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Voltage, also known as electric pressure, electric tension, or (electric) potential difference, is the difference in electric potential between two points. In a static electric field, it corresponds to the work needed per unit of charge to move a test charge between the two points. In the International System of Units (SI), the derived unit for voltage is named volt. The voltage between points can be caused by the build-up of electric charge (e.g., a capacitor), and from an electromotive force (e.g., electromagnetic induction in generators, inductors, and transformers). On a macroscopic scale, a potential difference can be caused by electrochemical processes (e.g., cells and batteries), the pressure-induced piezoelectric effect, and the thermoelectric effect. Since it is the difference in electric potential, it is a physical scalar quantity. A voltmeter can be used to measure the voltage between two points in a system. Often a common reference potential such as the ground of the system is used as one of the points. A voltage can represent either a source of energy or the loss, dissipation, or storage of energy. Dropping the temps will slightly raise the humidity, air holds less % water the colder it is. Lights on 25-35rh% the same water content will spike to 50rh% + at night just by dropping the temps. At night all the juice photosynthesis has been storing up is mashed and mixed up to make all the goodies we need for bud, water is used to transport all these things everywhere, like little solvent transport devices, once a nutrient/protein has been delivered to destination the plant needs to get rid of all this excess water molecules it was using to transport. The only solution at night is to spit it back out into the air at night. During the peak of flower, this can catch a grower unaware, with a 4x4 full tent it can be a challenge to control all that moisture exhaust overnight especially if you're really pushing the limits. We live in a water world, above or below, our misconception is we live on dry land, we don't live in less watery conditions than above or below. We fit into a very narrow band of moisture that just so happens to be full of lots of air and everything else required for life. Got my first full whiff of the smell of purple lemonade, always surprises me how accurately the smell fits names, the dominant terpenes in the Purple Lemonade weed strain are carene, linalool, limonene, and myrcene. Carene gives this strain its sweet, citrus flavor and some woody notes, whereas the linalool I recognize so well from Granddaddy Purp. Myrcene has been shown to have sedative qualities while bringing musky, earthy elements to the flavor profile. Trichome production started to ramp up, and the plant that grew taller/closer to UV showed noticeably thicker coatings. The taller plant shows slight yellowing of lower leaves, and the smaller plant is green and lush but the buds are slightly less progressed, interesting. I super-cropped the main stem of the tall one just over a week ago (clean). I expected it to be the one slightly behind in development. The plant has roughly 10-15% "Total resources" that it keeps in case emergencies arise. Reserves if you will. My rationale behind breaking anything goes hand in hand with slowing things down as production is lost due to the time it takes to repair damage. I recall watching a YouTube video, where a curly hair gentleman would super crop in a manner to damage but not disrupt using a twisting method, using fingers and thumbs placing them close together one goes clockwise other counter clock this varies a lot depending on the thickness of stem but what you wait for is a tiny snap, it may take several rolls to weaken if walls are tough I found. No snapping or bending of the stem, you want just to fracture it but not puncture this way the xylem and phloem channels remain flowing,the damage is repaired almost instantly and the 10-15% is dispatched with very little repair time. Everything in the general vicinity of the stress will now grow stronger so as to prevent further similar damage. This is why I had expected the tall one to lag behind in development once I had cropped it but low and behold it worked and the tall one has slightly more developed buds. The effects of birdsong on plant life may at first glance be far-fetched. Nigh on ten years ago an article appeared in Nexus Magazine on the discovery or invention of a method of growing plants using bird sounds. Christopher Bird and Peter Tompkins describe the development of Dan Carlson’s Sonic Bloom in their book The Secret Life of Plants. Many others have, it seems, recognized the role of birdsong in the growth of plants, and influenced or directly helped Carlson to develop his invention. Dan Carlson’s desire to see that no one need be hungry through shortage of food sought to understand the optimum growth of plants. He discovered that plants also feed from ‘the top down’ as well as the roots. Underneath all leaves are pores called stomata which open to take in nutrients and moisture from the air. Carlson’s observation that the more bird life there is on the farm, the more abundant is plant life, has been echoed by farmers throughout history, except in modern times. Where there is little bird life, plants are stunted, and dwarfed. Nature has the birds sing at dawn and dusk, which dilates the stomata, and so feeds the plants. One can immediately see the importance of trees. The development of Sonic Bloom was to create birdsong, which is played to the plants, while a foliar nutrient is sprayed onto the plants at the same time as they are being