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This week I'm going to talk a little bit about the 2 gal pots I leave outdoors. Since they're going to be indoors now, I've assembled a fertilizer rack and the bottom compartment is perfect for a cage with all the plants I have. With a length of 1.5m, width 65cm and height of 1m, I will use 4 led bulbs 50w and 2 full spectrum LEDs 36w long 1.2m. 272w / ~ 1m2. 2/3:Plant the plants indoors and lst them. 4 led bulb 50w 5/3:Run off all the trees, as it was soaked with rain water when left outside. is still the old nutritional dose. 6/3: Today I received the led light I ordered. I perfect my design and let the tree in the cage out and lst. 9/3:I feel everything is perfect today, I reduce their lighting time to 12/12. I will cut off all the fan leaves from the stem of the 2gal pots and prune all the small branches of the 1gal pot. in this pruning I will trim them as much as possible. It's been 37 days since the seed and I think they're ready for flowering. I need to flower them urgently because in the next 2 months the weather can be as hot as 40 degrees, and I really have no way to reduce their temperature. I would probably have them flower for 7 to 8 weeks to retain maximum resin. a few days before high, I fliming an NL plant, I experimented with this technique and I feel that they have been very successful since the fliming plants have a much larger stump than other plants. I really like this technique, as it will save me the small space I currently have without having toppings. With just a few simple steps I have got a really big stump and still keep the biggest main bud of the tree. I hope each plant can give me 20-25 grams of dried marijuana.
A lot more happening this week! As shown in the pics, and as suspected, I have a manganese deficiency. I've been keeping my pH level at 6.2 in coco, manganese is taken up best by the plant below 6.0 pH. Dropping my ph level to 5.8 pH, and flushing with lower pH, hopefully it will solve the issue over the course of a few days. I made a new frame for a SCROG, with a "custom bend" in the CPVC pipe on both ends. The bend will allow me to take advantage of the slack material in the sides of my 4x4 tent. I'd previously taken 4" out of all the upright poles to shorten the tent so it would fit in the room due to low ceilings, meaning I had extra slack in my tent walls. The bend in the net frame pushes the sides of the tent out to 5 foot wide. My first SCROG net was a 6" mesh from Amazon, immediately knew I wanted a smaller mesh. Next time around I built my own with a 4" mesh and used the 4" for several grows. This time I decided to go with an even smaller, 3" mesh, and already I like it better. I don't really see myself going much smaller than 3" mesh though. It seems to work well, and any smaller and it may be too tight trying to work the plant through the opening sometimes, which if not careful, will damage the plant. I usually use a & gal cloth pot, grow off rules stated we 0had to use a 5 gal pot. Seeing as I only had 7 gal on hand, I was stuck picking up a Root Farm 5 gal cloth pot locally, as you can see, the roots didn't really stay contained, nor did they "air prune", i had to tear them off before installing the net above. On the last day of week 6 I finally got my net installed, and the plant SCROGged. I should have put the net in place a week or two earlier, it would have been easier to manipulate the plant, however the plant will still have a week to recover. I tie the net in place above the plant, and slowly lower it down, as I bend and super crop the main stalk over parallel to the net, and work all the branches underneath and spread them out. As the plant grows I'll continue to push branches back down through the net and moving them out to the next hole. This will greatly increase yields by allowing light to more bud sites, keeping all buds the same height and thus the same distance from the light. small budsites on a vertical branch, will transform into their own cola once the branch is laid on its side. Instead of a Christmas tree type of plant, with one large main cola, and smaller and smaller buds as you move further down the plant, you end up with a bunch of colas that are all close to the same size, and more importantly, the same level of maturity. The SCROG method, combined with super cropping, and defoliation has greatly increased my yields. As the plant is getting worked into the net, I'll defoliate where necessary, ie a huge fan leaf covering bud sites, however for the next several weeks I'll be defoliating so mush every night or two, systematically trimming off all fan leaves, and stripping everything below the net, and any small bud sites that wont produce well. Usually by the time I'm half way through the flower stage there are no big fan leaves left to be found. It helps with light penetration, which results in a higher quality, higher quantity yield, as well as airflow, which will help prevent White Powdery Mildew and other molds etc. Once a fan leaf is 14 days old, its ability to photosynthesize light, starts to degrade. Once it reaches a certain point, the leaf drains more energy from the plant, than it's giving the plant. My best yields have been from heavily defoliated plants, my last grow I couldn't physically defoliate quite as heavily as usual, and I ended up about 25-30% less bud than expected
This week I'm going to talk a little bit about the 2 gal pots I leave outdoors. Since they're going to be indoors now, I've assembled a fertilizer rack and the bottom compartment is perfect for a cage with all the plants I have. With a length of 1.5m, width 65cm and height of 1m, I will use 4 led bulbs 50w and 2 full spectrum LEDs 36w long 1.2m. 272w / ~ 1m2. 2/3:Plant the plants indoors and lst them. 4 led bulb 50w 5/3:Run off all the trees, as it was soaked with rain water when left outside. is still the old nutritional dose. 6/3: Today I received the led light I ordered. I perfect my design and let the tree in the cage out and lst. 9/3:I feel everything is perfect today, I reduce their lighting time to 12/12. I will cut off all the fan leaves from the stem of the 2gal pots and prune all the small branches of the 1gal pot. in this pruning I will trim them as much as possible. It's been 37 days since the seed and I think they're ready for flowering. I need to flower them urgently because in the next 2 months the weather can be as hot as 40 degrees, and I really have no way to reduce their temperature. I would probably have them flower for 7 to 8 weeks to retain maximum resin. a few days before high, I fliming an NL plant, I experimented with this technique and I feel that they have been very successful since the fliming plants have a much larger stump than other plants. I really like this technique, as it will save me the small space I currently have without having toppings. With just a few simple steps I have got a really big stump and still keep the biggest main bud of the tree. I hope each plant can give me 20-25 grams of dried marijuana.
