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Human Body 65% Oxygen (in all liquids and tissues, bones, and proteins) 18% Carbon (everywhere) 10% Hydrogen (in all liquids and tissues, bones, proteins 3% Nitrogen (in all liquids and tissues, proteins 1,5% Calcium (lungs, kidney, liver, thyroid, brain, muscles, heart, bones) 1% Phosphorus (urine, bones, DNA) 0,35% Potassium (enzymes) 0,25% Sulphur (proteins) 0,15% Sodium (in all liquids and tissues) (in terms of salt) 0,05% Magnesium (lungs, kidney, liver, thyroid, brain, muscles, heart) The average adult male contains about 140 g of K(Potassium); the level varies with body weight and muscle mass. We ingest about 2.5 g per day of K from our food and excrete about the same amount. 0.0118 % of that is K40 The answer is that they were present when our earth was formed. Any radioactive material originally present at the formation of the earth would have decayed and disappeared if its half-life was short compared to the age of the earth. However, if its half-life were long, close to or greater than the age of the earth, then such materials would not have disappeared but are still with us today. There are several radioelements in this category, such as the well-known elements uranium and thorium. Thorium (Th232) has a half-life of 14,000,000,000 years, uranium has two long-lived radioisotopes; U238 has a half-life of 4,500,000,000 years, and U235 has a half-life of 710,000,000 years. These give rise to the radium and thorium atoms found in all humans, acquired from the food we eat. That food, of course, obtained these materials from the soil in which it grew or on which it grazed. Potassium is also in this category. There are actually three potassium isotopes: K39, a stable isotope, is the most abundant, at 93.26 % of the total; K41 is next in abundance at 6.73 % and is also a stable isotope. The potassium isotope of interest is a radioactive isotope, K40. It is present in all potassium at a very low concentration, 0.0118 %. It has a very long half-life, 1,260,000,000 years. When it decays 89 % of the events give rise to the emission of a beta ray with maximum energy of 1.33 MeV. The other 11 % of the decays produce a gamma-ray with an energy of 1.46 MeV Everything in existence once decayed from Thorium 232 Half life 14,000,000,000 years Atomic number 90 Atomic mass 232.038 2+3+2+3+8=18 1+8=9 9 acts as two functions 1 and 0 Alpha & Omega The forces required to forge thorium 232 can only be harnessed when traveling close to or at the speed of light, so essentially what I'm getting at is 0.0118% of every person alive is formed of the same element that was forged in the anvil of creation itself. We are all one & the same Thorium 232.036 2+3+2+3+8=18 1+8=9 atomic weight of thorium * 360 degrees rotation around the sun 232.036*360 = 83533.68 8+3+5+3+3+6+8=36 3+6=9 Welcome to the matrix lol German chemist Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner attempted to classify elements with similar properties into groups of three elements each. These groups were called ‘triads’. Dobereiner suggested that in these triads, the atomic mass of the element in the middle would be more or less equal to the mean of the atomic masses of the other two elements in the triad. An example of such a triad would be one containing lithium, sodium, and potassium. The atomic mass of lithium 6.94 and that of potassium is 39.10. The element in the middle of this triad, sodium, has an atomic mass of 22.99 which is more or less equal to the mean of the atomic masses of lithium and potassium (which is 23.02). 9 controls the 6 and 3. The Limitations of Dobereiner’s Triads are : All the elements known at that time couldn’t be classified into triads. Only four triads were mentioned – (Li,Na,K ), (Ca,Sr,Ba) , (Cl,Br,I) , (S,Se,Te). 2. Newland’s Octaves English scientist John Newlands arranged the 56 known elements in increasing order of atomic mass in the year 1866. He observed a trend wherein every eighth element exhibited properties similar to the first. Azomite contains 180ppm of thorium. Your plant will thank you, you are welcome. Most farmers do have not a proper understanding of what is Azomite and how to use it in gardening, especially if they practice organic farming. Continuous propagation and leaching effects of water deplete the essential minerals and micro-nutrients from the soils. Such soils remain weak, not able to support the production of fruits and vegetables. Azomite mineral contains micronutrients that supplement the soil. It also balances the minerals for growth and overall productivity. Constant use of this mineral rejuvenates your soil renewing its potency again. Azomite is a naturally mined mineral product that is ready to use. It’s a unique rock that comes from a mine in central Utah. Azomite requires no mixing or special preparation before use. It is derived from volcano ash that spewed out millions of years ago. It contains the widest range of minerals of all the rock