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Week 6 already, we will add some extra PK until week 7 more or less as this strain has a little longer flowering, the buds are starting to look great, they are getting bigger and longer week by week!
I insanly defoliated and cut branches away even mid flower to get airflow going
New week starts. __________ 🌞10.05 I've watered my plants with 'Pre-Flowering' GHE nutrient mix and spraiyed them with 'Foliar nutrients'. 🌞11.05 Nothing for today. 🌞12.05 Nothing today. No feeding, no spraying. I'm patiently waiting for the end of a week to make huge defoliation. My babies are big. Too big. 🌞13.05 The same. 🌞14.05 Found few bent up leaf tips. Thinking what it is. Upd: I asked a grow kwestion and got an answer. As a result, I moved my lamps higher. 🌞15.05 The reddish 'rusty' marks shows up between upper leaves veins on 'RG'#2 I suspect sunburn. Asked a new grow question. 🌞16.05 It's definitely Phosphorus deficit combined with high temperature. I've measured income and outcome water and it was normal, so it's not an overfeeding. Watering with 80% 'GHE Tripart' bloom formula with adding 80% of recommended dose of 'Advanced PK' nutrient. Watering: - Ph 6.2, - CE 1.17 Drainage: - Ph 6.25 - CE 1.09 I can't change lamp-to-plant distance, but I can put other lamp in my grow box. I have 50 watt red light grow lamp and I'll change one of my 100W lamps to it tomorrow when the light will shut down. It will be 250W instead of 300W and that should be more comfortable to the flowers, I guess. I grew the mighty 'Critical' with this setup. Sprayed my garden with clean water and that's all for today. ___________ Week ends.
This plant has a lot of history, because she started to bloom really really early on November 2022, but with no more than 3 cm 🙀 with some week of flowering, then she started to get on the vegetative phase again. After some week of vegetative phase, on Feb she started to bloom.. A sativa plant that took lots of week to finish his cycle of flowering... The wait was worth it.😈
11/05 -> Début 7e semaine floraison 👍 12/05 -> Arrosage 500ml/pot + nutriments. 17/05 -> Arrosage 500ml/pot + nutriments. 17/05 -> Fin de la semaine 7 de floraison 👍
29 macetas de 20-18 litros aproximadamente Dia 32 de Floracion Super Suelo Sin fertilizantes Apoyado con biortilizantes @bioinsumoschakrana Melaza Te de Bokashi Humato Postasico Potenciado @Knactive Knactive el mejor bioestimulante 100% orgánico para todo tipo de plantas , el cual activa la autodefensa contra el estrés oxidativo y potencia la síntesis interna de todas las fitohormonas. Vital Juice Es un producto Chileno hecho en base a algas: durvillaea antarctica y ascophyllum nodosum.
Die Amnesika ist was feines. 51g trocken habe ich geerntet. Sie duftet wirklich sehr lecker. Ich bin aber schlecht darin Aromen zu beschreiben. Die Wirkung mag ich auch sehr. Sie ist aufjedenfall sehr stark. Lässt sich gut rauchen. Schmeckt gut. Werde ich wieder anbauen.
