Starting to get to end of week 5! Got 2 green crack both doing well! One’s going to have rabbit poo pellets for buds! It’s really rock hard colas and the other hard but bigger buds! The 2 godfather og are going great and have huge colas forming! Dense buds too! Looking forward to harvest but going to let them ripped up properly! Could be a good Christmas!
Hello everyone, Everything is smooth just i put the scrog to late the delivery was late, but everything good will see how is going
Hola aquí un traigo la primera semana de crecimiento,15 clones de distintas variedades procedentes de seleccinoes propias, todas bastante parecidas para equilibrar la cosa. Se les ha realizado podas apicales selectivas para frenar el crecimiento vertical y una primera poda de bajos a modo de limpieza, les realizaré otra poda de bajos 3 días antes de pasarlas a floración. Riego: Estabilizo la EC del agua a 0.4 y la temperatura a 21º En el trasplante a macetero de 3l use sustrato COCO KAYA de Biobizz Juju Royal, usando tambien Microbes de Biobizz, para colonizar bien el sustrato de bacterias beneficiosas, después un riego con Root Juice de Biobizz estabilizando PH y listo al dia siguiente estaban con las hojas hacia arriba como campeonas. En el segundo riego de la semana utilize la linea Juju Royal de Biobizz, ajustando siempre con el Cal Mag de Biobizz, además de pulverizar bien todas con Leaf Coat de Biobizz para prevenir hongos y bicherio. La proxima semana estarán listas para pasar a floración,😁😁😁
Towards the end of week 4 into flowering. The 2 smaller plants are about 4 and half weeks since germination and are in pre flower
Came in on Monday this week after first round of feeding the Friday before and the plants had all gone into full flower mode. They seem to be doing pretty good! It's been pretty hot this week but I feed just water every other day or when the soil is dry and feed them fertilizer every other watering with 1/4-1/2 strength
Hi this is Apple fritter auto by Royal Queen No idea of the week as I have not been keeping track and the only updates will be pictures and a video once a week until harvest. Wish you all a successful grow.
Week 4 Flower: Day 1: Fed her with another 10ml/l of Biotabs BudBooster and will no longer defoliate the lady, Day 2: Quite happy about her progress so far. Hoping that my 125W Purple Alien LED will deliver enough light for thick and dense buds.
Another week gone by and the plants are growing nicely. I had some yellow coloring of the lower leaves at the beginning of the week and so i increased the fertilizer a little bit and the plants are responding well so far. Since they are in the bigger pots i also dont need to water them every day anymore, this week i only watered them twice. I also picked some of the lower leaves which dont receive so much light anymore, topped the remaining strains and tried to bend down some of the branches with some garden wire but didnt work as good as i hoped it would. i still have a scrog-net which im going to use later, but i think the plants are still too small. in the future im going to try different techniques and materials, for now i'm not going to overthink it and just let them grow now,.
Day 7: The girls are doing ok by the looks. I've had trouble with humidity so I've been trying to keep the grow box hotter and more airflow. I decided to move the lights up a bit and put them on 100% to increase heat generation, and it definately helped a little. Today I worked on my fan controller with temp probes. Going to stick a probe near the top, near the plants and in the soil (after waterproofing). PC outside the box will run a webcam and monitor temperatures and set fan speeds using the controller (an Arduino board from my spare parts bin). I tested the new server fans and they are fucking grunty. Far too loud at max grunt, I expect to be using them around 20%. One will replace the current piddly exhaust fan (which will move inside the box to circulate air) and one instead of an oscillating fan. I intend to pulse the fan after some time duration. Day 8: Still going great by the looks. Alice is just about to sprout the second set of cannabis leaves. Belinda is still a little behind but no worries, she's got plenty of time to shine! Today I fitted the new grunty exhaust fan and put a temperature probe at plant level. Temp sensor and fan control are done using an Arduino which talks to the "grow PC" which is connected to wireless, so I can now monitor temps and control fan speed from the comfort of my lounge PC. I also set up an old PS Eye camera I had as a webcam. I still have to install and wire one more fan at plant level. Day 9: First set of true leaves got bigger, Alice looks like her next set is about to arrive. Soil is finally looking dry but it's still a bit moist under the surface, perhaps tomorrow they may be ready for water. Added another 120mm fan inside the box, for air circulation at plant height. Day 10: Today I topped up the pots with compost, and gave them 50ml water each with 1:100 bokachi juice. They look good to me so far. Belinda has now caught up with Alice as far as leaf size is concerned. I figured out how to make timelapses with my webcam so stay tuned for a preview tomorrow :)