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San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
Gracias al equipo de Sweet Seeds y a Marshydro, sin ellos esto no seria posible. Excelente hibridación de dos de nuestros mejores clones élite de genéticas procedentes de USA. En el cruce interviene un clon seleccionado de San Fernando Valley OG Kush, caracterizado por un agradable y complejo aroma con fuerte presencia de limón procedente de la Lemon Thai que interviene en el cruce original de las OG Kush. El otro clon élite que interviene en el cruce es una Kosher Kush, otra genética OG Kush muy apreciada en la zona de Los Angeles y alrededores (California). De aroma muy agradable y penetrante, con tonos originales OG Kush muy alimonados y tonos de disolvente, pinceladas de especias, maderas y ciprés azul. El aspecto de las plantas es de híbrido índico-sativo con predominancia sativa. Estas variedades americanas con fuerte presencia del terpeno limoneno son muy apreciadas en USA para la realización de extracciones cannábicas. 🌻 🚀 Consigue aquí tus semillas: 💡 Mars Hydro TS 3000, como la lámpara de cultivo LED más grande de la serie TS, ofrece suficiente cobertura para un área de 4 × 4 pies con un precio asequible y rendimientos de calidad; a cambio, se puede aplicar tanto al cultivo doméstico como al cultivo comercial. Potencia - 450w Cobertura Vegetal – 5×5 pies Cobertura de flores - 4 × 4 pies La opción abrumadora para la mayoría de los productores que la aplican en tiendas de campaña. Consigue aqui tu lámpara: 📆 Llego por fin el dia de la cosecha, las manos las tengo llenas de resina de toda la cantidad de esta que desprende la planta, huele a la tipica Kush con un toque a limon muy especial.
6 months ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
It's a blast of nugz, in my Top list
a year ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
Genetica inestable de 4 semillas 2 hermafroditas
a year ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
Potente cerebral
2 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
Great strain. Good smoke and awsome juicy taste . ❤️
2 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
For sure my favorite lemon cultivar at the moment. The taste is like a creamy lemon pie, with notes of lemon peals on this run. This makes some super tasty rosin. Use this one in the mornings mostly, sometimes in the early afternoon. The effect is uplifting and energetic. Makes some for great morning dabs!
3 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
Into: Whilst this grow is sponsored by @sweet_seeds the opinions are mine. I'm the sole consumer of this amazing flower 🌸 🌺 🌹 🌼 Growing it: 10/10 - Very easy to grow, training with LST, HST and mainlining. Had twice an infestation of leaf hoppers which were eradicated using an all natural bio pesticide. I followed both Plagron and Canna's feeding schedule and i was happy with the results. Shape : 8/10 - A relatively tall plant with dense buds and thick buds. I think with better training she would have resulted in a smaller plant and more dense. Flavour & Smell : 9/10 - Very smooth smoke, Bung, vape of joint. onset of 5-7 minutes with a strong body stoned and light-medium head high. after smoking a joint last night we binged several Netfilx EPs. I don't give it a 10/10 because the name is Lemon Kush but I didn't get that Lemony flavour. Its more earthy & Woody. Still, a great smoke for the evening time. Last Notes : Thanks to my GF for finishing this diary for me. I was traveling for a long period and without her dedication and assistance this grow would not have been possible Hope you enjoy the bud p0rn #STAYSAFE
3 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
es muy cerebral y sube rápido, tiene buena potencia y te deja con el cuerpo como si flotaras, como si llevaras todo el día con ropa muy pesada y al llegar a casa te quedaras en pelotas con la risilla en la boca, me la recomendaron y no mentian, está buena.
3 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
big gorgeous plant with long branches. amazing smell and taste. one of my favorites ever
3 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
Another easy plant to grow from Sweet Seeds. Some Haze traits for sure !
3 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
Smoke a Lemon 🍋 and enjoy, i love the intense lemon flavor!
3 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
Cepa ideal para el día 👌🏻, de buena pegada.
