
Pahari Farmhouse


This domestic sativa produces large potent and hardy plants with superb mold & disease resistance and handsome yields. Large aromatic plants which grow in the heartlands of Saivite (Shiva) Hinduism, they produce a delightfully euphoric and energetic, long-lasting high. Less resinous than their Malana cousins, and closer in style to the strains of West Nepal, they produce a hard potent charas, which has an intense psychedelic effect. Aromas are of raw carrot, lime, with mango-like scents. Final harvest is in the first half of November (which gives a fuller stone with warm euphoric effects in both body and mind), though hand-rubbing can begin as early as the beginning of October (which produces a more heady, rushy effect).

Pahari Farmhouse
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Genes0% Indica / 100% Sativa
GeneticsHimalayan domestic charas sativa cultivar


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Pahari Farmhouse
India - Sativa
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