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Crystal Candy®
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Crystal Candy®

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20 harvests
Global pos.
20 harvests
Crystal Candy is the photoperiod-dependent strain with sweet fruity taste. This indica-sativa hybris consists of 60% indica and 40% sativa.The plant is great producer of fragrant resinous crystals that fully load the buds, blooms and leaves. It developes large buds and side brunches. The yields reach 500-650 g/m2 indoors and 500-700 g/plant outdoors.The odor and taste are has notes of bubble gum and fruit jellies, that are mixed with tones of acid strawberry and melon. The THC content of 15-20% provides balanced effect and brings a relaxing.
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Crystal Candy®
Growing it
Cut down Crystal on March 11th. 9 weeks in flower with last week being flush with RO water. Wet trimmed and hung up in the tent for 7 days. Grow went well. No complaints with the Seed or nutrients. New house and environment still need to get dialed in. Purchased new AC infinity controller (69 pro)and RO water filter around week 6 of flower. Excited to see how my next grow goes with the recent improvements. Starting to consider new grow light/ Please give me some thoughts! I will throw up some more pictures once the dry is complete and I am putting in jars for cure.
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a year ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
It was some very tasty smoke despite it being 3 - 4 weeks early. Had some room problems. Redemption has started and I look forward to seeing the final outcome.
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4 years ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
Crystal Candy vraiment génial en tout point !!! Croissance vigoureuse, répond bien à la taille, ce bouture très facilement (super rapide). Floraison à la vitesse éclair 6 semaines pour la plus rapide (44 jours depuis 12/12 Trichromes 100% laiteux) mais je la préfère avec 50-55 jours. Une odeur qui fait saliver, elle porte d’ailleurs bien son nom car c’est vraiment l’odeur de bonbon sucré et fruité qui ressort pendant la floraison. Mélange de chewing-gum et de salade de fruits. Rendement très bon pour la courte période de floraison effectué !!! Conclusion : variété d’excellente Qualité et vraiment rapide je recommande pour les gens pressés 😉. Smoke test à venir ...
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5 years ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
I smoke first bud today, it was not perfect cured but.... Man this taste is great! Daily smoke stuf 💪
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5 years ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
Nice, compact, and frosty
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5 years ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
In all fairness it’s not a heavy hitter small yields only 3 week veg it’s a short and super fast 56 days finished and it was a bit over than I normally like but yeah literally it was done in 56DAYS
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5 years ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
Fantastic smell on the dry sites, wow and a sweet smoke too. try the small popcorn and wait that she is really dry
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5 years ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
L'esperienza con questa pianta e' stata a dir poco entusiasmante, credo sia uno dei migliori strain in commercio per facilita' di coltivazione e per resistenza ai parassiti/malattie. Vivo in una zona subtropicale del nostro pianeta, e da noi gli insetti ed i parassiti non crepano durante la stagione invernale, le differenze di temperatura tra il giorno e la notte sono di molti gradi e l'umidita' spesso raggiunge soglie proibitive...bene: le sorelle Candy sono state fantastiche, hanno resistito punte del 92% di umidita' in piena fioritura, ho puntato sulle sorelle due potenti ventilatori e non ho avuto "quasi" nessun problema, "quasi" perche' ho trovato un inizio di botrite in una delle cime, una cosa minuscola, avro' perso si e no mezzo grammo, credo fosse dovuta a qualche goccia di acqua che colava dal soffitto durante i momenti di forte umidita'. L'odore le ultime settimane e' diventato molto forte ed intenso, le cime appese a seccare per i primi tre giorni hanno emanato un forte odore di "ferro", non so se hai presente...come sangue, poi, semplicemente l'odore si e' trasformato in quello di una qualunque cannabis appena appesa a seccare. Ho raccolto 2540 grammi di cime fresche (nulla di enorme, preferisco numerose cimette di taglia abbastanza omogenea) rametti compresi, che secchi puliti di tutto hanno reso 431 grammi netti, non male per nove talee in un metro quadrato, sicuramente avrei potuto fare di piu' ma questo strain per me e' stata un totale novita'. Coltivero' ancora questi cespuglietti? Certamente, Subito appena finito il raccolto ho fatto la prova del microonde, 620 watt per 15 secondi......yuuuummmmiii un fumo liscio, sapore clorofilla assente, ho pensato potesse essere perche' poco potente, dopo 5 minuti sono stato smentito, CBD assente? Ho fatto una pallina con il polline attaccato alle dita e l'odore era incredibilmente e fortemente CHEESE.... non smetto di stupirmi. E' fuori dubbio che l'aroma di questo ceppo e' davvero molto complesso, ognuno di noi sentira' odori e sapori differenti, penso che la maniera in cui si fa uso del fertilizzante modifica in maniera profonda l'aroma di uno strain. Dopo sei giorni ho messo le dolci caramelline dentro i barattoli per la concia, ho faccio il secondo assaggio adesso mentre scrivo, il sapore e' gia' notevolmente migliorato, alcuni strain ben conciati non raggiungono i livelli di questa Candy che a sei giorni dal raccolto, ancora cruda, rende dolci aromi agrumati, di arance a mandarini, un sapore che riempie la bocca, buonissimo. Penso che tra due o tre mesi avro' una cannabis di prim'ordine. Faccio una ultima considerazione, ho raccolto i fiori dopo 9 settimane esatte, tenedo conto che sono partito da talee, prontissime alla fioritura, coltivate idroponicamente, tricomi quasi tutti lattiginosi, presumo che se coltivata in terra ci vorranno almeno una settimana / dieci giorni in piu', Tenendo presente, che si tratta di un ibrido a predominanza indica potrebbe avere senso prolungare ancora un po la fioritura. Me lo chiedo. Grazie Sweet Seeds per questa bellissima sorpresa. Saluto la Comunita' intera con un forta abbraccio circolare che il Verde Ci assista Aggiornamento 10/12, dopo una brevissima stagionatura questa spettacolare cannabis produce un fumo morbidissimo, saporitissimo. Sicuramente Crystal Candy procede da qualche genetica skunk/cheese...cose cosi'. Soddisfattissimo. passo e chiudo.
