The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
JO Peace Leute die letzen Tage brechen an und wir haben es fast geschafft :) Die Trichome werden langsam und immer mehr Bernsteinfarben, dies hat vor 2 Tagen angefangen sich stätig mehr zu verändert :) Das heist ich werde die Trichome weiterhin Täglich beobachten und den richtigen Erntemoment abzupassen :) Peace and Love crypto666
Buds are forming very well. Smell is nice and increasing. Been removing big fan old leaves so sunlight can penetrate all the plant, and concentrate energy on flowers. Organic fertilization very carefully to prevent nutrient burn.
Second run with these genetics, I ran her last time in a 5.4 gallon container, I got the grape pheno, higher yield with the first run, but much tighter nugs with this run. This one smells much more earthy/gassey and less grapey. I ended up with just under 26 zips of nugs, 2 zips of Larf which I will turn into canna sugar, and my buddy made a 35 gram brick of bubble from the trim. It should be dry in the next few days and I'll post a video of the squeeze, hoping to get around a zip of rosin which I will split with him since he turned the bubble...Super excited to squeeze some nugs once the cure is done, Ill post vids of them as wel. Next run I'm planning to try and cram 2 plants inside a 5X5, build mainlines, and flip by week 6 or 7....Switching to two 315 W CMH bulbs up top, and LED's on 2 of the sidewalls for supplemental lighting. Looking forward to it, stay safe, blaze on!
Считаю начало цветения. В целом всё ОК. Запах стал гораздо сильнее. 4-ый день цветения. За два дня резко вытянулась и сегодня пришлось очень много гнуть под сетку. В итоге было сломано две серьёзные колы - очень жаль 😢. Немного порезал листья и срезал несколько мелких веток, что сильно не доросли до сетки. Воткнул их в кокос на клонирование, так как выкидывать было жалко. Что-то мне подсказывает, что они все, зараза, прорастут... Хер знает чего с ними потом делать🙈. На некоторых почках, там где активно светит ультрафиолет уже заметен сахар. А ещё вездесущий кот заметен на них😡 Влажность опять адская. Это показатель, что вентиляция не справляется. Ближе к понедельнику ещё порежу нижние листья и те, что закрывают что-нибудь, дабы улучшить воздухообмен и снизить влажность.
15/2 So the plant it's growing much faster, i keep bend the top branch every 24H without any big sign of stress maybe also because she been trained since her first week, I've also start to bend on the side some sides branches trying to give a good canopy and space to the plant, from this week I've also start giving some green sensation from Plagron and i can already notice a good amount of pre flowers and sweet smelly tops
Another week gone for these 2 girls, they are looking very good and strong, getting some lovely autumn colours coming on the one at back so think she will be down soon. Will start to check trichomes on her next few days, as for the other one she’s just starting to fill out now, keeping the feed going for another week or so. Amazed by the amount of thc that’s on the girl looking forward to getting her down and trying her. Happy growing🌱