Empezamos con su 5 semana y su 2 de floracion con mucha fuerza y se ven muy buenos resultados 💪 Hemos aplicado la malla para someter a la planta al meyodo scrog y asi abarcar la luz a todas las flores 💐
A lot more happening this week! As shown in the pics, and as suspected, I have a manganese deficiency. I've been keeping my pH level at 6.2 in coco, manganese is taken up best by the plant below 6.0 pH. Dropping my ph level to 5.8 pH, and flushing with lower pH, hopefully it will solve the issue over the course of a few days. I made a new frame for a SCROG, with a "custom bend" in the CPVC pipe on both ends. The bend will allow me to take advantage of the slack material in the sides of my 4x4 tent. I'd previously taken 4" out of all the upright poles to shorten the tent so it would fit in the room due to low ceilings, meaning I had extra slack in my tent walls. The bend in the net frame pushes the sides of the tent out to 5 foot wide. My first SCROG net was a 6" mesh from Amazon, immediately knew I wanted a smaller mesh. Next time around I built my own with a 4" mesh and used the 4" for several grows. This time I decided to go with an even smaller, 3" mesh, and already I like it better. I don't really see myself going much smaller than 3" mesh though. It seems to work well, and any smaller and it may be too tight trying to work the plant through the opening sometimes, which if not careful, will damage the plant. I usually use a & gal cloth pot, grow off rules stated we 0had to use a 5 gal pot. Seeing as I only had 7 gal on hand, I was stuck picking up a Root Farm 5 gal cloth pot locally, as you can see, the roots didn't really stay contained, nor did they "air prune", i had to tear them off before installing the net above. On the last day of week 6 I finally got my net installed, and the plant SCROGged. I should have put the net in place a week or two earlier, it would have been easier to manipulate the plant, however the plant will still have a week to recover. I tie the net in place above the plant, and slowly lower it down, as I bend and super crop the main stalk over parallel to the net, and work all the branches underneath and spread them out. As the plant grows I'll continue to push branches back down through the net and moving them out to the next hole. This will greatly increase yields by allowing light to more bud sites, keeping all buds the same height and thus the same distance from the light. small budsites on a vertical branch, will transform into their own cola once the branch is laid on its side. Instead of a Christmas tree type of plant, with one large main cola, and smaller and smaller buds as you move further down the plant, you end up with a bunch of colas that are all close to the same size, and more importantly, the same level of maturity. The SCROG method, combined with super cropping, and defoliation has greatly increased my yields. As the plant is getting worked into the net, I'll defoliate where necessary, ie a huge fan leaf covering bud sites, however for the next several weeks I'll be defoliating so mush every night or two, systematically trimming off all fan leaves, and stripping everything below the net, and any small bud sites that wont produce well. Usually by the time I'm half way through the flower stage there are no big fan leaves left to be found. It helps with light penetration, which results in a higher quality, higher quantity yield, as well as airflow, which will help prevent White Powdery Mildew and other molds etc. Once a fan leaf is 14 days old, its ability to photosynthesize light, starts to degrade. Once it reaches a certain point, the leaf drains more energy from the plant, than it's giving the plant. My best yields have been from heavily defoliated plants, my last grow I couldn't physically defoliate quite as heavily as usual, and I ended up about 25-30% less bud than expected
Empezamos su 5 semana de vegetación y lo hacemos a lo grande 💪 Hemos cambiado a esta pequeña de casa, pasando de una maceta de 7L a una de 18L para que termine su crecimiento en ella. Aplicamos tambien la malla de scrog para empezar a entrenarlas y no tener problemas 👌
Plants are requiring more and more of a feed to put on development. I tried to slightly lower the N balances but some of the plants showed deficiency. Raised the N back up and deficiency went away. Plants are fed almost daily, no watering in between. pH ranges from 5.7-6.5
Diese Woche war ein Berg ab und Berg auf! Nachdem die Ladies nach dem entlauben ohne Befeuchter stellenweise auf eine RLF von unter 30 % gefallen sind habe ich den Befeuchter wieder im Zelt installiert! Nun sind es in Tag und Nachtphase 40-45 % also perfekt. Am Tag 41 die Leistung der HID Lampe auf 600 Watt erhöht. In dieser Woche die Pflanzen mit einem pH von 5,8 und ec von 1,1 gespült. Die Temperatur ist konstant gut. Die Pflanzen wurden ebenfalls zum denke ich letzten Mal stark entlaubt um Licht an die Buds zu lassen. Von der Größe der buds stehen sie der x haze etwas nach,, Ich bin aber zufrieden. Es fängt an gut zu riechen 😁 bis nächste Woche ✌️🏾