dust in the world. Azomite provides plants with 70% essential elements. These elements include magnesium, calcium, potassium, and silicon for plant growth. Facts About Azomite Fertilizer It’s a natural mineral – 100% natural with no fillers or additives Does not contain any harmful elements Requires no special preparation before use It’s odorless – very friendly to use Does not restrict water penetration or aeration Is easily broken down and absorbed into the soil Does not burn plants. READ ALL OF THIS, Magic is real:) Mag(net)ic has always been real. Nuclear charge radii are sensitive probes of different aspects of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the bulk properties of nuclear matter, providing a stringent test and challenge for nuclear theory. Experimental evidence suggested a new magic neutron number at N= 32 (refs. 1–3) in the calcium region, whereas the unexpectedly large increases in the charge radii4,5 open new questions about the evolution of nuclear size in neutron-rich systems. By combining the collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy method with β-decay detection, we were able to extend charge radii measurements of potassium isotopes beyond N= 32. Here we provide a charge radius measurement of 52K. It does not show a signature of magic behavior at N= 32 in potassium. The results are interpreted with two state-of-the-art nuclear theories. The coupled cluster theory reproduces the odd-even variations in charge radii but not the notable increase beyond N= 28. This rise is well captured by Fayans nuclear density functional theory, which, however, overestimates the odd-even staggering effect in charge radii. These findings highlight our limited understanding of the nuclear size of neutron-rich systems and expose problems that are present in some of the best current models of nuclear theory. The charge radius is a fundamental property of the atomic nucleus. Although it globally scales with the nuclear mass as A1/3, the nuclear charge radius also exhibits appreciable isotopic variations that are the result of complex interactions between protons and neutrons. Indeed, charge radii reflect various nuclear structure phenomena such as halo structures6, shape staggering7, and shape coexistence8, pairing correlations9,10, neutron skins11, and the occurrence of nuclear magic numbers5,12,13. The term ‘magic number’ refers to the number of protons or neutrons corresponding to completely filled shells. In charge radii, a shell closure is observed as a sudden increase in the charge radius of the isotope just beyond magic shell closure, as seen, for example, at the well-known magic numbers N=28, 50, 82, and 126 (refs. 5,12–14).In the nuclear mass region near potassium, the isotopes with proton number Z≈20 and neutron number N=32 are proposed to be magic on the basis of an observed sudden decrease in their binding energy beyond N=32 (refs. 2,3) and the high excitation energy of the first excited state in 52Ca (ref. 1). Therefore, the experimentally observed a strong increase in the charge radii of calcium4 and potassium5 isotopes between N=28 and N=32, and in particular the large radius of 51K and 52Ca (both having 32 neutrons), have attracted substantial attention. One aim of the present study is therefore to shed light on several open questions in this region: how does the nuclear size of very neutron-rich nuclei evolve, and is there any evidence for the magicity of N=32 from nuclear size measurements? We furthermore provide new data to test several newly developed nuclear models, which aim to understand the evolution of nuclear charge radii of exotic isotopes with large neutron-to-proton imbalances. So far, abinitio nuclear methods, allowing for systematically improvable calculations based on realistic Hamiltonians with nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon potentials, have failed to explain the enhanced nuclear sizes beyond N=28 in the calcium isotopes4,15. Meanwhile, nuclear density functional theory (DFT) using Fayans functionals has been successful in predicting the increase in the charge radii of isotopes in the proton-magic calcium chain10, as well as the kinks in proton-magic tin and lead12. All these theoretical approaches have, until now, been predominantly used to study the charge radii of even-Z isotopes. Here they will be applied to the odd-Z potassium isotopes (Z=19).
Sie sind gut in der Blüte angekommen. Dünger wird verarbeitet und es sind keine Mängel erkennbar. Ich bin sehr zufrieden, die drei Oreoz haben schon gut was ausgehalten. Ich bin gespannt wo die Reise hingehen wird. Sie sind in der 2. Blüte Woche und hatten 8 Wochen in der Vegetativen.
Last week was a short one, decided to chop them on day 80. Both plants weigh at 800g wet, hoping to get a bit over 100g dry. They could probably go for another week to get fatter, but I was feeling ready looking at the trichomes. Hope the dry slow, I can't get RH above 50% so hoping that won't be so bad.
