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7 harvests

This delicious African hybrid combines the Bangi Congo, which is a rare, almost extinct, fast flowering and small African sativa; the Congo #3, which is another Congolese sativa with a strong energetic effect of exquisite quality, with a hint of Chitral Indica to keep down the height and flowering time of the final hybrid. FLOWERING 3rd week of October STRUCTURE Strong, branchy, mid-height sativa structure. BOUQUET Wild strawberry and flower petal aroma. HIGH Premium quality energetic and psychedelic high, perfect for an open minded, creative and active life style. GROWING TIPS Recommended for indoor and outdoor growing in warm climates (both dry and wet). Congo has been successfully grown even in latitudes of 45ºN.

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Growing it
Congo... que buen viaje me ha regalado este cultivo! La planta se comportó, desarrolló multitud de ramas, donde cada una me ha regalado muchos cogollos, la densidad es media, son colas típicamente sativa... he tenido suerte con el fenotipo! Después de dos meses en los botes de curado y una mañana probando el delicioso humo, esta cepa es muy especial, en el bote de curado con un fuerte aroma a tierra de bosque y menta, al fumarla los aromas son menos evidentes, el humo es muy suave y los efectos, aunque cortos, son limpios y energizantes, en definitiva, una hierba que colaborará perfectamente con mi estilo de vida... me gusta fumar sativa todo el día!!
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3 years ago
Growing it
During this grow I came upon quite a few scenarios that were all new, or difficult to zero-in on. Congo has been my biggest effort to date as well as the source of lots of new learnings.
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3 years ago
Growing it
Okay folks, it's 4 weeks later. Let's talk about the results... Let's get some basics out of the way first - I made a pretty glaring mistake during this grow which caused... issues. What was that mistake? I switched to flower far too soon after repotting the plants giving them access to far more nitrogen than they wanted or could deal with. This (combined with their genetics) resulted in excessive stretching, increased leaf-to-flower ratio and a longer flowering period. The excess nitrogen I think probably played a role in stunting the overall development of the plant and the strength of the final product. GROWING IT I have had feedback from ACE themselves, who describe my phenotypes as strongly resembling Congo #3 (one of the Congolese landrace strains that provided some of the genetic base of the strain) which is native to the Brazzaville region of the Republic of Congo on the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo. There is very little influence from the other Congolese sativas or the PCK which make up this strains genetic heritage. As such, they demonstrated strong sativa characteristics during growth. They hated nitrogen, got really tall and produced huge but very low-density flowers. I ended up with 423g of dried flower - I nearly went back to remove some extra stems just to reduce that down to 420g. I would love to have the opportunity to grow this plant outdoors or in a polytunnel, as I think that's where it would do best - under the great big lamp in the sky. TASTE & SMELL The freshly ground buds smell fresh and piney with light astringent notes that clears the sinuses ever to slightly. At 4 weeks cure, the taste is actually quite delicate. Overall, it is spicy and herby though it retains a feint vegetable taste (that I actually quite enjoy, it reminds me of sugar snap peas) though I expect this to disappear with further curing. I have detected hints of under-ripe raspberry or other citrus when vaping it soon after brushing my teeth. In summary, it tastes and smells entirely unoffensive, but it's not particularly noteworthy. GETTIN' HIGH For me these buds produces little or no brain fog, no insatiable munchies, no dry mouth, no paranoia, no creeping fatigue or waves of sleepiness - absolutely none of the stuff which can be the negative effects of cannabis (for me at least). It is not a strong smoke for someone with a tolerance like me and the high duration is fairly short. Initially I was disappointed that this plant that I spent so long growing didn't get me high at all. Immediately after that thought I realised it was 11:30PM and I had just finished reassembling my oven after dedicating the last 2 hours to cleaning it thoroughly after baking an apple pie for the next day. This is a motervating, energising strain which has been wonderous for managing the mental health concerns that I deal with. It is a great day time smoke for me, not so much a recreational product but highly medicinal instead.