09.03.21 die Ladys machen sich gut und erholen sich schnell von dem ganzen entlauben. Mal schauen was diese Woche noch so mit sich bringt bald geht es in die blüte (so ca 2 Wochen noch). Bin Echt froh das ich bis jetzt noch keine gravierenden Fehler gemacht habe zumindest habe ich noch keine bemerkt bis auf den bei der keimung war nix besonderes los bin echt zufrieden mit der Genetik von Growers choice danke schon mal an euch
This week I'm going to talk a little bit about the 2 gal pots I leave outdoors. Since they're going to be indoors now, I've assembled a fertilizer rack and the bottom compartment is perfect for a cage with all the plants I have. With a length of 1.5m, width 65cm and height of 1m, I will use 4 led bulbs 50w and 2 full spectrum LEDs 36w long 1.2m. 272w / ~ 1m2. 2/3:Plant the plants indoors and lst them. 4 led bulb 50w 5/3:Run off all the trees, as it was soaked with rain water when left outside. is still the old nutritional dose. 6/3: Today I received the led light I ordered. I perfect my design and let the tree in the cage out and lst. 9/3:I feel everything is perfect today, I reduce their lighting time to 12/12. I will cut off all the fan leaves from the stem of the 2gal pots and prune all the small branches of the 1gal pot. in this pruning I will trim them as much as possible. It's been 37 days since the seed and I think they're ready for flowering. I need to flower them urgently because in the next 2 months the weather can be as hot as 40 degrees, and I really have no way to reduce their temperature. I would probably have them flower for 7 to 8 weeks to retain maximum resin. a few days before high, I fliming an NL plant, I experimented with this technique and I feel that they have been very successful since the fliming plants have a much larger stump than other plants. I really like this technique, as it will save me the small space I currently have without having toppings. With just a few simple steps I have got a really big stump and still keep the biggest main bud of the tree. I hope each plant can give me 20-25 grams of dried marijuana.
Su 5 semana empezó con una nueva casa, mas grande, mas amplia para seguir creciendo como hasta ahora 💪💪 Por el momento vamos a continuar con los nutrientes de vegetacion, en este caso de CANNA 👌
What to say about last week...I learned a lot about what NOT to do next time! the Northern Lights had all the leaves curl up and die on me so I decided to take it out and cut it...fuck it....a bit of a disappointing stick of nothing that prolly wont yield much, I'll add a 'Harvest for it next week when It's finished hanging. I messed up the watering (about once every 3 days) and gave em all (3) cal-mag instead of the overdrive I wanted to give...facepalm.... I guess that finished off the NL for good:P Anyway, the Diesel gals are looking healthy-ish... seeing some heavy leave coloration and curling but buds are looking frostier by the day! nice and compact, sweet smell, checked the trics but still waiting to spot the 1st brown ones, I'll try and keep em cooking till I feel its time (2 more weeks:P) 😁
This week I'm going to talk a little bit about the 2 gal pots I leave outdoors. Since they're going to be indoors now, I've assembled a fertilizer rack and the bottom compartment is perfect for a cage with all the plants I have. With a length of 1.5m, width 65cm and height of 1m, I will use 4 led bulbs 50w and 2 full spectrum LEDs 36w long 1.2m. 272w / ~ 1m2. 2/3:Plant the plants indoors and lst them. 4 led bulb 50w 5/3:Run off all the trees, as it was soaked with rain water when left outside. is still the old nutritional dose. 6/3: Today I received the led light I ordered. I perfect my design and let the tree in the cage out and lst. 9/3:I feel everything is perfect today, I reduce their lighting time to 12/12. I will cut off all the fan leaves from the stem of the 2gal pots and prune all the small branches of the 1gal pot. in this pruning I will trim them as much as possible. It's been 37 days since the seed and I think they're ready for flowering. I need to flower them urgently because in the next 2 months the weather can be as hot as 40 degrees, and I really have no way to reduce their temperature. I would probably have them flower for 7 to 8 weeks to retain maximum resin. a few days before high, I fliming an NL plant, I experimented with this technique and I feel that they have been very successful since the fliming plants have a much larger stump than other plants. I really like this technique, as it will save me the small space I currently have without having toppings. With just a few simple steps I have got a really big stump and still keep the biggest main bud of the tree. I hope each plant can give me 20-25 grams of dried marijuana.
😋 Buds gaining weight. 🔥 Stoped burn by potassium (K) but marks remained on the older leaves. ✂️ I'll make last defoliation in the injured leafs. ✌️🎃 Thank you for checking my cultivation.