The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

New Feature Alert: Photo Uploads in Comments Are Here!

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Added 11 March 2025


Short video about the update:


We’re excited to introduce a highly requested feature that makes sharing your growing journey easier than ever—photo uploads in the comment section!

Now, on all the pages with comments, including Strains and Diaries, you can add images directly to your comments. Whether you're documenting your latest grow cycle or adding visual context to a discussion, this update helps make conversations more engaging and informative.

Using it is simple:

1. Scroll to the comment section

2. Click the paperclip icon

3. Upload your photo and post your comment


That’s it! Connect with fellow growers, enhance your discussions, and bring your grow journal to life with photos. Give it a try today!

Happy growing!


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resi_maxcommented17 days ago
@Roberts, agreed. I had to stop using this site for my diaries because of how broken it is.
Robertscommented19 days ago
I wish they would focus on making the site work, instead of constantly changing the way it looks.
resi_maxcommented17 days ago
@Roberts, agreed. I had to stop using this site for my diaries because of how broken it is.
yan402commented19 days ago
@Roberts, I agree but it's a feature that I wanted to see for a while now, it helps when one wants to show exactly what he is talking about. See you around growmie ✌️
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Xabiicommented19 days ago
Well, what is more important? Fixing some of the bugs that are present for years or adding media to comments 👌
Comment by Xabii photo #1
resi_maxcommented12 days ago
@GrowDiaries, visible to growers? Come on. I've reported over a dozen bugs over the last two years, and not a single one was fixed, and this latest release adds very visible bugs that make this site non-functional in the most fundamental of ways. Heck, I can't even create a new diary unless I tick just the righ boxes, boxes that don't apply to my grow at all.
Xabiicommented17 days ago
@GrowDiaries, then why is the most liked comment under this blog post the one that says "I wish they would focus on making the site work, instead of constantly changing the way it looks." ?
GrowDiariescommented17 days ago
@Xabii, We're doing both, it's just that bugfixes are usually not visible to growers, unless something was reeeally broken.
AsNoriucommented19 days ago
Damn, i will use option an ask how is this possible ????? Maybe slow down with updates and firstly put platform into normal rhythm again ? Please !
Comment by AsNoriu photo #1
GrowDiariescommented17 days ago
@00110001001001111O, Thanks to your passion to our platform. We will fix the issues with the stats/math you've described as well as the comments issue (which is obviously as important for us as it is for you). In case you'll find something else that bothers you - please let us know here or via e-mail:
GrowDiariescommented17 days ago
@AsNoriu, Please let us know if it's fixed (should be). We are making sure this issue won't appear in the future. If there is something else we need to pay attention to - please let us know!
00110001001001111Ocommented18 days ago
@AsNoriu, bwahah like counts diary counts follower counts sorting of comments disappearing comments when you sort photoperiod/autoflower % Yield metrics - g/sq ft, g/play etc is some sort of retard math. cursor not in text box when you click reply - though they have fixed pasting the "@username" at least et al... Basically anything as simple as counting or sorting is not done correctly, and it's terribly easy stuff to fix. Basic math? forget about it, lol. I do think the like counts are working again even if not seen on the profile page. The increment at which they update is monthly at the moment, I beleive. You can see rarely change on the grower list, which had been frozen until recently and seems to be frozen again, hence my guess at being a monthly increment... time will tell. Will say in their defense, this "feature" is not something that was difficult to implement and would not impede any real effort (not assuming there is one) to fix existing bugs. People can walk and chew gum at the same time... well, most people can. The bottom 1/3rd probably struggles with such things.
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Shinsimillacommented18 days ago
You are painting the walls on a house that is burning down. Your priorities are really weird...add the most useless feature and ignore the huge issues.
GrowDiariescommented18 days ago
@Shinsimilla, This is a feature that was requested by many growers before. It also doesn't take much production time, so it does not affect the speed of bugfixing that much. If you have some particular huge issue in mind, please describe it in more detail or send us an email to
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NoProbation4Weedcommented19 days ago
Wastent91commented19 days ago
Wow sounds great! Wonderfoul works! But please restore the likes button encounter, beacuz its a pleasure to grow and became, master granmaster, guru etc.. But its all a great work this social change my entire life! 👍💪😸💚💚💕
GrowDiariescommented17 days ago
@Wastent91, Thanks, glad you liked it! You can still become guru, grandmaster and so on - the likes counter is simply omitted now. While the feeling of progression through the ranks is nice, not everyone likes that it's tied to just the likes counter. We'll keep collecting feedback (keep it coming 👍) to see what we should do about this.
