Day 134 - We enter the 12th week of flower. I forgot to mention that I gave 2 gallons of water again yesterday, though the runoff seemed to be about half as much as the previous time that I watered. I did topdress with a touch of new Mother Earth Coco Peat, but I wouldn't have imagined it would have soaked up as much additional water as it did. I imagine doing so will give the plants just a touch more nutrients while just watering, and should hopefully allow me to at least get through this week, possibly a touch longer. The trichs all appear cloudy, but the pistils still stand up a bit much, so I want to take this as long as possible, without extending it too much further.
Day 135 - Seems that last little top dress of medium has slowed/stopped what seemed to be the start of autumning off. I'm actually kind of happy with that, as it may allow me to get another couple days of finishing out of the plant. While I don't want to wait much longer, I would like to see some more pistils receding/turning color.
Day 136 - Watered today, just under 2 gallons. After a couple days of getting lots of runoff, I feel safe that most of the medium will be cleaned of any salt residues that may have been left. At this point, I will basically just water until runoff for the last feed or two.
Day 137 - As I wait for these last few days to count down to harvest, I can only think that it is hard to 'plan' a grow before you start. These beans were listed as 8-10 weeks, I started flowering at the beginning of March, and figured by the end of April I should be close to a harvest. Well, as we sit here, close to the end of May, it is finally getting close to that harvest, though at times I feel like I should be waiting multiple more weeks on the plant.
Day 138 - I don't have much to say about today. I started a new job tonight, working the overnight shift, so I will end up only getting a couple hours of 'day' time with the plant now in her final days. She will be watered tomorrow when I get home from work.
Day 139 - This new job is less than ideal for the flowering times I currently have, but there is minimal (probably 7-10 days) time left before I chop her. Lights are on from 10p-10a, and I work from 10p-6a, not getting home until close to 7. She was watered when I got home today, and so as long as she doesn't fade out too quickly, I will be chopping around the 1st of June. She will approach 90 days of flower time from a listed 56-63 day strain. I have said it many times, but still a waiting game at this point.
Day 140 - The 20th week of growing, 12th week of flower is now complete. It appears that the leaves are slowly starting to yellow a bit more. Getting close! She is either going to get harvested this weekend, or next weekend (figure it will just be easier to do when I'm not working).