The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Always R.O Water Watering the plant 3 times for per week 1st Watering with nutriens. 2st Watering with nutriens. 3st Watering with only R.O water & CalMag Yes it's time to move on to the FinalPart
Spread and and stretching pretty good.
So far so good. Have her spreaded. Hopefully she will stretch a little taller in the next week.
Неделя пролитела, очень сильно пострадала девочка, очень сильно проявился дефецит фосфора и калия, пришлось побегать и купить удобру, добовляю уже 3 дня, по листву изминений нету не в худшую сторону, не в лучшую, посмотрим как пойдёт дальше, шишки набухают очень быстро и трихомы уже появились на листах, причём довольно так много, интересно наблюдать дальше за растишкой, очень удивительная девочка попалась, генетика очень радует и надеюсь сильно очень не пострадала из за дефецита
Got these two that I’m am very excited about I have never grown either of these or any fastbuds so yeah let’s go!! Stay tuned!!
Got these two that I’m am very excited about I have never grown either of these or any fastbuds so yeah let’s go!! Stay tuned!!
Se va terminando el mes de Marzo y ya se cosecharon las Double Cookies, con un riquisimo aroma pero por sobretodas las cosas con una resina muy pagajosa y abundante. Ya se van al secadero Las lebrones las mantenemos un poquito mas pero tambien estan explotadas. Tumbadas por el peso de los propios cogollos.
5/4/2022 Node additions have slowed but overall growth continues strong and healthy. Continuing to make minor adjustments to LST. Generally watering every other day. Added too dressing of 2-4-2 dr earths and worm castings. May try daily watering but less water. They seem to love the fish tank water. Decided against the 3rd topping. There's plenty!
Veg22, riego con 3.0 EC y pH 5.9, drenaje promedio de 5.8 pH y 2.6 EC(muy bien), primer riego con Sensizym para limpiar un poco las raíces, y este será el último riego de vegetación con Voodoo Juice, Tarantula y Piranha. Se hizo una pequeña defoliación de las hojas abanico más bajas y se volvió a ajustar el LST, ya van tomando la forma final. Veg23, creciendo bien. Veg24, se mide la temperatura de las hojas 22°C y se compara con la temperatura del indoor 23°C, con una humedad de 50% RH, la calculadora arroja un valor de VPD=1.24 kpa, lo que está dentro del rango óptimo. Veg25, hoy toca una pequeña defoliación y probaré también hacer un último apical en 2 o 3 plantas a modo de prueba. Al final, tomé un gran riesgo, y hice varios apicales extra y una defoliación más grande de lo que tenía en mente, tengo fe que resultará bien 😎👌 Veg27, riego con 0.8 EC y pH 6.0, drenaje de 6.0 pH y EC 2.0, se están alimentando y creciendo bien, quedan casi 2 semanas para pasar el fotoperiodo a 12/12, espero que crezcan suficiente para esa fecha. Veg28, un par de hojas de 2 plantas presentan mordidas tipo oruga, revise y no encontré nada, aplique spray insecticida, espero no siga pasando. A parte de eso siguen creciendo bien, quedan un poco más de 10 días para el paso a 12/12.
Mejor de lo esperado. No había trabajado nunca con el banco así que no sabía exactamente que esperar pero al momento de ir avanzando en el cultivo, pude apreciar que la planta tomaba una forma hermosa e incluso en las bajas temperaturas se comportaba bastante bien. Cpe bastante recomendable incluso para cultivadores noveles
for week 11 i will have better image's and videos as up grading to a better camera. day 2 of week 10;frosty some sites already this early in flower form both the gorilla glues and for the grandmommy purple is still stretching with pre flower sites and hairs but no solid foundational bud sites like the gorilla glues have
Hi everyone, brothers of the Weed. Welcome back to the enchanted gardens of Peaky, these two sweet dolls are developing solid and fatty buds ... I think you miss the harvest little see you around I hope the contents are of interest to you best regards
Hi everyone, brothers of the Weed. Welcome back to the enchanted gardens of Peaky, these two sweet dolls are developing solid and fatty buds ... I think you miss the harvest little see you around I hope the contents are of interest to you best regards