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5 years ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
So we have come to harvest time for the crystal candy and everything has gone to plan.....I harvested 3 of the 5 10 days ago now and they've been drying and curing at a nice steady pace....with an average of a zed a plant(dry) I'm more than happy with the outcome. The buds are absolutely coated in thc and are sticky to touch with a decent densitity to them. The smoke its self has a sweet hint of candy combined with the flavour of thc,and after 10 days of curing I'm very impressed with the flavour and it's only going to get better in the glass jars. This plant was a pleasure to grow outside with great disease and pests resistance and I'll definitely consider doing more of these girls next season. The affects of the smoke are a very cerebral high with couch clock creeping up on you. After 2 spliffs I felt like I couldnt get up and my legs didnt want to work and that was just after I cut them and put them into jars so I can only imagine the effects are going to get stronger the longer i cure for. I'm aiming to cure in the jars for 4 weeks before i start smoking it so cant wait to taste it then. It's a thumbs up from me for the crystal candy strain and I would recommend anyone to try it. Thanks again to sweet seeds for providing great genetics for the masses to smoke. Keep them coming👌🌲GorillaKen out🌲✌️👊
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6 years ago
She had really weird structure in Flower Phase, But really nice yield for 10 weeks, Amazing. Really tasty, Like it with tea =)
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6 years ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
First flower- 9,40g Second flower- 13,80g
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6 years ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
Frosty buds of tastey lemom candy... This shit is the bomb! One of my favorites and I will be working with her in the future. Took several clones and will attempt to cross her with my LR Sativa strain. On my first attempt she didnt really yeild a whole lots her buds set quite quicly and I didnt get to train her the way I wanted to. In the end though I ended up with a pretty decent yeild and some extremely tastey potent flower. I will be growing her again very soon. No doubt about that.
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6 years ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
This strain would have been easy to grow if my environment had been better while in the veg cab, and if I'd not mistaken deficiencies caused by environmental problems and gone on to struggle with my feeding regime. The top buds are quite firm but looser than the Cream 47. The lowers are a bit more spongy and airy. A nice coverage of trichomes throughout the whole plant.
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6 years ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
Great strains very easy to grow and with a good harverest. Take one to put in your garden it's a good idea. Thank's to all Sweet seeds Team for this fantastic genetic. 🙏 GGG
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6 years ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
Buds were dense, sticky, and smell amazing. Have them in jars curing so I haven’t tried them yet. They definitely took longer than expected but im really happy with the yield for my first grow.
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6 years ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
Harvest jam: Blackmore's Night ~ A night in York . WOWSERS... her smell empowered my entire room with blue cheese and candy. I wanted to bottle up the smell and keep it all to myself. It was crazy good.. Trimmed her all on her branches and entire plant and hung her as a whole to dry. I loved how fat ALL her buds are and I want that to stay that way after drying so that's the goal. I trimmed the entire plant on the plant, hung the entire plant to dry, took exactly 6 days...I just trimmed up the remaining and weight her and jarred her. ALL her buds stayed FAT PHAT FHAT! YAY!!! I'm super excited! Already snuck a nug for a taste test... tasted like a little french perfume mixed with grape candy. Made me happy and smiley... looking forward to the cureout! I have decided she is my Nighttime bud... better than any sleeping pill EVER... I take about 4 nice bong rips and I am out for the night. Very nice sleep.. no bad dreams..vivid colors and magical. (might be the witch in my veins) but either way.. I love the crystal candy! I am in LOVE the with Sweet Seeds Strains...
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6 years ago
Crystal Candy®
Growing it
I really liked grow this amazing strain, very easy to grow, suitable for beginners.Smell and aroma is other worldly, so much fruit and sweetness going on you would think it's a candy shop xD=)Just Incredible smell sweet melon, candy, strawberry, just wow very tasty, but the smell is not so strong, no need filters. Crystal Candy nice daytime strain through and through. Great for anxiety and pain relief when you want to stay active. Crystal Candy 50/50 sativa/indica, the high is fantastic, maybe a bit head heavy for the novice, but as a seasoned pro, I loved it.... creative, bubbly, cerebral and heady.... the best of both worlds, also makes me feel like I want to go an adventure xD=) The high lasts about 4 hours.Probably one of my favorite strains, great strain, 10/10 would smoke with friends.I recommend this amazing strain to all. Thanks Sweet Seeds for such a high quality and amazing genetics.😘
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6 years ago