Placing a dehumidifier or humidifier in the grow box turned out to be ineffective when both devices have their own automated settings. For instance, a humidifier set to 55% humidity works within a ±5% range, meaning it waits until the humidity drops below 50% to turn on and runs until it hits 60%. Since its sensor refreshes every 30 seconds, it might show 54% one moment and jump to 61% the next—not exactly stable at 55%. The dehumidifier behaves similarly. To achieve more consistent results, it’s better to rely on a hygrometer inside the grow box and use “dumb” devices that simply turn on when powered. Connecting these devices to smart outlets provides more precise control. For manual control, I maintained around 55% humidity by turning the humidifier and exhaust fan on and off via phone. Most moisture and aroma are released during the first three days, then taper off. The common rule of “when thin branches snap, it’s dry” led me to overdry my buds. A more reliable method is to monitor the hygrometer. When humidity stabilizes after the initial rise, wait one more day and then jar the buds. Rehydrating Overdried Buds: Overdried buds can be revived with a small piece of mandarin (or orange) peel, about 2.5x2.5 cm. Thoroughly wash the peel (even sanitize it if needed), cut a square, and place it on top of the buds in the jar. In my experience, this brought the humidity from 46% to 62% within 4 hours. Afterward, burp the jars for 15 minutes and monitor the hygrometer. If the humidity drops below 55%, return the peel for a few more hours. Once stable at 60-62%, remove the peel and continue curing, burping the jars twice daily for 15 minutes. As for humidity packs like Integra Boost or Boveda, I used them because I had some lying around. These packs are designed for 12 grams of product, so they don’t make a big difference in larger jars. If you burp jars daily and gently rotate the buds, they’re not really necessary. Trimming and Results: After 7 days of drying, I decided to trim dry this time. It turned out to be somewhat more convenient—everything gets covered in resin anyway, but the remaining leaves easily fall off, speeding up the process. I went for a tight trim, removing as much as possible. During the process, I felt disappointed seeing how little remained on the branches. The buds turned out airy and small, and I started cursing American genetics halfway through the trim. However, when it came to weighing, the results were surprisingly decent. Considering the buds' poor appearance, they’re not going to impress anyone visually, so it might have been easier to shred everything and use it for extraction. I don’t have extraction equipment, so I’ll make cannabutter from the trim, and the buds can rest in jars for now. Takeaways: Use a proper hygrometer for humidity control, not built-in sensors on humidifiers or dehumidifiers. Overdried buds can be easily rehydrated with citrus peel. Daily burping and rotation are sufficient for curing without humidity packs. Dry trimming can be faster and more convenient but may highlight issues with bud density. Despite underwhelming appearance, high resin content makes the strain great for extraction.
My new 600 white ballast came in, so I'm back to 2 600 watt lights, happy about that. I did a little Platt training on my clones to get them to bush out so they won't grow so tall next time. Cleaned up all the small popcorn shoots underneath. That wasn't getting any light.
🌈💐🍬🌈💐🍬🌈💐🍬🌈💐🍬🌈 Hi and welcome to another grow again from Kannabia this time it's a Feminized photoperiod, Candy Cream Go fast, my plan is to veg and manifold under 24hr light until my sweet "little"Runtz Auto is done. 🌈💐🍬🌈💐🍬🌈💐🍬🌈💐🍬🌈 💭❗💭❗💭❗💭❗💭❗💭❗💭 ❗Events"&thoughts worth noting❗ 💭❗💭❗💭❗💭❗💭❗💭❗💭 29.11.24(GW1) Prepared the substrate by washing out the old nutrients and planted the seed. 03.12.24(GW1) The little one germinated 🎉🎉🎉 04.12.24(VW1) Decided to switch to Veg out of practical reasons so I can update both diaries in one go. 10.12.24(VW1) increased TriPartMicro to 20ml and GreenBuzzBloom to 20ml. 18.12.24(VW3) Started the manifold process topped trimmed and defoliated filled the pot up to the nodes I kept for extra support and to keep things dry(📸) 22.12.24(VW3) Topped her one more time (📸) 01.01.25(VW5) broke a branch the other day, she seems unfazed. 