May 02
Entering preflower, I think I don't have much training time ahead but I'm sure I'll be able to get her even and clean. Some small branches are trying to pop out under the already 6-7 ones but I just can't get light on there, we'll see later on if I harvest in sequence!
This won't be the most successful grow but it will have been a realllllyyy instructive one. Next one if there is soon will most likely give better result.
So far, without being too harsh, I think she's doing great still. Might not be in the most perfect healthy state but it's not a big deal in the sense that she's still pretty happy right now and that's fine with me.
From start she has been on 24 hour non stop and I don't see any problem with it. In any case you are sure to not halt her growth by doing so and each one of these led should consume about 6 watts. On 8 we get to a grand total of 48 watts which is very fine. Current light setup might have been upgraded to a potential increase in yield of 25 to 35 % I'd guess. But for the price I paid for all of this, it's very much worth it. Doubling the light setup would raise me to a 100 watts, and light coverage would be sufficient to grow 4 autoflower. Since I only have one plant I'm keeping it on the not too expensive side without sacrificing too much, but a third setup of 4 led with 2 reptile UV led would probably increase significantly the final quality and quantity. In any case, even tho I can say it has pained me to train her since she's so small and bushy, I would probably keep this strain around for sentimental reason, I really see value in life itself and this plant is part of mine, eheh. Good night guys.
May 03
I think I can notice 4 pistils growing out of the main head. Magnification from camera. It took me another hour or so to train her but I think it's worth it. I'm at about 9 new heads that are getting a good amount of light, I don't know what will happen to the other smaller ones under these 9s, we'll see if they have time to produce anything ^^. Funny expectation, if the branch don't stretch a good inch from today to 4-5 days in the future, this is gonna be chaotic there xD. Aye aye, I'll be away from pretty girl for roughly 2 day. I gave her about 350 ML of water 2 days ago. Since she has shown minor sign of problems relating to soil ph, I gave her 1 part decarbonated Perrier with about 2.7 part neutral water. Perrier is made from source water which contain macro-nutrient essential to plants. It's PH is also officially cotted at 5.5. There is debates on whether or not carbonated Perrier would be beneficial to a plant, but here I choosed to play narrower. I'm still spraying her with water once in a while. I am progressively lowering the frequency since she is approaching flowering and I don't want the humidity level to raises to much, for any question just message me. Aight, guud night.
May 05
Just came back, she need water, it's obvious to me since I know her grow rate which has been slower the past 2 day it seems, pot feel lighter and soil dry ^^. I'm a little bit sick and I just came back so I'll relax a bit and take care of her later tonight. I'll try giving her 600 ml of water this time, she's getting bigger and with flowering approaching I think it's time to look for a increase. Fan leafs did increase in volume from the newly trained branch, but it feel like she has been going at 75% of her speed, but it might also be her entering flowering phase so slowing her vegetative growth, I'll post more picture after training of her later tonight, good night ;)
May 07
I have read somewhere that cannabis plant often go for a good stretch before the flowering really kick in and I think that's what she's heading for. I am quite satisfied with the current evenest of each tops, I am expecting the main branch to grow higher even tho she's pretty much equal for now. I think it's normal and as long as possible I'll pull her down from the need of light coverage but everything should be fine, I don't think there will be any problem with the light. I am really looking forward to see how high she will stretch. Ideally, I don't want her to grow too big, but I am very interested in the idea of her being full of tops. The bigger the branch, the better nutrient are delivered and if light is managed correctly, you'll end up with a bigger harvest, bigger colas. So far I gave her nutrient 1 time, she got nitrogen toxicity because the soil is in fact rich enough for pretty much the whole grow, when I bought my fertilizer I thought about the fact that autoflower grow pretty much all in one at the same time but with that soil, I should have gone for something more on the P and K side. I am considering buying a new small amount of fertilizer for cheap, that is better adapted to my need. I do have little worries about micro nutrients but I do believe I am stressing a bit for nothing. In worst case I'll just answer to her need which is totally fine. Have a nice day !