I know the room still full, but the room looks amazing to my eyes and them testers are doing great, non or less some point these week if i find time i will defoliate all of the including the freak number 2308 hihihi
She is the tallest of them all and not stooping for nothing, the little freak is over the LED bars hahahaha , still with curvy leafs indicating a N block of some kind but growing amazing ad fast , i do believe she is correcting herself now in flower lets see
started her flowering feeds, curious to see were she will go and how will she react.
And with the week going she keeps growing , i mean wtf is going on with these one hahaha she will be the tallest of them 4 that's is for sure lol i mean she is liking the extra boosters but please stoop growing tall hahahaha
added an edit video from the end of the week just for fun, hope you guys enjoy it <3<3<3
As always thank you all for stopping by for the love and support and for it all, i truly appreciate it all <3 <3 <3
Genetics - Fast Buds Tester 2308
#aptus #aptusplanttech #aptusgang #aptusfamily #aptustrueplantscience #inbalancewithnature #trueplantscience #fastbuds #dogdoctorofficial #growerslove
With true love comes happiness <3 <3 <3 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so <3 <3 <3
All info and full product details can be find in can find @
https://2fast4buds.com/ wen released
Have a few good more diaries going on fell free to drop by and say hi <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3 Growers love to you all <3 <3 <3