04.01.25(VW5) increase TriPartMicro to 40ml and observe how she reacts after her next feed. 06.01.25(VW5)Did the last topping for 12 tops since one branch is "missing" 15.01.25(VW6) Had to dry her out 10-15.01.25 because of fungus gnats so she didn't grow as much as I would like but it's back to normal now and as soon as she gets some height I can place sticky traps to control the mofos. 17.01.25(VW7) Pruned the bottom nodes so I can put sticky traps and water and feed without getting future bud sites wet and moldy(took pics), increased TriPartMicro to 60ml from 40ml. 23.01.25(VW8) Seems to have lost more than a week of growth unfortunately, a whole week with out water was a bit too much apparently just to control those mofos (fungus gnats) I’m hoping this is the last week of 24 hour light schedule. 26.01.25(VW8) Increase GreenBuzzBloom to 30ml and TriPartMicro to 70ml WIP 💭❗💭 ❗💭❗💭❗💭❗💭❗💭 🐝🌼🐝🌼🐝🌼🐝🌼🐝🌼🐝🌼 🌼Day to day tasks & actions🌼 🐝🌼🐝🌼🐝🌼🐝🌼🐝🌼🐝🌼 22.01.25(VW7) fed with (*1) 5l 23.01.25(VW8) no water no feed. 24.01.25(VW8) fed with (*1) 5l 25.01.25(VW8) fed with (*1) 5l 🌼🐝🌼🐝🌼🐝🌼🐝🌼🐝🌼🐝🌼 🍶💦🍶💦🍶💦🍶💦🍶 💦Nutrients in 30l(*1) 💦 🍶💦🍶💦🍶💦🍶💦🍶💦🍶💦🍶 💦TriPartMicro:15ml*20ml*40ml*60ml*70ml 🍶TriPartBloom: 0ml 💦 Fermented🌿juice:0ml 🍶GreenBuzzBloom: 15ml*20ml*30ml 💦Cal-Mag: 60ml 🍶buxXtrade citric acid Ph- 💦🍶💦🍶💦🍶💦🍶💦🍶💦🍶💦 ⚙️✂️⚙️✂️⚙️✂️⚙️✂️⚙️ ✂️Tools & equipment ✂️ ⚙️✂️⚙️✂️⚙️✂️⚙️✂️⚙️✂️⚙️✂️⚙️ ✂️➡️2xMarsHydroSP3000 ⚙️➡️MarsHydro150mmVentilatorACF ✂️➡️Trotec (big) dehumidifier ⚙️➡️Small no name dehumidifier ✂️➡️Kebab stainless skewers 3 (LST) ⚙️➡️wire+roast beefskewers(LST) ✂️➡️trimming scissors.(HST) ⚙️➡️Waterproof vacuum cleaner for ✂️spills. ⚙️✂️⚙️✂️⚙️✂️⚙️✂️⚙️✂️⚙️✂️⚙️ 🍭🍦🍬🌈🍭🍦🍬🌈🍭🍦🍬🌈🍭 CandyCreamGoFastKANNABIA 🍬🌈🍭🍦🍬🌈🍭🍦🍬🌈🍭🍦🍬 Species:70%Indica+- 30%Sativa+- Indica Cream x Auto Indica Cream Flowering period: Short Yield:High Scent:Low Seed:Feminized Effect:Relaxing THC:20 % Features:For beginners, Good for extractions, Moisture resistant,Pest resistant Flavor:Sweet Complete cycle:46-49 days Indoor Average height:180cm Yield:550 gr/m2 Outdoor Average height:180cm Yield:600 gr/plant 🌈🍭🍦🍬🌈🍭🍦🍬🌈🍭🍦🍬🌈
New Diary new genetics Hope it goes well doing a mix of genetics, hope they finish around the same time 2 Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto 1 Royal AK Auto First day in water, will move next directly into 9L pots
0.23v tuned to 7.83Hz Pretty neat, in the afternoon when the tent hovers around 84F the plants are 🙏, can visually see in time around 10 minutes after I opened the tent the temp had dropped to 76 pressure was lost, she is still chilling but she doesn't quite have that perk anymore. *Salinity3.5% - 100ml H2O=100g The concentration of salt in a solution 3.5%= 3.5g in 100ml. Growing well. Not going to top or do any training, I'll let the plant do its own thing, she is constructing foundations now for what she senses ahead. Smart girl. ✨️ I'm just the hvac guy. The voltage that is needed for electrolysis to occur is called the decomposition potential. The word "lysis" means to separate or break, so in terms, electrolysis would mean "breakdown via electricity. Green hydrogen is hydrogen produced by the electrolysis of water, using renewable electricity. The production of green hydrogen causes significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions than the production of grey hydrogen, which is derived from fossil fuels without carbon capture. Electrolysis of pure water requires excess energy in the form of overpotential to overcome various activation barriers. Without the excess energy, electrolysis occurs slowly or not at all. This is in part due to the limited self-ionization of water. Pure water has an electrical conductivity of about one hundred thousandths that of seawater. Efficiency is increased through the addition of an electrolyte (such as a salt, acid or base). Photoelectrolysis of water, also known as photoelectrochemical water splitting, occurs in a photoelectrochemical cell when light is used as the energy source for the electrolysis of water, producing dihydrogen . Photoelectrolysis is sometimes known colloquially as the hydrogen holy grail for its potential to yield a viable alternative to petroleum as a source of energy. The PEC cell primarily consists of three components: the photoelectrode the electrolyte and a counter electrode. The semiconductor crucial to this process, absorbs sunlight, initiating electron excitation and subsequent water molecule splitting into hydrogen and oxygen. Water electrolysis requires a minimum potential difference of 1.23 volts, although at that voltage