Ehi ragazzi come va? Spero tutto bene come a me! Le temperature elevate delle ultime settimane, sono state molto stressanti per le ragazze ma nonostante questo la genetica Barney'S farm si è fatta predominante ed insieme alla sorella Fastbuds Apricot auto hanno praticamente fagocitato l intero spazio della grow box, destinato come progetto iniziale di 4 piante, purtroppo sappiamo bene come sono andate le altre due ragazze, ma diciamocelo, di sicuro non staremo a piangerci addosso perché questa cookie KUSH auto mi sta veramente sorprendedno, altezza di 98cm e un sacco di sviluppo delle cime laterali che sono stra colme di gemme a forma di biscotto che si stanno sviluppando in modo davvero grandioso sia in numero di fiori che di nuovi fiori, che di compattezza delle cime, nonostante il caldo abbia portato a formare delle cime un po foxtail, ma spero che questo problema rientri nelle ultime due settimane che mancano alla raccolta, la temperatura sarà dai 26 ma x 30 gradi, quindi clima controllato ideale per questa ragazza che sprizza di resina da ogni nuovo fiore! Spero che la situazione continui così, anche se ho notato una carenza (spero) di calcio e magnesio che mi è capitato spesso anche in altre coltivazioni organiche, a cui avevo somministrato c02, si vede che aumentando il metabolismo andavano in carenza di cal/mag... ma purtroppo io non sono ancora così esperto da capirlo da me stesso ed essere pienamente sicuro della soluzione migliore da adottare.. Si iniziano a sentire odori speziati di legno stile KUSH!! Non vedo l ora di provarne gli effetti su me stesso 😝 ringrazio come al solito la mia grande famiglia Mars Hydro che ha reso tutto questo paradiso in terra possibile, in un paese come il mio in cui la legge è contro questa mia bellissima passione! Buon 420 a tutti! 😺😽💋😻💖🧑‍🌾🌱🌿🌲🍀💨
Week 5 Update: Challenges and Optimism! 🌿💪✨ Hey there, fellow growers! 👋🌱 As we dive into the fifth week of this thrilling journey, I must admit that I've encountered a few obstacles along the way. But fear not, for challenges are merely opportunities in disguise! 🌱🚀 Currently, three of my plants are still looking a bit droopy, a consequence of my underfeeding mishap. 😔 However, I've taken decisive action to rectify the situation. I've increased their water intake from 0.5 liters each to a generous 1 liter each, provided every two days. Hydration is key! 💧💦 Let's talk environmental conditions. The temperature within the grow space ranges between 20°C and 22°C, maintaining a comfortable and optimal range for our leafy companions. The humidity levels hover around 60% to 68%, thanks to the diligent work of my trusty dehumidifier. Kudos to technology! 🌡️💨💨 In light of the recent droopiness, I've temporarily adjusted the LED power to 75%. It's a careful balancing act to ensure the plants receive the right amount of light without overwhelming them. We're all about finding that sweet spot! 💡🌿✨ Interestingly, I've noticed a similar issue with droopiness during my previous grow with sour stompers. Could it be a recurring pattern? 🤔 Moreover, upon activating the dehumidifier, I made an intriguing discovery. The CO2 levels have soared over 900ppm! It seems I've stumbled upon an unexpected correlation. I'll certainly be investigating this further to unravel the mystery. Science at work! 🔬🌿🔍 Well, my fellow enthusiasts, that wraps up the highlights for this week. Let's remain optimistic as we eagerly await our plants' recovery and resurgence. I have faith that they will bounce back stronger than ever, for nature has a remarkable ability to rejuvenate. 🌿🌱💚 Remember, challenges are but stepping stones on the path to growth. Embrace them, learn from them, and continue nurturing your green wonders with love and care. Together, we shall conquer any hurdle that comes our way! 😜💪🌿🌟 Wishing you all an incredible week of growth and exploration. Happy growing, lads! 🌱🌿✨😄
🌱Day 58. Constantly keep watering with plain ph balanced water. Zero nutrients. Super soil working well.💚 🌱Day 60.💚 🌱Day 62.💚
I'm thinking this is going to be my final week of veg, I'll be switching to hps 12/12 for flower, looking forward to seeing these girls bud up. 5/29 Switched my bulb from MH to HPS, to let the ladies adjust by the end of the week. Starting next week, that'll be on a 12/12 schedule for sure.
