :D Cheers!
BigDaddyKcommented8 years ago
Press the chat button then
GardenOfHerbscommented8 years ago
@BigDaddyK, you can not chat in A GROUP on here thats the point of the group. What the hell is the problem anyway? Everybody can join and talk IN PEACE about our lives! No negative energy! If you want to chat here with all of your friends than do so. We like to talk in GROUP
bobo420commented7 years ago
Great interview @DabCrab, love the taste in music ;)