external heat is also required. Typically 1.5 volts is required. Biochar, a by-product of biomass pyrolysis, is typically characterized by high carbon content, aromaticity, porosity, cation exchange capacity, stability, and reactivity. The coupling of biochar oxidation reaction (BOR) with water electrolysis constitutes biochar-assisted water electrolysis (BAWE) for hydrogen production, which has been demonstrated to reduce the electricity consumption of conventional water electrolysis from 1.23v to 0.21v. Biochar particles added to the electrolyte form a two-phase solution, in which the biochar oxidation reaction (BOR) has a lower potential (0.21 V vs. RHE) than OER (1.23 V vs. RHE), reducing the energy consumption for hydrogen production via biochar-assisted water electrolysis (BAWE). BAWE produces H2 under 1 V while eliminating O2 formation: key word "eliminating". Air with a normal oxygen concentration of around 21% is not considered explosive on its own; however, if a flammable gas or vapor is present, increasing the oxygen percentage above 23.5% can significantly increase the risk of ignition and explosion due to the enriched oxygen environment. The addition of ion mediators (Fe3+/Fe2+) significantly increases BOR kinetics Air: Nitrogen -- N2 -- 78.084% Carbon Dioxide -- CO2 -- 0.04% Hydrogen in homosphere H -- 0.00005% Hydrogen "GAS" H2 in homosphere - 0% "Nitrogen, oxygen, and argon are the three main components of Earth's atmosphere. Water concentration varies but averages around 0.25% of the atmosphere by mass. Carbon dioxide and all of the other elements and compounds are trace gases. Trace gases include the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Except for argon, other noble gases are trace elements (these include neon, helium, krypton, and xenon). Industrial pollutants include chlorine and its compounds, fluorine and its compounds, elemental mercury vapor, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide. Other components of Earth's atmosphere include spores, pollen, volcanic ash, and salt from sea spray." "salt from sea spray" like in the air, in the air? cool. Although the CRC table does not list water vapor (H2O), air can contain as much as 5% water vapor, more commonly ranging from 1-3%. The 1-5% range places water vapor as the third most common gas (which alters the other percentages accordingly). Water content varies according to air temperature. Dry air is denser than humid air. However, sometimes humid air contains actual water droplets, which can make it more dense than humid air that only contains water vapor. The homosphere(where you live) is the portion of the atmosphere with a fairly uniform composition due to atmospheric turbulence. In contrast, the heterosphere is the part of the atmosphere where chemical composition varies mainly according to altitude. The lower portion of the heterosphere contains oxygen and nitrogen, but these heavier elements do not occur higher up. The upper heterosphere consists almost entirely of hydrogen, cool. Just run me a hose up to the heterosphere or top of my tent as I call it, and I'm good. 78%nitrogen as N2, a far too stable bond to be used by organisms. 20%oxygen 0.04%co2 0.00005% hydrogen When lightning strikes, it tears apart the bond in airborne nitrogen molecules. Those free nitrogen atoms N2 then have the chance to combine with oxygen molecules to form a compound called nitrates N3. Once formed, the nitrates are carried down to the ground becoming usable by plants. Will it react with the oxygen in the air spontaneously, the answer is no. The mixture is chemically stable indefinitely. A mixture with air near the release point can be ignited, but if this does not happen then when its concentration gets below 4% it will be unable to carry a flame. There’s a big difference between Hydrogen gas and naturally-released Hydrogen atoms. Because “science” conducted experiments within labs it is the commonly held notion Hydrogen is H² within the atmosphere. Nothing could be further from the truth. Hydrogen gas itself turns liquid when compressed H², and when pressure conditions change the hydrogen converts back to a gas H at the speed of light, this abrupt almost instantaneous expansion is what gives hydrogen gas its bad rap. Cool, H2O, I'll just separate the 2H from O, and put 2H back in fresh H2O using O2. "How do you fertilize your plants? Oh I conjure lightning bolts for my nitrogen" lol, cool.