Week 6 This Lady is up to 8 tops😎. Now I just have to get each top in the right locations at which point I’ll let them get a few nodes taller and then flip. This Lady is growing a little slower than her roommate (A Mimosa EVO) so I left a few extra fan leaves on her in the hopes that will speed her up a bit. I have noticed that this plant seems to throw the two main branches at a node but it also throws out additional branches. I’ve had a plant do this before and in my experience it makes the buds denser. We will see how it goes with this lady. Cooler internals are: 6.0 pH 0.4 EC 56 F solution temp. I can’t wait to flip the tent !!!! 🔥🔥 Onward 😎🍻
Week 6 Well, I finally have 8 tops 😎. Now it’s just a matter of keeping her growing strong and training the tops into the right position. After that is accomplished it’s show time. I am going to guess that it will take a 7-10 days for me to get her where I like it at which point I’ll let her get a few nodes taller and then flip. Main-lining takes some extra time but it is worth it imo. Cooler internals are: 6.0 pH 0.4 EC 65 F solution temp. The tent is running 71 F lights on and 68 F lights off. Humidity is 36-38%. Onward!! 😎🍻
Week 8 - Bolt 2 (Flower Week 2) SB4Q - BOG Sour Bubble (BOG Bubble BX2) Sour Bubble - BOG Seeds (BOG Bubble x BOG Bubble) Harvest Window: Early Harvest: 52 ± 5 Days (7.4 Flower Weeks) 8 - 18 March 2023 or Late Harvest: 84 ± 5 Days in Flower (12 Week Flowering) 7 - 17 April 2023 Veg Week Start of Week: [ 2023-02-08, BSBQ4 56:F:9:1] End of Week: [ 2023-02-14, SB4Q 62:F:9:7] HeightWeekStart: [ 8.5, in] HeightWeekEnd: [ 9.0, in] #Last Topping GERMINATION: 2022-12-16T14:25:51-0600 Week’s Environment TempAvgMaxMin: [ x, y, z, °F] RHAvgMaxMin: [ x, y, z, %] VPDAvgMaxMin: [ x, y, z, kPa] LightDistance: [ 21.5, in] LightDimmer: [ 50 + 2 ticks, %] LightPPFD: [ 786, µmol/m2/s] # 2/3 the way to 1000 PPFD at the center ~r ReservoirTemperature: [ 56.5, ±1.5, °F] Fertigation The Rooted Leaf Hydro Chart: - [ Primer A, 8.6, ml, gal] - [ Primer B, 8.6, ml, gal] - [ Silica Skin, 4.3, ml, gal] - EC: 2.5 13, 13, 6.5 pA, pB, Ss, Lush green 4.3, 4.3, 3.25, 3 7, 7, 3.5 Fertigation The Rooted Leaf Hydro Chart: - [ Primer A, 28, ml, 3 gal] - [ Primer B, 28 ml, 3 gal] - [ Silica Skin, 13, ml, 3 gal] The Rooted Leaf Foliar Chart: Monday: Solar Rain: 20, ml, gal Silica Skin: 20, ml, gal Mammoth-P: [ 3, drops, pt] Wednesday: CalMag Fuel: 20, ml, gal Lush Green: 5, ml, gal Mammoth-P: [ 3, drops, pt] Friday: Solar Rain: 20, ml, gal Mammoth-P: [ 3, drops, pt] Peak Bloom: 5, ml, gal ___________________ Wed 08 February 2023 BSBQ4 56:F:9:1, 6:B:1:6 Thu 09 February 2023 BSBQ4 57:F:9:1, 7:B:1:7 Fri 10 February 2023 BSBQ4 57:F:9:1, 8:B:2:1 Sat 11 February 2023 BSBQ4 57:F:9:1, 9:B:2:2 Sun 12 February 2023 BSBQ4 57:F:9:1, 10:B:2:3  - Defoliated 3rd Node Fans, as they were hanging and blocking understory air flow - Installed Copper Core Wire trainers to spread final 2 nodes of 4 meristems. - Raised Lamp to LightDistance: [ 14.5, in] - Adjusted dimmer to yield - Center: [ 885, µmol/m2/s] - Corners: [ 530, µmol/m2/s]   ___________________ Mon 13 February 2023 BSBQ4 57:F:9:1, 11:B:2:4 Tue 14 February 2023 BSBQ4 57:F:9:1, 12:B:2:5
Week 6 Well, I finally have 8 tops 😎. Now it’s just a matter of keeping her growing strong and training the tops into the right position. After that is accomplished it’s show time. I am going to guess that it will take a 7-10 days for me to get her where I like it at which point I’ll let her get a few nodes taller and then flip. Main-lining takes some extra time but it is worth it imo. Cooler internals are: 6.0 pH 0.4 EC 65 F solution temp. The tent is running 71 F lights on and 68 F lights off. Humidity is 36-38%. Onward!! 😎🍻
