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Week 2 of veg is in the books. Despite making some changes and dropping back to a 300w fixture, also upping the nute ratios - growth has been pretty decent for a single first week of veg. Got some yellowing on the leaves which is somewhat concerning. Again, hopefully rectified now that we’ve regulated to more acceptable temps and humidity. All are fairly uniform to start and the new bucket system has been issue free which is a bonus. Figure another week to the fim and then another week of veg before the flip. All on pace to get em to flower as quick as possible👌. We’ll cull as soon as able - if we pick up 3/4 spaces after losing the males that would greatly assist to free up some more space elsewhere and move in some new fems that have been backlogged recently. Finally back to focusing on quality buds and it’s and great feeling👍. Strain details She’s a mix of a particularly strong Northern Lights, crossed with a Spicy Bitch sativa hybrid. The hope is that we’ll be able to combine the overtly narcotic effects in the NL and mellow it out somewhat with the quality daytime sativa effects found in the SB. Both strains feature numerous grower qualities. Both parents possessed vigour and resiliency, the SB particularly colourful in late flower. These beans were the product of a shotgun breeding run that presented an unexpected opportunity so there’s quite a bit of testing that should flow from the various F1’s we’ve produced.
**Encontrarás la traducción a español al final de la descripción** From/Desde: 29/03/19 || To/Hasta: 04/04/19 From day/Desde día: 36 || To day/Hasta día: 42 You can find the Gorillas Diary here: ** Podéis encontrar el diario de las Gorilla aquí:** -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- Video 1: Exactly the same video as 2 but accelerated +206% to fix it to 1 minute for instagram. Video 2: 7 days (36~42) TimeLapse, 1 image each 60 secs @ 30 fps (I think there's a missing day in the middle, GoPro things...) Video 3: Prune Cam, working on main money maker Photo 4: Nutrients Used this Week -----WEEK SUMMARY----- I must apologize myself for the lack of pictures this week. I raised a bit the amount of water this week, anyway as you can see at the end of the timelapse video the babies are drinking much more now, and I'm not using enough water. Starting from the next week i will water in shorter periods alternating nutrients and additives. I finally decided to switch to flowering the first day of the next week, i want to see what size of colas can they generate from this size of plant. I don't wan't to try to create monsters at time, and i think my pots are small for too big plants i think. With this growing i'm just introducing myself to growing techniques and to indoor photoperiod strains. The day 1 i switched the lights to flowering mode, and as i said the day 5 (1rst 7th week day) i will switch to 12/12. -----WATERING CALENDAR----- 29/03/19 - 1.000 ml with all week nutrients @ 0.9 E.C. PH5.8 02/04/19 - 500 ml. Just water @ PH6 *****ESPAÑOL***** -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- Video 1: TimeLapse, exactamente el mismo vídeo que el 2 pero acelerado al 206% para ajustarlo a 1 minuto para Instagram. Video 2: 7 días (36~42) TimeLapse, 1 image each 60 secs @ 30 fps (Creo que falta un día entre medias, cosas de GoPro) Video 3: Cámara de podado, trabajando en la Gorila principal Photo 4: Nutrientes usados esta semana -----WEEK SUMMARY----- Tengo que disculparme por la falta de imágenes esta semana, y es que no siempre uno dispone de todo el tiempo que desearía. A pesar de haber incrementado un pelín la cantidad de agua con respecto a la semana anterior, en el final del video timelapse se hace evidente como ya empiezan a beber bastante más agua y lo que les vengo echando ya no es suficiente, a partir de la semana que viene regaré cada menos días alternando nutrientes y aditivos. He decidido que esta va a ser la última semana de crecimiento, quiero ver que tal se forman la colas con este tamaño de planta, hay que tener en cuenta que las tengo en tiestos pequeños/medios y tampoco es mi intención crear monstruos por el momento. Con este cultivo simplemente me estoy introduciendo a las técnicas de cultivo y al cultivo de fotodependienes en interior. Con respecto a la luz, el día 1 he cambiado el modo de la luminaria a floración, y el día 5 (primer día de la semana 7) voy a hacer el cambio a 12/12. -----CALENDARIO DE RIEGO----- 29/03/19 - 1.000 ml con todos los nutrientes semanales @ 0.9 E.C. PH5.8 02/04/19 - 500 ml. Sólo agua @ PH6
**Encontrarás la traducción a español al final de la descripción** From/Desde: 29/03/19 || To/Hasta: 04/04/19 From day/Desde día: 36 || To day/Hasta día: 42 You can find the Gorillas Diary here: ** Podéis encontrar el diario de las Gorilla aquí:** -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- Video 1: Exactly the same video as 2 but accelerated +206% to fix it to 1 minute for instagram. Video 2: 7 days (36~42) TimeLapse, 1 image each 60 secs @ 30 fps (I think there's a missing day in the middle, GoPro things...) Video 3: Prune Cam, working on main money maker Photo 4: Nutrients Used this Week -----WEEK SUMMARY----- I must apologize myself for the lack of pictures this week. I raised a bit the amount of water this week, anyway as you can see at the end of the timelapse video the babies are drinking much more now, and I'm not using enough water. Starting from the next week i will water in shorter periods alternating nutrients and additives. I finally decided to switch to flowering the first