Silicon (Si) is one of the most abundant elements in soil. However, most of this is unavailable to your plants. This is unfortunate, as silicon has a reinforcing effect on your plant, making it less susceptible to abiotic stresses like heat or drought.
B’cuzz Silic Boost is a stable silicon product in plant available form. This makes it an excellent addition to your regular nutrition regime.
Suitable for:
Different kinds of vegetables, fruits, and herbs such as cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, sunflower sprouts, basil etc. The required dosage can be measured to meet the needs of individual plants or crop.
Use it daily, from the growth-phase onward, by adding it to the nutrient solution up until the bloom-phase. Also usable with irrigation systems or as foliar spray.
0.1 ml per litre of water.
Available in:
50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre and 5 litre