16 Jul 2021
I lost a day somehow, and I’m wondering how? For some reason I thought it was the 15th, but obviously it isn’t. Somehow, I have allowed 4 days to go by between feeding her. I’m so surprised she’s still doing as well as she is because my care for her and her tent mate has been sorry! It just speaks to their resilience, and not my skills as a grower, but I hope to do better. Today I’m sticking to the ripening feed stage that I started on the 12th.
Today she got a gallon of water chilled to 50F, with CALiMAGic 5ml, FloraMicro 2.8ml, FloraBloom 4.5ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml, and Dry KoolBloom .5 tsp. The initial pH was 6.2, and normally would be great, but her runoff pH would be very low, so I added pH UP 2ml which adjusted the pH to 6.4. The difference between pH UP and DOWN is ridiculous! The same amount of the other would have lowered the amount by about 2 full points, but the UP only adjusted .2 😳. Anyway, the final pH was 6.4, and TDS going in was 784 ppm. Runoff pH was still low at 5.5, and TDS runoff was 2513 ppm. We’re still in a heat wave right now, so the tent temperature was 84F, and humidity was 60%. I hope to keep this feeding stage up for a couple of weeks, then I’m going to start flushing her to prepare for harvest. I’m thinking harvest should be in about a month.
18 Jul 2021
Feeding time again! I’m continuing with the ripening feed stage today, and will be till the flush in a couple of weeks. Her buds are fattening up quite nicely, but I have sad news to report. It looks as though one of the branches we broke a while ago and taped up isn’t going to make it. Some of it is looking ok, but the leaves at the top of the cola are dying, and others around it are looking poor as well. Luckily, the buds below the break still look well. I was running out of time for the lights tonight to prune it off. I’ll do it tomorrow and go ahead and harvest what is already there. It’s closer to being ready than not. Today she received a gallon of chilled water (57.4F) with CALiMAGic 5ml, FloraMicro 2.8ml, FloraBloom 4.5ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml, and Dry KoolBloom .5 tsp. The initial pH was 6.2, but I wanted it a little higher. So I added 1ml of pH UP, which adjusted it to pH 6.5. The TDS going in was 839 ppm. The runoff pH was 5.8, and the TDS runoff was 2307 ppm. The tent was still warm at 84F, and humidity was 47%. My Blue Ox is looking wonderful, and I’m hoping she continues to do well.
20 Jul 2021
Today ends week 14 of this plants life. According to Rare Dankness Seeds, the Blue Ox has a 60-70 day flowering time. So, according to them, the people who produced the seeds for this lovely plant, she should be ready for harvest on or about July 24th, which is her 60 day mark, or August 3rd, the 70 day mark. So that is either next week or the week after. I’m going to go ahead and start flushing her out from the next feeding on till she’s ready for harvest. Her buds are nice and fat, and she smells lovely! Today I finished this week with the ripening phase on the feed chart and gave her the following: CALiMAGic 5ml, FloraMicro 2.8ml, FloraBloom 4.5ml, Floralicious Plus 1ml, and Dry KoolBloom .5 tsp all mixed into a gallon of water chilled to 58.7F. The initial pH was 6.6 and was not adjusted. The TDS going in was 771 ppm. Runoff pH was 5.9, and TDS runoff was 2364 ppm. Our heat wave is still raging, so the temperature in the tent was 88F, and humidity was 49%.