*********HARVESTING MARCH 14, 2018***************
(my first harvest!)
Mar. 11, 2018
FINALLY!!!! 4/5 plants are showing me nearly mature (for our purposes anyway) buds. Most of the top colas are turning a light golden and the sugar leaves are crisping up nicely, starting to see amber on the calyx's.Have watered with plain R/O water ph 7.0 with nothing added for the last 2 weeks. I'm pretty sure I will do a complete harvest and not try to stagger it, I'd like for the bottom buds to get a chance to fully mature but for this round I want to just do a single harvest and keep the immature buds separate. It's been pretty dry here but I think a 5 day dry will be possible, after all the point is to bring the moisture content down enough to seal em up and cure properly.
Mar. 9, 2018:
Nothing new to report. Lost a couple very small buds due to falling over and breaking their stems. No way i'm going to tie up the dozens of golf ball sized buds in danger of falling, i'll just continue to tuck them back in and hope for the best. The frostiest plant seems like it will need at least a week or two longer than the rest, only just showing signs of amber on the fan leaves, and sugar leaves aren't crunching yet. One girl is very near ready, as soon as I see 10-15% amber on the calyx's and the buds have a golden hue with discolored and crispy sugar leaves then it's chop chop. Measured my runoff at 450ppm still
Mar. 6-7, 2018:
We are at the end of week 7 of flower. Going to be feeding water only for the duration of the grow. I'm hoping to see the buds start to enter the last stage and give me that golden hue I'm looking for. Getting more amber trichomes on the fan leaves and should see the golden hue migrate to the calyx's.
Mar. 5, 2018:
Starting day 92 from seed and 46 days since first pistils. None of the buds are shooting out new pistils so hopefully over the next 2 weeks the calyx's will swell and the trichomes will mature and the bud will take on that finished look. I'm already starting to see a few ambers, but with the crop being seeded it wont' be easy to track the calyx development as some are filled with seeds and already appear swelled.