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3 years ago
Growing it
....Really I wish I could give a 10 - I am NOT! the firsts it happened to this strain seems prone to hermie. To my knowledge I am 3rd grower here on GD it happens to. My crop is seeded, not heavily but in all maybe 30-40 seeds. - Congo have a lot of variation in it's genes. Got 2 different giant green sativa, a dwarf, and 2 purple absolute different plant. It does not behave like a F1. - It did not take long after iniating bloom for the 2 purple plants to show N toxicity despite grown in organic soil. Also had some mutation on leaves and bananas (hermie) on plant 2. They are sensitive and picky ladies that behave differently. - On top of that had to chop early because botrytis was found on 2 plants. After bringing them for manicure, only plant 1 felt like it needed more time. Still, it was supposed to be Highly resistant to mold and botrytis. Hermaphrodism and bud rot are the worst grower's nightmare!!!! but!, Their is ALWAYS 2 sides on a medal: - All 5 phenos looks killer. Contacted by e-mail ACE explained the F1 cross: it would be an IBL of PCK and Bangi Congo x Congo 3. ACE did not told more about the IBL (maybe it needed more breeding to be stabilised) Gotta give credit for responding. - Despite some N toxicity, taste, trichome and resin production were not affected. And despite a few male flower that showed up once they were pinched the plant did not pushed a single other one!! - About botrytis; I've packed my tent from wall to wall, I knew plant 2 was done and dying, she was the first plant to be affected, gotta take a part of the responsibility.... Plus my 4x4 only had one single 4inch fan to move the air between plants. After all, even if I rated it as Hard to grow, to be honest I was really busy all along the flowering cycle. Basically all I did was pour down water twice a week and keep them staked. Could have been a total different story if I did not saw the bananas and the bud rot just in time....Their different sizes and feeding needs is not for beginners. As I take some blame for the bud rot I cannot say that resistance is weak. Neutral is the the most objective I can put.
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4 years ago
Growing it
It's surely a great strain but I was not able to give her the correct treatment. A lot of deficiency appeared along the grow, first time trying coco + 100% organic was not easy for me and the yield and quality were clearly affected. None the less : - Still gave 120g of bud - Great taste and smell : berry/tropical/flowery/sweet syrup, hint of citrus here and there and it's only 2 week of curing. - Effect : mainly head high, not as active and euphoric as I was expecting but it still pretty cheers you up for the first 2 hours and then you feel relaxed and you can sleep well. - Was very resistant to my bad treatments. I can only imagine that with a great grow this strain would be insanely great.
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5 years ago
Growing it
ELECTRIC !!! Right after first hit,yes only first hit,I feel electric in my veins,going up to my head,pressing on sides,making my eyes smaller,giving infinite energy and happiness.Wow,Congo is real fire! Buds smell incredibly berry/grapes and tropical with flowery details just like Ace Seeds talk about.I grew some other strains including "berry" in their name,none of them smelled berry.But this one is true berries,trust me.Calyxes are purple with a lot of trichomes on them which make it catchier. It doesn't give me insomnia but it's definitely a day time smoke,because you need to enjoy it's happiness.Ladies and gentleman,this is not exaggerating,I FUCKING LOVE THIS STRAIN! High is CLEAN,ENERGETIC AND POSITIVE.Taste is INCREDIBLY DELICIOUS,you get that tropical wild berries & grapes taste every time you hit the joint.Bullet-like buds are pretty compact for a sativa. If you love exotic,beautiful looking,tasteful strains ; CONGO is exactly what you are searching for.It's powerful but clean,delicious but not regular and SATIVA BUT PURPLE !!! Ace Seeds definitely created a masterpiece for marijuana industry.There is a little bit of Pakistan Chitral Kush in it as they say to keep the height and flowering period shorter.I think arome and colors are coming from that Chitral Kush. But you know what? Congolese people know what they are doing 😎 You can't get your ass up while getting chased by a lion on that wild lands,if you smoke indica .This smoke is really energetic and clean,no lions can get you when you are on it :))) Beautiful,beautiful and beautiful.Masterpiece.Ace Seeds,thank you for making Congo.I think I'll only grow this one in my further grows.I'm a sativa guy .This is more original,better than any other hybrids and so called sativas on market.Congo has absolutely everything I want from a sativa. Connoisseurs,this one is for you.Grow Congo or find some in your area.You won't regret,trust me :)
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6 years ago