March 13, 2019 Update:
Transplanted and moved 6 plants into the Flower room this weekend. I moved 4 Cherry clones, 1 DinaMed seedling and 1 CBD Medi Kush seedling. I also cut clones of the DinaMed and Cherry’s - 3 DinaMed & 12 Cherry clones (check for the new diary). The other clones and seedlings will remain in the veg tent for another month, then I’ll pick 6 more to move into flower. I’d like to keep a 6 plant per month rotation going in flower.
Also, switching over to organic feeding. Feeding with Living Water (2-3 ounces of fish tank water per gallon of well water) and also trying Jobe's Organics Fertilizer Spikes for Vegetables 2-7-4. I planted 5 spikes per 5 gallon grow bag. I pushed the spikes down finger depth about 2/3's of the way from the base of the stem to the side of the bag and spread the 5 spikes evenly around the pots. The plan is to just add water from here on out and see how it goes. I have 'high hopes', I recently read "True Living Organics" by The Rev and he seems to be a big fan of spikes and living water.
I did change to a new 1000W HPS bulb in the flower room. The old bulb was in use for 3 months.
p.s. I'm starting a couple new diaries next, check em out! 👍