3 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
Toda a experiência foi um sucesso, muito densa e com muito bom aroma no fumo! Muito stone
3 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
Final de gloria para una gran cepa!! A pesar del largo periodo de cultivo estoy muy satisfecho con los resultados. El cultivo se alargó en la etapa de crecimiento vegetativo debido a un bloqueo de nutrientes por un sustrato demasiado enriquecido, pero la planta resistió como una campeona durante más de 40 días. La floración de 14 semanas también ha sido larga, estoy acostumbrado en todos mis cultivos orgánicos, pero en este, además a influido la dominancia sativa de la cepa. La estructura de la planta, con largas ramas que no sobresalían de la maceta y que se han llenado de flores en toda su extensión, me ha dado la oportunidad de optimizar la entrada de luz en todo el periodo de cultivo. La planta conservó energía hasta última hora, perdió las hojas grandes paulatinamente, así que no mostró senescencia hasta las dos últimas semanas, lo cual contribuyó a un buen metabolismo hasta última hora. Hoy hace una semana del corte, la he tenido secando, pero la baja temperatura y alta humedad no han contribuido mucho a un buen secado, la he metido en botes que voy a mantener abiertos durante un par de días más. Aún así he seleccionado algunos brotes para fumar esta tarde, la densidad se mantiene después del secado, son cogollos más esponjosos que los de las índicas, pero cuando los mueles duplican su tamaño, me gustan!! El humo es suave a pesar de la falta de secado, mis pulmones lo han acogido con gusto, sin duda se nota la influencia sativa, la anergia ahora está concentrada en mi frente, la atención se ha multiplicado, mi cuerpo está relajado!! 😊 El olor se ha multiplicado sólo con estar unas horas encerrada en el bote de cristal, claramente aroma a limón con hierbabuena, muy fresco y agradable, estoy ansioso por sentir la evolución de los aromas conforme avance el curado. ---- - Después de 30 días de curado la hierba ha ennoblecido sus aromas, ahora se distinguen, acompañando al intenso aroma a cítricos alimonados, otros a fragancias a tierra de bosque, maderas nobles y microbiología. - El humo es muy potente, con el típico efecto sativa que te mantiene activo y risueño durante todo el día, la boca se llena de un humo denso, que casi se puede masticar, el sabor terroso que deja en boca es agradable y duradero. - La textura de la hierba es fantástica, duplica su volumen al molerla y después quema muy bien. Reservaré esta hierba para presumir!! 🤓 Realmente es una hierba para comenzar el día con alegría!! 😋 • Francamente San Fernando Lemon Kush es una cepa a tener en cuenta!!-
3 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
First of all I'd like to thank the guys from Sweet Seeds for hooking me up with these seeds to test out. Growing this strain was no problem. She was topped and grew no problem, nothing else what done just adjusting the colas. The smell is surely something to fall in love with. Lemon heads will love this strain. Terpy goodness! For sure a day time strain, energetic, creative, very good sativa high. Nothing too euphoric, very pleasant. The taste stays in your mouth for a good while after smoking, I like that. Made some Rosin from this, oouuweeee!!! Highly recommend growing this strain just to press some nugs.. You will not regret it!
3 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
That's it! This run was pretty easy, although I was not here everyday to take care of her, she managed to grow big & tall, with a lot of nodes everywhere. San Fernando Lemon Kush is definitely a sativa, the kind of plant that will conqueer all the space if you don't train or guide her. She spent 8 weeks in the flowering stage, which is less than what's recommended by the breeder, I have the feeling that the infrared strips really made the job, and did trigger the Emerson effect. Frost level is not at its maximum potential, since I was away most of the time during her final weeks, she was slightly underfed, and could have appreciated more P+K in late blooming. Despite a lack of cares/meals in her last weeks, she gave me a decent amount of great buds. After 7 days drying upside-down and 7 days on a drying-net, buds were ready for a smoke test and for a few weeks of curing. The smoke test revealed her complex terpenes profile, some sweet aromas of pine/wood with a few notes of citrus and diesel. I would definitely grow her again, and recommend this strain to all the sativa-lovers. But be warned: you will need heights for her to strive and shine.
4 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
When you smoke you get a very strong indica high 😊. Perfect for going to sleep in the evening 😃. Her taste is very tasty, and goes into a very strong Kush aroma . Big respect to Sweet Seeds for these great genetics 🙏🏻.
4 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
she was very resistant although she reached 2 meters. She resisted all outdoor. she had 2 processes, that's why there are dry leaves on the buds. There is a spotlight outside my house which made her vegetate again at the top, but the summer is already gone and her buds are still growing and I had to fold it because it was too big.
4 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
The end has come. Handy has made a really amazing journey and has been able to amaze me until the end. I am very satisfied with this variety and I think tomorrow I will try again with other seeds because I really liked the resistance he showed. The production is not at all discreet and also the quality of the flowers is very enviable. This is my first time growing Sweet Seeds and I guess I will try again with other genetics. In terms of nutrients the plant has adapted very well and has had very little suffering of this kind. What else to add? The satisfaction is incomparable and I hope you will be interested in the path this plant has taken.
4 years ago
San Fernando Lemon Kush®
Growing it
Nice plant!
7 years ago