10/02 🙂 12/02 Elle continue de grossire elle se colore le pif en rouge. Comme un vieux dopé au pinard. 😂 Ce doit être le jus de betterave fermenté..😋 15/02 j'ai vue 1 ou 2 ambrés.. je suis pas sur de la quantité (%).. elle est déjà naturellement très coloré, c'est pas facile. 🤔
Week 8 - Bolt 2 (Flower Week 2) SB4Q - BOG Sour Bubble (BOG Bubble BX2) Sour Bubble - BOG Seeds (BOG Bubble x BOG Bubble) Harvest Window: Early Harvest: 52 ± 5 Days (7.4 Flower Weeks) 8 - 18 March 2023 or Late Harvest: 84 ± 5 Days in Flower (12 Week Flowering) 7 - 17 April 2023 Veg Week Start of Week: [ 2023-02-08, BSBQ4 56:F:9:1] End of Week: [ 2023-02-14, SB4Q 62:F:9:7] HeightWeekStart: [ 8.5, in] HeightWeekEnd: [ 9.0, in] #Last Topping GERMINATION: 2022-12-16T14:25:51-0600 Week’s Environment TempAvgMaxMin: [ x, y, z, °F] RHAvgMaxMin: [ x, y, z, %] VPDAvgMaxMin: [ x, y, z, kPa] LightDistance: [ 21.5, in] LightDimmer: [ 50 + 2 ticks, %] LightPPFD: [ 786, µmol/m2/s] # 2/3 the way to 1000 PPFD at the center ~r ReservoirTemperature: [ 56.5, ±1.5, °F] Fertigation The Rooted Leaf Hydro Chart: - [ Primer A, 8.6, ml, gal] - [ Primer B, 8.6, ml, gal] - [ Silica Skin, 4.3, ml, gal] - EC: 2.5 13, 13, 6.5 pA, pB, Ss, Lush green 4.3, 4.3, 3.25, 3 7, 7, 3.5 Fertigation The Rooted Leaf Hydro Chart: - [ Primer A, 28, ml, 3 gal] - [ Primer B, 28 ml, 3 gal] - [ Silica Skin, 13, ml, 3 gal] The Rooted Leaf Foliar Chart: Monday: Solar Rain: 20, ml, gal Silica Skin: 20, ml, gal Mammoth-P: [ 3, drops, pt] Wednesday: CalMag Fuel: 20, ml, gal Lush Green: 5, ml, gal Mammoth-P: [ 3, drops, pt] Friday: Solar Rain: 20, ml, gal Mammoth-P: [ 3, drops, pt] Peak Bloom: 5, ml, gal ___________________ Wed 08 February 2023 BSBQ4 56:F:9:1, 6:B:1:6 Thu 09 February 2023 BSBQ4 57:F:9:1, 7:B:1:7 Fri 10 February 2023 BSBQ4 57:F:9:1, 8:B:2:1 Sat 11 February 2023 BSBQ4 57:F:9:1, 9:B:2:2 Sun 12 February 2023 BSBQ4 57:F:9:1, 10:B:2:3  - Defoliated 3rd Node Fans, as they were hanging and blocking understory air flow - Installed Copper Core Wire trainers to spread final 2 nodes of 4 meristems. - Raised Lamp to LightDistance: [ 14.5, in] - Adjusted dimmer to yield - Center: [ 885, µmol/m2/s] - Corners: [ 530, µmol/m2/s]   ___________________ Mon 13 February 2023 BSBQ4 57:F:9:1, 11:B:2:4 Tue 14 February 2023 BSBQ4 57:F:9:1, 12:B:2:5
Ehi ragazzi tutto bene! È arrivato finalmente il momento di dare il terzo tea di compost ricevuto da questa bellissima creatura! Ha davvero un bel aspetto , le foglie sono arriciate e prominenti verso la luce in un modo impressionante!, Sembra quasi che la pianta si stia nutrendo sotto i miei occhi di luce della lampada della Mars! Sta iniziando a puzzare davvero intensamente e le cime super appiccicose si stanno evolvendo nella direzione giusta! Mi aspetto la migliore ganja che abbia mai coltivate! Salute a tutti e buon 420!!
This week didn't start very well as while trying to apply LST to one of the two branches I broke it. ❌ Luckily the plant recovered quickly and therefore I was able to proceed with the second topping to continue the mainlining technique. ✔️ The plant is a little asymmetrical, but I will try to adjust it in the next weeks of vegetative growth. 🔍 I slightly increased the nutrients. 🔝