Wie in den anderen Tagebüchern schon gesagt, fehlte mir zwischendrin leider die Zeit schöne Fotos zu machen. Aber kurz vor Ende musste ich mir die Zeit nehmen diese schöne Dame zu fotografieren. Sie hat sich extra schick gemacht. Die Blüten sehen wunderschön aus und duften nach herrlichem fruchtigen Kuchen. Ein paar Tage darf sie noch stehen und ausreifen. Die Trichome wechseln gerade zu Bernstein.
WOW! I'm sure these two have reached the nutes because they sure have taken off. The second one finally came into herself after I backed down the water. Hopefully I'll be able to just refill the autopot when needed for now. I can really see the growth every day. Just a little fan leaf tucking. I put the lower fan on now too add a breeze and strengthen branches.
After 6 days of drying weight is 191 gr. I'm very happy of my setup this is the first plant i grown here.
Girl is looking healthy and i transfered moss pellet when i saw root coming at bottom in 11L pot with Biobizz All-mix and about 5-10% coco with clay pebble drainage at bottom. Used mychorizza too in transplant hole to help roots growing at start. Pretty sunny days with little bit rain almost every day but little bit too cold this week. 13-15C at days and few night dropped 4C otherwise 8-10C. Day 1: Started counting veg at 24.5. Day 4: Transfered moss pellet in 11L pot.
Updates in the video...just easier and quicker doing it this way.
New week starts. ___________ 🌞24.05 Watered with 80% GHE nutrients and healing. Photos are dark cos it's night. 🌞25.05 Healing goes good, flowers are multiplying themselves on three plants out of four. I think it's success. 🌞26.05 Plants branches are rising in thickness, flowers of 'HB' and 'RG'#2 gets a second floor. plants standing at the edges of the box have a smaller thickness of branches. I think this is due to the lack of light in these places. There is one more difference between them and those ones stands in a middle: they weren't broken (HST). Also, the branches of these plants located directly under the fan have a shorter height. I see N overdose on 'RG'#2 plant, its leaves has 'claws' on the tips. I'll water all four with water+PK complex next time (for two days) and will give them nutrients time after time from now. A soil is wet still, so it's no watering today. 🌞27.05 Nothing for today. 🌞28.05 The soil is wet still. I'm waiting for tomorrow. 🌞29.05 Watering; PK complex with a 'Bloom' booster. No Nitrogen this time. 🌞30.05 It's OK. Flowering goes right. ______________ Week ends.
Hello. This is the end of the veg cycle and the first week in flowering. It's May 30/2023. The Breeders Description said 8 to 9 weeks of flowering. That should take us to August 1st. That would be the start of week 9 and Aug. 8th would be the end of week 9, so I plan to harvest around then. The greenhouse looks a little different than last time. My buddy Jerry brought me some bamboo (he went out of his way on his birthday to do that for me) What A nice guy he is. I used 18 of the longest pieces to make a Scrog type of net to hold up the big buds I hope to get. First year to try this bamboo thing. Hope it goes good. I might have to tie it up tighter. I did a good trim/prune, under the table mostly, but did remove some big fanleaves up top that blocked the lower branch ends/tips from seeing good light. I think it's also good to remove the big fanleaves that don't get much light any more. It promotes more growth up top. While trimming I left the branches that were growing straight down. I'll trim them off today for cuttings, for clones I'll make later. I mix 10ml of liquid seaweed with 1 gallon of water to put the cuttings in. I'll make 6 cups for 6 different plants numbered 1 to 6 so I don't mix them up. 😁 I'll pack up the lights later. I'll mix some transition to flowering, nutrient solution tomorrow. That means a little less N and a little more P and K. Thanks for looking in. Chuck.
Crazy growing going on , looking we’ll see for yourselves, I don’t want to say anything as pictures speak louder than words 💪 Also we now have conclusive proof that soil plants ripen faster , the soil ones look at least 1 week ahead with flowers forming Adding biobizz nutrients to Soil plants , watered 3l each Friday Changed solutions Saturday Reduced daytime to 1130 Watered 3.5 l monday soil ones definitely ahead - why ? They all exactly the same plants
Oh Lawd she comin! Lol. She absolutely REEKS of lemons, fresh fruit, and skunk. I really can't wait to smoke this turkey!
Very calm week not too windy and not cloudy at all very good weather