***** Week 4 Veg - December 26/20 to Jan 1/21 *****
The girls were transplanted on Christmas day, after three weeks in the solo cups from seed. They had been growing well in cups but I must admit that I feel the root mass should have been larger after that time period. I am working with a new nutrient line that I have not used before and have not been adding microbes to the feed schedule thus far.........or hardly any. I feel this is why the root system, while looking healthy, is looking too small. Over the next couple weeks will ensure they get lots of microbes in the 1 gal pots to fill those up with roots before moving to 5 gal pots.......the last upsize for this girls. Counting my weeks for finish I am wishing that I had started these girls a couple of weeks sooner so they may not get to veg in the 5 gal pots for a couple of weeks before flipping to flower.
For these girls it is still pretty early on in their lives and not many exciting things to happen the first month of seedlings. We have done one upsize and another to go. Keep the feeding in line and follow the week 1 veg feeding for these girls, bringing up the ppm closer to 700ppm range.
Overall, happy with first couple of weeks of veg. Need to get more roots going, we will, but otherwise just give them the time to mature and take it easy......they will come along😀 She is looking very nice and even so far and keeps catching my eye when I open the tent😂😎
Little more detail.......
Dec 26/20, Day 22 Veg
- Dry out day after being transplanted yesterday.
- Pots were still heavy.
- Let the microbes in the media do their thing and start pushing root growth harder than what has been happening.
Dec 27/20, Day 23 Veg
- Gave the girls a little splash of the left over nutes from two days ago to add a little oxygen and they can take the extra microbes and bacteria right now😀
- 200ml with Microbial Mass and Piranha @ 2ml/L = 650ppm and 5.7pH
- They are really happy today!!!! Loving the bigger pot to let those valuable roots expand into nice fluffy new coco and soak up the nutrients👍
- This girl has always had wider fan leaf blades than the other two girls. She is shorter but wider.......hell, kind of like me
Dec 28/20, Day 24 Veg
- feeding day today with more water to get some runoff from the 1 gal pots. They have not been watered to runoff yet.😀
- 0.5L each girl with the full line for this week. No other additives, just the IPP line = 700ppm and 5.7pH
- seems a little high to jump from around 300ppm to 700 but will follow the companies recommendations👍
Dec 29/20, Day 25 Veg
- Dry out day.
- they are happy today......not much to add otherwise today
Dec 30/20, Day 26 Veg
- going to give them another day without watering.
- I feel like I should be watering today but I am not as I am not sure how much moisture they will have consumed and the roots need some air to breath so holding off.
- think it is a CalMag only feeding tomorrow.
Dec 31/20, Day 27 Veg
- feed day today since it has been a couple of days.
- 500ml with CalMag @ 2ml, Gold Storm @ 7ml, Sea Storm @ 5ml, Blackstorm @ 2ml, Vitamin B @ 0.5ml = 525ppm and 5.7pH
- keeping the humic and fluvic acids going in, plus Kelp and CalMag👍
- the girls are happy and seeing forward movement everyday, looking for more aggressive though from the girls.
Jan 1/21, Day 28 Veg
- doing very well......like really well💪
- didn’t push them today and left them alone for watering, pots of course still had some weight and I didn’t expect them to need today.
- Optic Folier Overgrow given today. Folier spray to give them just an extra boost since everything is otherwise dialed in👍
Finishing off the week very strong!!!!!! They have been looking very healthy and perky everyday. The roots are a concern and will be taking it easy on the nutrients for another week yet and keep up the microbes and beneficials. Will get them in line......my hope is too keep their time in the 1 gals down to two weeks max......maybe 10 days??
Looking pretty good ETS as we move through the first upsize and get veg going here. She has been very steady right from the start and continues with steady growth in early veg. Her branching is growing laterally and keeping short node spacing in her growth, perfect!......again, still pretty early on but its all good so far😎