0.23v tuned to 7.83Hz Pretty neat, in the afternoon when the tent hovers around 84F the plants are 🙏, can visually see in time around 10 minutes after I opened the tent the temp had dropped to 76 pressure was lost, she is still chilling but she doesn't quite have that perk anymore. *Salinity3.5% - 100ml H2O=100g The concentration of salt in a solution 3.5%= 3.5g in 100ml. Growing well. Not going to top or do any training, I'll let the plant do its own thing, she is constructing foundations now for what she senses ahead. Smart girl. ✨️ I'm just the hvac guy. The voltage that is needed for electrolysis to occur is called the decomposition potential. The word "lysis" means to separate or break, so in terms, electrolysis would mean "breakdown via electricity. Green hydrogen is hydrogen produced by the electrolysis of water, using renewable electricity. The production of green hydrogen causes significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions than the production of grey hydrogen, which is derived from fossil fuels without carbon capture. Electrolysis of pure water requires excess energy in the form of overpotential to overcome various activation barriers. Without the excess energy, electrolysis occurs slowly or not at all. This is in part due to the limited self-ionization of water. Pure water has an electrical conductivity of about one hundred thousandths that of seawater. Efficiency is increased through the addition of an electrolyte (such as a salt, acid or base). Photoelectrolysis of water, also known as photoelectrochemical water splitting, occurs in a photoelectrochemical cell when light is used as the energy source for the electrolysis of water, producing dihydrogen . Photoelectrolysis is sometimes known colloquially as the hydrogen holy grail for its potential to yield a viable alternative to petroleum as a source of energy. The PEC cell primarily consists of three components: the photoelectrode the electrolyte and a counter electrode. The semiconductor crucial to this process, absorbs sunlight, initiating electron excitation and subsequent water molecule splitting into hydrogen and oxygen. Water electrolysis requires a minimum potential difference of 1.23 volts, although at that voltage external heat is also required. Typically 1.5 volts is required. Biochar, a by-product of biomass pyrolysis, is typically characterized by high carbon content, aromaticity, porosity, cation exchange capacity, stability, and reactivity. The coupling of biochar oxidation reaction (BOR) with water electrolysis constitutes biochar-assisted water electrolysis (BAWE) for hydrogen production, which has been demonstrated to reduce the electricity consumption of conventional water electrolysis from 1.23v to 0.21v. Biochar particles added to the electrolyte form a two-phase solution, in which the biochar oxidation reaction (BOR) has a lower potential (0.21 V vs. RHE) than OER (1.23 V vs. RHE), reducing the energy consumption for hydrogen production via biochar-assisted water electrolysis (BAWE). BAWE produces H2 under 1 V while eliminating O2 formation: key word "eliminating". Air with a normal oxygen concentration of around 21% is not considered explosive on its own; however, if a flammable gas or vapor is present, increasing the oxygen percentage above 23.5% can significantly increase the risk of ignition and explosion due to the enriched oxygen environment. The addition of ion mediators (Fe3+/Fe2+) significantly increases BOR kinetics Air: Nitrogen -- N2 -- 78.084% Carbon Dioxide -- CO2 -- 0.04% Hydrogen in homosphere H -- 0.00005% Hydrogen "GAS" H2 in homosphere - 0% "Nitrogen, oxygen, and argon are the three main components of Earth's atmosphere. Water concentration varies but averages around 0.25% of the atmosphere by mass. Carbon dioxide and all of the other elements and compounds are trace gases. Trace gases include the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Except for argon, other noble gases are trace elements (these include neon, helium, krypton, and xenon). Industrial pollutants include chlorine and its compounds, fluorine and its compounds, elemental mercury vapor, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide. Other components of Earth's atmosphere include spores, pollen, volcanic ash, and salt from sea spray." "salt from sea spray" like in the air, in the air? cool. Although the CRC table does not list water vapor (H2O), air can contain as much as 5% water vapor, more