stimulated by the sound, to enhance their growth. This method produced fantastic results in the amount of abundantly nutritious produce from one plant, often in poor soils and in drought conditions. Carlson showed that the breathing leaves of plants are the source of the nutrient intake for growth. This of course is also true for humans—the breath is food. We shall discourse on this on another occasion. Plants transfer nutrients to the soil via this breathing, and Carlson showed that his plants improved the soil and helped earthworms proliferate. The secret of Sonic Bloom was the development of the music of the same frequency as the dawn chorus of the birds. With the help of a Minneapolis music teacher, Michael Holtz, a cassette was prepared. It seems that both birds and plants found Indian melodies called ragas delightfully suitable. This is actually quite profound, although the American farmers, especially women, who had to endure this music whilst it was played to the plants, found it irritating. Holtz found the “Spring” movement of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons appropriate and concludes: “I realized that Vivaldi, in his day, must have known all about birdsong, which he tried to imitate in his long violin passages. Holtz, it is related by the authors Bird and Tompkins, also realized that the violin music dominant in “Spring” reflected Johann Sebastian Bach’s violin sonatas broadcast by the Ottawa University researchers to a wheat field, which had obtained remarkable crops with 66 percent greater yield than average, with larger and heavier seeds. Accordingly, Holtz selected Bach’s E-major concerto for violin for inclusion on the tape. “I chose that particular concerto,” explained Holtz, “because it has many repetitions but varying notes. Bach was such a musical genius he could change his harmonic rhythm at nearly every other beat, with his chords going from E to B to G-sharp and so on, whereas Vivaldi would frequently keep to one chord for as long as four measures. That is why Bach is considered the greatest composer that ever lived. I chose Bach’s string concerto, rather than his more popular organ music, because the timbre of the violin, and its harmonic structure, is far richer than that of the organ. Birdsong has long been loved but also studied with reference to the musical scale and harmonics. As Holtz deepened his study he said, “I began to feel that God had created the birds for more than just freely flying about and warbling. Their very singing must somehow be intimately linked to the mysteries of seed germination and plant growth. The spring season down on the farms is much more silent than ever before. DDT killed off many birds and others never seem to have taken their place. Who knows what magical effect a bird like the wood thrush might have on its environment, singing three separate notes all at the same time, warbling two of them and sustaining the others. Tree and bird life are essential to Earth's existence, which Carlson, Holtz, and others have shown, but indeed others see and feel. “Plants”, says Steiner, “can only be understood when considered in connection with all that is circling, weaving, and living around them. In spring and autumn, when swallows produce vibrations as they flock in a body of air, causing currents with their wing beats, these and birdsong, have a powerful effect on the flowering and fruiting of plants. Remove the winged creatures, Steiner warns, and there would be stunting of vegetation. Nothing more needs to be added here. It has been said that you cannot hurt the humblest creature or disturb the smallest pebble without your action having a reaction upon something else...You cannot think of an evil thought, no matter how private, without it having an effect upon somebody else. Whatsoever you do in life sets up some form of resonance. When I say the morning chorus of the birds awakens the earth I mean that the characteristic song of the birds sets in motion a series of vibrations which react upon other forms of life. Remember, the soil of the earth is full of living microorganisms. The plants are also living organisms. You, yourselves, are living organisms. Now, this is the beauty and wonder of it all—when one aspect of nature has been moved into a state of resonance it immediately relays its vibrational motion to something else. So when I say the dawn chorus awakens the earth I literally mean what I say. I do not suggest that the earth would come to a standstill without the bird song, but I do mean that life on earth would be sluggish and ineffectual without that first instigating outburst of vibrational power poured forth at just the right pitch and tone to set off a chain effect. I know some of you will say, what happens in those parts of the world where there are no birds? Well, what does happen? Very little, I assure you. The hot deserts and the polar regions where there are few, if any, birds are not renowned for their wonders of nature. It is as though they are asleep. Nothing grows, few things live. Little resonates and there is a great stillness over everything. You see, that outburst of sound just before dawn is like the little lever that works the bigger lever which turns the wheel which moves the machine…and so on. Never underestimate small things. Animals are blessed with instantaneous and unthought-out wisdom. They are in direct contact with God and they act and live as though they are fully aware of it. Men are also in contact with God, but most of them act as though they have never heard of God because they are largely veiled from their divine center by their own thinking minds of which they are so proud.