🚨 Durbin Thai/Cinderella 99 week 13 update 🚨 🚨 week 13 of veg!! 94 days old!! 🚨 🌸 Day 3 of Flower 🌸 So this is a clone I received on Jan 31st. She has been transplanted from a solo cup 2 a 5 gal pot. She had 2 be topped in her second week of rooting do 2 the top frying from to much light in young clone stage. Since the topping this lady has come 2 life!! She has been defoliated 4 times! Most recent defoliation 3/24! She spent her first month feeding just off nutrients in fox farm soil. On 3/2/22 I gave her her first Gaia Green trio feeding!! She has exploded with growth since!! She was defoliated on 3/27 again. She was given her second feeding of @gaiagreenorganics on 4/02. This lady was defoliated on 4/10 and 4/19 and 5/1. She received a all purpose/bloom feed of Gaia green on 5/2. She was also flipped to 12/12 light cycle on 5/2. This is what she looks like today!! 💡 Grow Sponsor💡 @marshydroled__amazon @marsnier #marshydro #TSW2000 Marshydro equipment-- Marshydro- 4x4 grow tent Marshydro- Tsw2000 Marshydro- 6" inline exhaust fan with digital temp and humidity sensor Marshydro- 6" carbon filter Marshydro- 6" Black duct line Other companies in this grow- @foxfarmsoilandfertilizer - 100% ffof @gaiagreenorganics @inkbirdofficial - WiFi temp control @madmanplant- 6" Tent shelves #rvagrown ,#rvagrower , #cannabisgrower , #homegrown , #hightimes , #weed4ptsd , #weed4veterans , #veterangrown , #tricomes , #ledgrown , #weedstrains , #indoorgrow , #indoorgrown , #tentgrown , #supportlocal , #growlocal , #letsgrowrva , #weedismedicine , #420 , #veterangrower , #clonegrown
This was a fun week getting to germinate some new Seeds and strains from fast buds genetics for my legal cannabis garden. Things went smooth I'm excited to see them pop out of their seeds shells and say hello Happy growing
Day 130 / Week 8 of flowering: @ this point can clearly identify 3 different phenotypes in this grow.. one of them; plant #1 and #3 seem to be both pretty similar also regarding their maturation, they are about a week behind the other two plants. Plants #2 and #4 are both looking like they will get ready next week or so.. i have already flushed those two ladies. Still there is a huge difference in plant and bud structure and when i touch them i can identify two completely different terpene profiles. Plant #2 was always the smallest of the pack, very bushy, somehow i didn't like her as much as the others.. but i had that feeling that that could change at any time..and so it came that she turned out to be my favorite. As soon as she was starting fo flower i could see her real potential, the buds she is carring are just how i like them to be and the smell she gives off is citric skunky. Plant #3 on the other hand has a sweet berry flavour combined with the stinch of a stinkbug. Day 132 / Week 8 of flowering: Today i flushed plants #1 and # 3 withe 20l water each. I removed two buds that had bud rot Day 134 / Week 8 of Flowering: Today i cut down plant #4 that was several days ahead of all the others, she's been flushed and has been drying out since, she was literally drying, not only the soil. The harvest looks pretty decent, i will update as soon as i have the dry weight and now.some more.about flavours and high of the plant. The remaining 3 plants received 2l of water each, just to hold on for a few more plant to come down is plant #2, the other two can take about a week longer judging by the big amount of pistils that are still white (around 70%).
And the time to flip her out came and here is day one on a 11/13 light shuttle lol she is looking amazing to my eyes and so , but so ready to flowers and deliver big fruits, lets see. I topped 2x and they are all clean up to the top, from now on i will give her a defoliation some point on, like day 15 something like that, depending on her needs , if needed before it will b if after, after will b, she will decide if and wen i defoliate her . I gave her still in this watering some root booster (start booster in my case) but from now on i will not give it tho her any more, started my P on them and my fruit booster ( in my case topbooster) Gave her her last training and from here on she is capable of doing her thing, i believe in her and in the power of Aptus Nutrient line. Tomorrow or so i will take some more pictures and post here to see how she is going, so stay happy stay tuned and i hope surrounded with love and good weed to smoke 😆💚💚💚🙏🙏🙏✊✊✊🙌🙌🙌💨💨💨💪💪💪 Day 2 and they are loving the fact that i change it to 11-13 , they wore desperate for that i think 😆 loving how they are praying like there is no t tomorrow Day 5 and she looks happy AF and always praying to the Gods , thank you girl you doing great and im so proud of you ✊💪💪💪 As always thank you guys for your love , your time, your support and it all, i fell blessed and i am truly thankful 💚💚💚🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌 All i grow is medicine for myself, for me and for my best friend with is me 😆 nothing to sell, so don’t even ask 😅💚💚💚 All info and full product details can be find in can find @ DISCOUNT CODE 5% - DOGDOCTOR ( all store ) DISCOUNT CODE 10% - GROWITGD ( just for seeds ) #aptus #aptusplanttech #aptusgang #aptusfamily #aptustrueplantscience #inbalancewithnature #trueplantscience #viparspectra #zamnesiaseeds #growerslove With true love comes happiness 💚🙏 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so 💚💚💚 More info and updates @ 💚💚💚Growers love to you all 💚💚💚