commonly ranging from 1-3%. The 1-5% range places water vapor as the third most common gas (which alters the other percentages accordingly). Water content varies according to air temperature. Dry air is denser than humid air. However, sometimes humid air contains actual water droplets, which can make it more dense than humid air that only contains water vapor. The homosphere(where you live) is the portion of the atmosphere with a fairly uniform composition due to atmospheric turbulence. In contrast, the heterosphere is the part of the atmosphere where chemical composition varies mainly according to altitude. The lower portion of the heterosphere contains oxygen and nitrogen, but these heavier elements do not occur higher up. The upper heterosphere consists almost entirely of hydrogen, cool. Just run me a hose up to the heterosphere or top of my tent as I call it, and I'm good. 78%nitrogen as N2, a far too stable bond to be used by organisms. 20%oxygen 0.04%co2 0.00005% hydrogen When lightning strikes, it tears apart the bond in airborne nitrogen molecules. Those free nitrogen atoms N2 then have the chance to combine with oxygen molecules to form a compound called nitrates N3. Once formed, the nitrates are carried down to the ground becoming usable by plants. Will it react with the oxygen in the air spontaneously, the answer is no. The mixture is chemically stable indefinitely. A mixture with air near the release point can be ignited, but if this does not happen then when its concentration gets below 4% it will be unable to carry a flame. There’s a big difference between Hydrogen gas and naturally-released Hydrogen atoms. Because “science” conducted experiments within labs it is the commonly held notion Hydrogen is H² within the atmosphere. Nothing could be further from the truth. Hydrogen gas itself turns liquid when compressed H², and when pressure conditions change the hydrogen converts back to a gas H at the speed of light, this abrupt almost instantaneous expansion is what gives hydrogen gas its bad rap. Cool, H2O, I'll just separate the 2H from O, and put 2H back in fresh H2O using O2. "How do you fertilize your plants? Oh I conjure lightning bolts for my nitrogen" lol, cool.
Harvest Time! Meine absolute Lieblingszeit beim Growen! Nachdem die Lady ca. 1 Woche ohne Wasser war, wurde sie unten am Stamm abgeschnitten. Daraufhin hab ich mir erst mal die Pflanze angeschaut, ob sich irgendwo Schimmel gebildet hat. Gott sei Dank blieb sie davon befreit. Die Pflanze an sich wog etwa 320 g. Die kleineren Triebe wurden abgeschnitten, und die Buds daraufhin nass getrimmt. Die Blüten weisen einen Mix von Grau/Lila/Grün auf. Sehr schönes Erscheinungsbild! Die Buds bringen (inkl. Stängel) etwa 192 g auf die Waage. Der nasse Trim etwa 45 g (Tara von etwa 5g wurde hier abgezogen). Bin natürlich gespannt wie viel trocken auf die Waage kommt und vor allem wie sie am Ende schmeckt :D Die nächsten Wochen kommt dann ein smoke Review inkl. Trockengewicht! Vielen Dank fürs mitverfolgen und bis zum nächsten Mal! Gruß Wulle
The first week of vegetation is here, and it’s been a bit of a mixed start for my two plants.🌱 One of them is looking a little droopy, while the other has developed slightly yellow leaves. I’m not entirely sure what’s causing these issues, but I’ve decided to give both plants their first dose of nutrients to help prevent further damage and hopefully get them back on track. I’ve been checking on them daily and keeping a close eye on their progress. I’m staying hopeful that they’ll bounce back and show improvement by next week.🌱
The first week of vegetation is here, and it’s been a bit of a mixed start for my two plants.🌱 One of them is looking a little droopy, while the other has developed slightly yellow leaves. I’m not entirely sure what’s causing these issues, but I’ve decided to give both plants their first dose of nutrients to help prevent further damage and hopefully get them back on track. I’ve been checking on them daily and keeping a close eye on their progress. I’m staying hopeful that they’ll bounce back and show improvement by next week.🌱
Ok so we're on day 44 of flower and she smells amazing packed full of frost. one pheno will be done a week early of the 55 day harvest time. The other pheno is way behind and will be 7-14 days past the 55 day harvest time. One pheno has far spaced out nodes with foxtailed buds. The others nodes are much closer together forming bigger colas..