Day 42 week 6 Feed a bonide mixture 2nd time in a week. Pest have gotten worse but trying to manage persistently. Growth seems to be picking up. Added a 2nd mars hydro Cree 128 as I got a new flower light. Trying to get them used to the new lights and a better ppfd range as I was using the wrong measurements for the past year of growing around 75 umol range … surprising yeilds though with knock off lights in those conditions looking back on it. Next grow will be smooth hopefully lol Day 47 Top dressed 444 Gia green 2 tbps Alfalfa meal 1 tbsp Kelp meal 2 tbsp Crab meal 2 tbsp Asomite 1 tsp Gradual humid acid 1 tsp Glacier rock dust 1 tsp 1-1.5 tbsp of em bokashi bran .5 mykos gruanual mycorrhizal fungi Also sprinkled some langbeinite on I’m thinking there’s potassium deficiency in the soil mixture with this long veg and haven’t feed much potassium. Leafs showing some signs of it. Added 1 inch mulch layer of rabbit compost/ wood chips and spread some clover seeds underneath. Finally got my silica in the mail so soaked it all down with 3ml or 3 grams of 1 gallon of water split between each plant sprayed into soil evenly. They are already feed so this way just to get everything started under the new mulch layer. Will spray bonide on plants to continue with any pest issues leftover.
Que pasa familia, vamos con la tercera semana de floración de estas FBA2506 de FastBuds. De las 5 plantas, retiré una y me quede con 4 , preselección. La tierra que utilizamos que está en la publicación anterior es top crop all mix, Por supuesto el ph se mide en cada riego y se mantiene en 6.2, regando cada 48 horas e intentando mantener la humedad en torno al 50 %. Las flores ya están progresando y están cogiendo las 4 un tono morado bastante curioso. Un ejemplar está un poco sobrefertilizado, es la única con la que me corto para alimentar. Las próximas semanas vamos viendo cómo florecen y avanzan. Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que pasa familia, vamos con la segunda semana de floración de estas Tropicana poison F1 de Sweetseeds. Vamos al lío , las 3 plantas seleccionadas fueron trasplantadas a su maceta definitiva, ya superaron el shock por el trasplante, estas semanas las paremos todas a floración. El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 20/22 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%. El ciclo de floración 12h de luz, el foco está al 100% de potencia. Las jodidas estiraron demasiado, veremos como acaban, no me gustan tan altas. Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que pasa familia, vamos con la segunda semana de floración de estas Black muffin F1 de Sweetseeds. Vamos al lío, me quede con 3 por espacio, siempre pongo alguna semilla de más por si no abriese alguna por no perder ese hueco del indoor. También se trasplantaron a su maceta definitiva, en este caso de 7 litros y el trasplante se realizó correctamente. El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 20/22 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%. Las jodidas han estirado bastante, ya veremos que ocurre como va todo. Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
la seconda pianta ossia quella che non era ermafrodita è stata impollinata solo nel ramo in diretto raggio del ventilatore, forse avrei potuto pensarci, comunque ho 12 semi, per il resto non ho trovato molti semi e sono soddisfatto nel complesso, la pianta non ermafrodita ha avuto un esplosione di tricomi, veramente piena, per altro le cime sembravano pesare molto, per adesso stanno seccando, di muffa ne ho trtovata poc e niente
Que pasa familia, vamos con la primera semana de floracion de estas Rainbow Melon feminizada de fastbuds. Vamos al lío, de las 3 plantas, me quede con 2 por espacio, siempre pongo alguna semilla de más por si no abriese alguna por no perder ese hueco del indoor. También se trasplantaron a su maceta definitiva, en este caso de 7 litros. Tenían algo de shock por el trasplante pero ya fue solucionado. El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 20/22 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%. Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que pasa familia, vamos con la primera semana de florscion de estas Gorilla Melon feminizadas de fastbuds. Vamos al lío, de las 3 plantas, me quede con 2 por espacio, siempre pongo alguna semilla de más por si no abriese alguna por no perder ese hueco del indoor. Y ya superaron el shock provocado por el mismo trasplante. El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 20/22 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%. Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que pasa familia, vamos con la segunda semana de floración de estas Papaya Zoap F1 de Sweetseeds. Vamos al lío, me quede con 3 por espacio, siempre pongo alguna semilla de más por si no abriese alguna por no perder ese hueco del indoor. También se trasplantaron a su maceta definitiva, en este caso de 7 litros. Y también superaron el shock por el trasplante se recuperaron 100%. El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 20/22 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%. El fotoperiodo esta a 12/12 para floración. Las jodidas estiraron bastante, y es algo que no me gusta de todas las F1, que cultive hasta ahora. Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que pasa familia, vamos con la primera semana de floracion de estas Lemonpaya feminizadas de fastbuds. Vamos al lío, de las 3 plantas, me quede con 2 por espacio, siempre pongo alguna semilla de más por si no abriese alguna por no perder ese hueco del indoor. También se trasplantaron a su maceta definitiva, en este caso de 7 litros que además provocó un shock que también solucione. El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 20/22 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%. Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que pasa familia, vamos con la primera semana de floración de estas Papaya sherbet feminizadas de fastbuds. Vamos al lío, de las 3 plantas, me quede con 2 por espacio, siempre pongo alguna semilla de más por si no abriese alguna por no perder ese hueco del indoor. También se trasplantaron a su maceta definitiva, en este caso de 7 litros, que el mismo trasplante provocó un shock, que también fue solucionado inmediatamente. El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 20/22 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%. Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Tag 71, die 11. Woche hat begonnen. Die blüten wachsen weiterhin und nehmen an Volumen zu. Ich werde nur noch einmal mit halben Düngeschema gießen und ab dann ohne Dünger weiter gießen. Vorraussichtliche Ernte Tag 80-85.
My other grow was growing into the light, so I had to switch them. This light doesn't have the greatest coverage, but it had to be done. The humidifier is still down, and I'm going to have to move house with it on one of the coldest days of the year, so this grow does not have everything going for it. Smells strong, like candy apples and the buds are getting very dense.
14.1.25: I've been readjusting the LST. I just took all the pegs out and reshaped her. I got some new LST equipment in the mail today, have been glad to have more pegs. I got some clips too, but they don't seem to stay on 😕 I'm currently only using the pegs, I have some thicker soft wire, but I forgot I don't have pliers to cut it! Also I'm running very low on Biobizz nutrients, so that could be bad 🤞 18.1.25: I have done another large defoliation on PPP1 and PPP2. Also, moderate defoliation on all other plants today. All LST ties and pegs are readjusted. I have turned up the light to 90%. Same distance of between 24-28 inches, depending on height of specific plant. I have increased the dosage of Biobizz Bio-Grow and Fish Mix to give an extra boost of Nitrogen as several plants were showing yellowing. They have responded very well to this. Unfortunately I ran out of my Biobizz nutrients and PH UP. I'm currently using Bicarbonate of Soda to increase the PH after the nutes PH comes out to about 4.1. Obviously, that uses a lot and I only had a 250ml bottle, which I used last run too. This run I have 9 plants. The only thing I'm worried about is the salt build up. Have you used it before? Or any other natural way to increase PH? Please let me know! I've also added Biobizz Fish Mix to help with the extra Nitrogen needed. Watering with 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3 with the following nutrients;- ♡ 4ml Biobizz Fish Mix ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 2ml Biobizz Bloom ♡ 2ml Biobizz Top Max ♡ 2ml Cal-Mag ♡ 2ml Ecothrive Flourish. I water with this every 3 days. I did order some more Biobizz Bio-Grow and Bio Bloom. I found some at a reasonable price on Amazon. I still have about 800 ml of Biobizz Fish Mix left, too. It is fairly expensive this time as the plants are hungrier this run. I also got a new bag of Canna coco, which I may use to add a top dress with some dry amendments. Which hopefully will save some cash on the bottled nutrients and stretch out until the end of this run without having to buy anymore. I have purchased a funnel to pour the water. It is difficult, due to the shape of my LST, to water precisely. I have spilt it all over the tent several times 🙄 I've also ordered a 2 litre jug. Currently, I'm mixing water for 9 plants individually in a 1 litre jug. It's tideous. Hopefully, this will solve the issues. Cleaning the tent after watering every time isn't my idea of efficiency 😅 Thanks for checking out my diary 🍃 ✌️
Buenas a tod@s... Tercera semana de las niñas... Se las ve muy bien, de momento tranki, ya empezamos con los nutrientes y cambiamos una lámpara normalita q no tenía mucha potencia x una de marshydro de 150... Las veo bien, y se pondrán mejor en nada... 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻⚡⚡⚡🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Buenos humos para tod@s... 💨💨 ⚕️😎💎 🇦🇷🤝🏻🇪🇦