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00110001001001111Ocommented18 days ago
@Wastent91, But we need to rename "guru as "botmaster" or "king of mashing like buttons." just a bunch of self-fellation
Abendkrautcommented19 days ago
Comment by Abendkraut photo #1
mftexans420toocommented17 days ago
My life right now! Oh I love it!
Comment by mftexans420too photo #1
freezeframepleasecommented18 days ago
Nice feature!.
MaestroBudcommented18 days ago
So Nice :D Perfect :D :D :D
Red_Rockst4rcommented19 days ago
Super nice :-) Thanks!
00110001001001111Ocommented17 days ago
@Red_Rockst4r, I'm a big fan.
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Red_Rockst4rcommented17 days ago
@00110001001001111O, i guess it is what it is. But girls rules the world!
00110001001001111Ocommented18 days ago
@Red_Rockst4r, So is that a line drawing of a girl in a thong bodysuit or is it one of those drawings that can be 1 of 2 things, like an old lady or young lady? I only see a peach.
Comment by 00110001001001111O photo #1
Dabkingcommented19 days ago
Can you please implement where I can Pick my top strains for my page as a cover? Rather than it just being the strains with the most "likes". *for the "popular diaries" when you first go to someones page, it will list them in the order of the most likes. I wish there was an option to simply select your cover photo strains rather than have the site pick them solely off likes. The reason I say this, is because let's say Johnny lives in a country or state where he can only grow 5 plants. Maybe Johnny wants to grow 10 plants, but he has to hide the 5 other plants. So those 5 hidden plants get no likes, and once public they are hidden amongst the other plants.
GrowDiariescommented18 days ago
@Dabking, Not sure if it will be a right choice to change the current "X of Choice" section, maybe renaming it to the "Most used X" and adding a separate section where you can pick your favorite products would be more appropriate? Then again, user statistics section will get even bigger... We'll see what could be done here.
Newt_Loopcommented18 days ago
As of this morning, when I go to edit diary on mobile device t cuts some of the right side of the page off so I can't see all the information and options as well as see all the text I'm typing in the comment field. Can we please get an option to organize our diaries in our profile, would love to be able to put them in the order I want so I don't always have to go looking for them. Also make it so we can post numbers! Everytime I want to type a number, I have to write it out like ten or one hundred or it takes the zeros or other numbers away......
GrowDiariescommented18 days ago
@Newt_Loop, If you're using the mobile app (the outdated one, removed from Google Play, App Store etc. but still available at various APK storage websites), it could cause various problems with interface. If you just using an internet browser, let me know (or write an email about this to info@ We'll look into the numbers bug, looks really strange. Does it appear on PC as well? Diary organisation doesn't look like it will be hard to implement, I'll add it to or to-do list.
Newt_Loopcommented19 days ago
About time!!! Does this include posting pictures and website links to questions posted by members? Should also make a reply function in the Questions section, that way we can challenge other growers horribly wrong information and advice they're giving..... not being able to reply to individual comments in the question section has always been frustrating.
GrowDiariescommented17 days ago
@Newt_Loop, we will look into this a bit later. Thanks for the ideas!
HerbalEducommented14 days ago
this would be also usefull in the question section, sometime a/few picture/s worth hundred explanations. Like it's been said would be great to see all the broken links and wrong/missing displayed data since ages on various pages fixed (like strain pages, and user profiles). left menu links to followed strains are broken since like a year or more now ...
Growlandercommented18 days ago
Comment by Growlander photo #1
deFharocommented17 days ago
As soon as I add a custom nutrient, the page gives an error and I can't save it. I had to duplicate all my journals last season so I could keep posting them because you didn't fix it, and everything stays the same...
Comment by deFharo photo #1
Marbanyacommented18 days ago
Great feature. Thanks for adding.
BroTanicGrowcommented7 days ago
I wish the media attached to a post would be displayed as gallery overview - otherwise we have an bad user experience when having more than 6 pictures
Newt_Loopcommented17 days ago
The diary organizing will be great, thanks for adding it to the list! I'm using mobile internet browser, I don't have the app. I don't use a desktop so can't say if it cuts it off. Here is a picture of it cutting off the right side, almost like it's zooming in when going to create or edit diaries. Flipping my mobile sideways makes it so I can see everything but as soon as I flip it back, it cuts off. I tried on 2 other devices and the same thing. Oh, one more thing lol. Can you add General Hydroponics to the list of Nutrient brands, hate having to always custom add them. I know you have Terra Aquatica but GH is the US version and some don't realize that.
Comment by Newt_Loop photo #1
GrowDiariescommented17 days ago
@Newt_Loop, thanks for the info. Working on it. Regarding GH - we'll talk to them. Thanks for pointing out! Have a great day!