MAY 17th I'll water the 10th planet again tomorrow. Things are going amazing! I topped one of the blueberry cheeses and fimmed another. I'm not seeing any stress. If they seem good I'll hst some of the others. This doing ONE thing at a time helps figure out problems. It's 75 right now but it was 39 this morning. UPDATE: IT STARTED FUCKING SNOWING TODAY. Forecast looks good and others are putting plants out. I'll hold off. They'll go to the garage soon for hardening off. Looking at other diaries I had much bigger "clones" but they always come full of problems (see last year). These plants are the healthiest ivecever grown. I'd rather have a healthy plant half the size than a clone with a bunch of issues. Tomorrow I'm planning to wash my stakes and grow bags. I'll get the palletts in position and move my cage. I also am considering either putting a small pvc cover on my cage or finding a way to attack something to the trellis system for heavy rains. If anybody has ideas I'm all ears. 5/18 DIDN'T WATER TODAY. Soil was dry but the pots were heavy. I could feel some moisture through the drain holes. I think it would've been alright either way but I'm erring on the side of caution. I'll check again later in the day. I topped one and fimmed anotger of the blueberry cheese. The purple punch is quickly catching g up to her sisters. I HAD to add a small ring around one of the purple pounce plants as it was WAAAAY lighter than the others. It's possible it could've gotten less water than the others last time due to its positioning. I'm also considering adding silica next feeding. So much left to do before they go outside. Oh and it was fucking snowing here yesterday! May 17 and it was snowing middle of the day. Morning temp wad 31 this morning so I'm staying cautious and making sure I have all my ducks I'm a row before I go outside. I'm also weighing options to either add a pvc hoop on top of my cage or look into protecting plants individually come late fall with our horrible weather. I'm leaning towards the pvc top. I think that would greatly help things. UPDATE: Went back over at four and everything's looked great. Leaves praying to the sun. Topsoil is dry as fuck but I can still feel a little bit of moisture through the drain holes plus they have a little heft left to them. I plan on watering tomorrow and see how that goes. I wanted to add silica but I'm afraid of changing to much or raising the ph of the soil. 5/19 Found out that my scale will actually weigh the three gallon pots! I don't have an empty one to fill with dry soil to compare though. WATERED everything today. Topsoil was totally dry. Some plants had some heft to them. However I last watered on the 15th so I decided to cut back on the amount of water and see how that goes. Instead of the full 28oz powerade bottle I gave them a little over half. I tried for approx 16fl Oz per plant. Everything is looking great. Other than the little runt. I don't know whatcthecdeal is with that one bit it may get given away or culled. I also FIMed a purple punch. UPDATE: Went back over around 11 and boy weren't the plants looking good. I'm moving my cage and sanitizing my pallets tomorrow. I sanitized my grow bags. I vleaned them with the baking soda and water and a scrub brush but since I had that problem with fusarium last year I then soaked them in a h2o2 solution for 20 mins before rinsing them off and letting them dry. I am so stoked for this season. Wondering about the pvc top and whether it's necessary 🤔. I have TONS of heavy equipment (well dad does) but the smallest thing we have is a backhoe and a bulldozer neither which I'm to inclined to use to move big plants. I thought that since the door to that garage is large enough to drive a front end loader in than if I could find a way to make my pallets mobile I could bring them in if storms are coming. I worry to much. I also got rid of anything that could gave spires on it. Ilk need to wash my plastic trellis netting and the bamboo as well but better safe than sorry. 5/20 Plants are still growing like weeds and are the ones I HST are recovering nicely. Soon they'll go out to the garage and spend their days outside in the sunshine and their nights inside the garage while I harden them off. Having trouble uploading stuff right now. 5/21 Topped two blueberry cheese and one purple punch. Plants are still doing great. We are getting close to go8ng outside in tye forever homes in smart pots ranging from 10gal to 50 gals. I still need to sanitize the pallets but this week I plan on hardening these girls off fully. 5/22 I weighed a couple of the plants and they were different. I think I got a couple 7lbs one that was 6 something and a heavier one that was 8. Looks like I've found the right amount. I plan to water tomorrow. They'll be moved in the next couple days to the garage and I'll let them fill the 3's before they go in their final homes. Plants are recovering from HST great. Still getting cold nights here. Honestly if I didn't have a major life event happen they'd be outside hardening off now 5/23 Watered everything with approximately 18oz of water. I am either going to move plants outside today to indirect sun (even though they've handled full sunlight from an open window) in the garage and keep the light going for a little longer. They need to fill their pots before they go in their forever homes. I've got some work to do but it will pay off. EDIT: Cage has been moved to its new home. A huge pallet takes up most of it but I have littler ones that will fit in. I just haven't had a chance to disinfect these. I'm probably going overboard but I'm not fucking around with that fusarium or other any pathogens this year. I'm going to use the systemic organocide once I go outside. It's going to rain tomorrow amd might be cold but I still move the plants to the garage in the morning.
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