day of the next week, i want to see what size of colas can they generate from this size of plant. I don't wan't to try to create monsters at time, and i think my pots are small for too big plants i think. With this growing i'm just introducing myself to growing techniques and to indoor photoperiod strains. The day 1 i switched the lights to flowering mode, and as i said the day 5 (1rst 7th week day) i will switch to 12/12. -----WATERING CALENDAR----- 29/03/19 - 1.000 ml with all week nutrients @ 0.9 E.C. PH5.8 02/04/19 - 500 ml. Just water @ PH6 *****ESPAÑOL***** -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- Video 1: TimeLapse, exactamente el mismo vídeo que el 2 pero acelerado al 206% para ajustarlo a 1 minuto para Instagram. Video 2: 7 días (36~42) TimeLapse, 1 image each 60 secs @ 30 fps (Creo que falta un día entre medias, cosas de GoPro) Video 3: Cámara de podado, trabajando en la Gorila principal Photo 4: Nutrientes usados esta semana -----WEEK SUMMARY----- Tengo que disculparme por la falta de imágenes esta semana, y es que no siempre uno dispone de todo el tiempo que desearía. A pesar de haber incrementado un pelín la cantidad de agua con respecto a la semana anterior, en el final del video timelapse se hace evidente como ya empiezan a beber bastante más agua y lo que les vengo echando ya no es suficiente, a partir de la semana que viene regaré cada menos días alternando nutrientes y aditivos. He decidido que esta va a ser la última semana de crecimiento, quiero ver que tal se forman la colas con este tamaño de planta, hay que tener en cuenta que las tengo en tiestos pequeños/medios y tampoco es mi intención crear monstruos por el momento. Con este cultivo simplemente me estoy introduciendo a las técnicas de cultivo y al cultivo de fotodependienes en interior. Con respecto a la luz, el día 1 he cambiado el modo de la luminaria a floración, y el día 5 (primer día de la semana 7) voy a hacer el cambio a 12/12. -----CALENDARIO DE RIEGO----- 29/03/19 - 1.000 ml con todos los nutrientes semanales @ 0.9 E.C. PH5.8 02/04/19 - 500 ml. Sólo agua @ PH6
**Encontrarás la traducción a español al final de la descripción** From/Desde: 29/03/19 || To/Hasta: 04/04/19 From day/Desde día: 36 || To day/Hasta día: 42 You can find the Gorillas Diary here: ** Podéis encontrar el diario de las Gorilla aquí:** -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- Video 1: Exactly the same video as 2 but accelerated +206% to fix it to 1 minute for instagram. Video 2: 7 days (36~42) TimeLapse, 1 image each 60 secs @ 30 fps (I think there's a missing day in the middle, GoPro things...) Video 3: Prune Cam, working on main money maker Photo 4: Nutrients Used this Week -----WEEK SUMMARY----- I must apologize myself for the lack of pictures this week. I raised a bit the amount of water this week, anyway as you can see at the end of the timelapse video the babies are drinking much more now, and I'm not using enough water. Starting from the next week i will water in shorter periods alternating nutrients and additives. I finally decided to switch to flowering the first day of the next week, i want to see what size of colas can they generate from this size of plant. I don't wan't to try to create monsters at time, and i think my pots are small for too big plants i think. With this growing i'm just introducing myself to growing techniques and to indoor photoperiod strains. The day 1 i switched the lights to flowering mode, and as i said the day 5 (1rst 7th week day) i will switch to 12/12. -----WATERING CALENDAR----- 29/03/19 - 1.000 ml with all week nutrients @ 0.9 E.C. PH5.8 02/04/19 - 500 ml. Just water @ PH6 *****ESPAÑOL***** -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- Video 1: TimeLapse, exactamente el mismo vídeo que el 2 pero acelerado al 206% para ajustarlo a 1 minuto para Instagram. Video 2: 7 días (36~42) TimeLapse, 1 image each 60 secs @ 30 fps (Creo que falta un día entre medias, cosas de GoPro) Video 3: Cámara de podado, trabajando en la Gorila principal Photo 4: Nutrientes usados esta semana -----WEEK SUMMARY----- Tengo que disculparme por la falta de imágenes esta semana, y es que no siempre uno dispone de todo el tiempo que desearía. A pesar de haber incrementado un pelín la cantidad de agua con respecto a la semana anterior, en el final del video timelapse se hace evidente como ya empiezan a beber bastante más agua y lo que les vengo echando ya no es suficiente, a partir de la semana que viene regaré cada menos días alternando nutrientes y aditivos. He decidido que esta va a ser la última semana de crecimiento, quiero ver que tal se forman la colas con este tamaño de planta, hay que tener en cuenta que las tengo en tiestos pequeños/medios y tampoco es mi intención crear monstruos por el momento. Con este cultivo simplemente me estoy introduciendo a las técnicas de cultivo y al cultivo de fotodependienes en interior. Con respecto a la luz, el día 1 he cambiado el modo de la luminaria a floración, y el día 5 (primer día de la semana 7) voy a hacer el cambio a 12/12. -----CALENDARIO DE RIEGO----- 29/03/19 - 1.000 ml con todos los nutrientes semanales @ 0.9 E.C. PH5.8 02/04/19 - 500 ml. Sólo agua @ PH6
So we are starting week 5 of flowering , so far so good she's done her stretch and now shes thickening up the flowers ! We had run into a nitrogen and potassium deficiency but thats been fixed ! As for this week we are just going to take it easy and let the plant ride its course ! A big thank you goes out to everyone who stops in weekly to check out the diaries !! You guys rock keep on keeping on ! -Happy Growing!