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Hey hey ! I left my girls during 4 days without watering due a hospitalization ! I discovered this girl like this when I opened the room and she exploded !! Day 3 : floweeeers comin ! Day 6: little defoliation and 🍭 lollipop on this girl : she’s clean now !
May 10, 2024 Day 85 A new week and I'm not sure these 2 are ready for flushing. They have way too many white pistils. Plenty of orange, though. Banana Purple Punch A has more orange pistils. Both got a gallon of nutrient water today. So they are definitely still drinking somewhat heavily. And they haven't slowed down yet. I'll keep an eye on them though. Flushing will have to happen sometime. I'd say in the next 3 waterings. That's just a guess based on their current progress. It just seems that they aren't done swelling and there's absolutely no purple coming through yet. Banana Purple Punch A still looks great. Her buds are starting to weight down the taller tops and they are slightly leaning toward the outside of the plant. It's actually quite good. It's opening up even more space for the lowers to get as much light as possible. Air flow is great as well. This is especially important because she is in the back directly under a clip fan. So it's more prone to mold. At least that's what happened in my last grow. This time I have another clip fan across from this one, so the air circulates throughout the whole tent, top to bottom. Banana Purple Punch B looks great! She's not bending any tops, but I don't expect her to with how strong her branches are. Practically immovable. However, she's definitely getting more jiggly. And she has huge buds top to bottom. I wonder if that's the reason she doesn't budge. No room. Lol. Honestly, she may be really compact, but I have her branches spread out enough for good airflow. There's just a couple of clusters that are a bit too dense with foliage, but it doesn't seem to be a problem. Lots of airflow and light. She's a bit behind her sister plant. Way more white pistils and orange on this one. No signs of purple whatsoever. Just a healthy growing plant. I'll be checking trichomes later today if I'm up to it. I hurt my back earlier. Regardless of that, I'll be getting trichome pics today or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow with videos at the end of the week. It's been quite some time since I last took trichome pics. Bad planning on my part. However, I'm excited to see how much further along they are from last time. I won't be changing the light for another few days I think. Then I'll drop the power down. As I said before, I don't think they are ready for flushing, so not ready for light changes. The environment is still a bit off. Today the temp is 76° but the humidity is still high at 56%. This is sure to ruin something. I'm still trying to get the humidity down. I have a feeling I just don't have enough air exchange in my bed room. I'm going to continue messing with it until it's right though. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.1° RH: 54.2% VPD: 1.29 kPa May 11, 2024 Not a lot going on today. Just some pictures. Banana Purple Punch A is looking really good. She looks to have another week or so. I'm really confused as to why my plants take so long to grow and finish up. Banana Purple Punch B has completely caught up with her sister plant. She has the same amount of orange pistils. That tells me there isn't much left to go. If she caught up, that means Banana Purple Punch A is even closer to being done than I think. Maybe. I'll check the trichomes again tomorrow. No pics unless they are done. I doubt they will be. Especially Banana Purple Punch B. On the other hand Banana Purple Punch A could have only a couple days left and just isn't going to turn purple or fade at all. I'm going to start flushing in a couple days I think. They both look about ready for it. Plus, they are about as big as they are going to get. I think the flush will bring out the colors. So next watering will be the beginning of the flush cycle. It should be in a couple days. Also, both ladies have slowed down on their water intake. So the reservoirs should be empty in 2 to 3 days. Probably 2 days. Then I can clean them out and get to it. The lights are going to be turned down when flushing begins. I'm going to aim for a DLI of 36 mol/m²/d for the rest of the grow. It shouldn't be anymore than a week of flushing before they are done. The environment is still messed up. It got down to 49% yesterday for a couple hours, but then this morning it was right back up to 54%. The temp is fine at 76° Still not cold enough at night, but I have time. A few days to work it out. I'd like to be down to 65° by then for the last week of their lives. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.1° RH: 53.7% VPD: 1.27 kPa Update: I decided to check the trichomes anyway. Banana Purple Punch A has quite a few cloudy trichomes. Very few amber and a bit too many clear. I'd say she has about 5 days left. Banana Purple Punch B also has quite a few cloudy trichomes. However, she has about 15% to 20% clear trichomes. Amber trichomes are basically nonexistent. There's a few here and there, but mostly on the sugar leaves and not on the buds themselves. I'd say she has another 7 days left. Honestly I don't want to harvest them separately. I'd rather harvest them at the same time, so I might harvest them in 6 days. Right in between. Maybe 7 days if Banana Purple Punch A isn't quite there yet. To be honest, I have no real idea with this strain. They seem to be getting there, but there's no purple, still a lot of clear trichomes and it's been 12 weeks. So it could be another 2 weeks for all I know. I'd like to push them as far as they need, but I have 4 other plants that need to come in the tent ASAP. So I may have to chop a bit earlier than I really want to. I'll post some trichome pics tomorrow and see what you all think. Comments are welcome. Lol May 12, 2024 Some pics today. I'll try to keep this one short. Banana Purple Punch A looks good. I checked the trichomes. Not done yet. I'm sticking by my 5 days estimate. So 4 days left. She doesn't seem to be drinking at all. She is, but it's a trickle. Definitely not like it was. I'll have to empty the reservoir out tomorrow and start the flushing cycle. Banana Purple Punch B also looks great. I also checked her trichomes. She is about the same as her sister plant. Not enough cloudy trichomes, but the amber ones are starting to show up. A good sign. She might be ready in 4 days. I'm still guessing 5 to 6 days. She also isn't drinking nearly as much as she was before. A great sign that she should be starting the flush. For trichome pics, I'll be posting some tomorrow. Nothing to post today. I'll be dropping the light power when I start flushing. Which should be tomorrow or the next day. As I've said before, the DLI will be around 36 mol/m²/d. The environment is a lost cause. I cannot for the life of me get the damned humidity to a reasonable level, so I'll continue to open the tent every couple of hours throughout the rest of the grow. Happily, it's only a few days to a week. The temp is a bit high today as well. 77°. I'm already working to drop it a bit without going over 60% humidity. I should be able to get it down to 74° without a problem. It's just the humidity that's killing me. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.9° RH: 55.6% VPD: 1.25 kPa May 13, 2024 Flushing day! I decided to rinse out the basins and begin the flush. I was going to wait another day, but I think it's time. They have about a week left I think. Honestly it should be done by now, but they aren't. Lol. No matter. They should be done in about a week. Maybe slightly less. So they have been given 4 ml of Flawless Finish. It should be the only dose I have to give. Maybe one more, but I doubt it. I still need to dry the containers out. That will take a day or two. So maybe a half gallon in a few days, just to get that last push in. Banana Purple Punch A looks great! Some more lean happening with the tops. Nothing bad or anything, just a slight lean. Perfect for heavy buds. I didn't bother checking her trichomes today. No point. You can tell she's not ready just by looking at her. Banana Purple Punch B may need even more time. I'm going to have to decided what to do. Wait for this one to be done then harvest both? Or harvest one at a time as they finish up? Decisions decisions. I'll figure it out in a week. Her branches are really jiggly now. No lean exactly, more like a sway. When she gets moved her top heavy branches sway a bit. Great sign for a heavy yield from a 17" plant. Or is it 19"? Either way, it's going to have a fantastic yield compared to her size. One advantage I am seeing with the longer finish is it will give me time to dry some Tropicana Cookies I am harvesting in a couple of days. I'll be wet trimming this time around and the dry time should only take about 5 to 7 days. Maybe 10, but I'd rather not try to stuff 4 plants in a 2x2 to dry. It's a recipe for disaster. 2 at a time stacked on top of each other. I'll be dropping the light intensity tomorrow or later this afternoon. Maybe even tonight during lights out so in the morning it will be ready for the new day of less light. As I've said before... Over and over... I'll be dropping the light power to 70% which should drop the DLI down to 36 mol/m²/d. Oh, btw, I use the Photone for my light measurements. It has a PAR meter, Lux, DLI and I Believe color spectrum? Kelvin? No clue what that does. I focus on DLI. It's a better reading than just PPFD. The environment is still messy... as always... I'm keeping the temp down to 74°. The humidity at 58%. So it's still too high, but I've done all I can to drop it down and it won't even go below 50% with the tent door wide open. It just won't. So unless I can get the humidity in my room down to like 30%, the humidity in the tent remains over 50%. Hopefully pulling the plants out daily is enough to prevent mold and other issues. There's also the two circular fans. They aren't at full power, but they don't need to be as there's two. Plenty of airflow. I'll really need to keep an eye on these plants. Maybe I'll take them out multiple times a day. Like 2 or 3. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.5° RH: 56.2% VPD: 1.25 kPa Update: I ordered a new dehumidifier for grow tents today. It should be here tomorrow. I'm guessing a lot of my problem with the humidity is my current dehumidifier. It barely pushes air. Cheap and well used. The new one is from Vivosun. A much more reputable company. May 14, 2024 Trichome day! Alright, so I took some video today. Not the best quality, but I hurt my back so I'm all shaky. The pics were a lost cause. Lol Banana Purple Punch A looks great! More leaning branches. This late in the grow, I don't care. They aren't leaning that bad and it's only showing how heavy these buds are. Trichomes are mostly cloudy with a bit left of clear and nowhere near enough amber. 5 to 6 more days I think. Banana Purple Punch B is so pretty. She has the faintest purple coming from the flowers, but not much. It is a sign that we may end up with a purple plant during flush. Trichomes are partly cloudy with 30% clear and next to no amber. She still has time to go. I'd say another 7 to 10 days. Now I'm overshooting it just incase. I don't think the plants noticed a difference in the light drop, or they did and it's not doing anything. However, I'm not sure what it should be doing. I'm guessing preserving trichomes? Makes sense. Anyway, it's staying at 36 mol/m²/d DLI. The environment is still an absolute mess. The humidity is at like 59% and as always, I can control the temp, but nothing changes the humidity. And it's like 55% humidity out today. Fail. Lol. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.3° RH: 59.0% VPD: 1.16 kPa May 15, 2024 Nothing to do today. They are still watered and whatnot. No changes in color yet either. I'm starting to think these both will be green phenomes. Or maybe they really aren't ready yet. It's just weird. What am I doing wrong to get all my plants to grow for so long? Oh well. This round is just different because of the other 4 plants that need this space. I really need them to finish up ASAP. No trichome check today. I can still t ell they aren't ready. The bottoms still have a majority of white pistils and the tops are just not there yet. I think they can get denser. They aren't quite rock hard yet, so I know they still have time. Banana Purple Punch A looks amazing. More leaning branches that are swaying in the breeze. No fade yet, but the leaves are starting to look ready for the fade. Maybe. Banana Purple Punch B is strong as ever. Definitely still packing on weight. Definitely not ready for harvest. Still another week I think. I'll check trichomes tomorrow on this one. I think I'll wait for her to be done then I can harvest both plants at once. The light seems to be just being a light now. I can't really see what it's doing, but I know the frost is there. Lol. So it must be doing something. The environment is killing me. Still over 60% and my room has climbed up to 60% as well. I have a heater running and the dehumidifier that I think is done working. My new one should be here today. And not a moment too soon. I should have replaced this one months ago. Unfortunately, I don't have much control over the heat anymore. The humidity is just over powering it and I can't get anything to change. I'm going to crank the heat and see if that helps. Like set it to 80° and see what happens. It's currently set to 74°. And 8 don't think that temp is high enough to combat the humidity. Crank it up! Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.9° RH: 63.0% VPD: .00 kPa May 16, 2024 Today is looking pretty good. I checked the trichomes on Banana Purple Punch B as she has the longest to go. I figure when she is done, Banana Purple Punch A will be as well. I've also watered them with plain water. PHed to 6.2. just a half gallon in the reservoirs. I'm not ready to let them dry out yet. Banana Purple Punch A looks great! Her branches are starting to lean a bit harder and her buds look amazing. No purple yet. Or at all. I'm not sure. But I'm certainly sure that the fade hasn't begun yet. I'm not bothering with trichomes for now. I'll just wait to see what her sister does. I'll check trichomes in a couple of days. Banana Purple Punch B looks amazing. Her buds are fat and dense. She smells great and stays strong. A bit more swaying. But it's the whole plant now. Wonderful! I checked the trichomes on this one. She is developing quite nicely. I'd say another 5 to 7 days? Maybe a little less if we're lucky. There's more cloudy trichomes than before and finally some amber. Much less clear as well. She definitely is nowhere near fading, so that's a concern for time. The light stays the same. It seems to be perfect for these two. So no changes. The environment is still a nightmare, but it's 86% humid outside and 63% in my room. Happily, not really, the humidity is down to 60%. Not good at all, but better than 63% or even 65%. I'm really hoping these ladies are super resilient. They should be. It's FastBuds and they have great genetics. The temp is fine. I haven't a bit higher to help some with the DLI. So it's hanging out around 76° to 77° for now. The new dehumidifier works way better than the other one. But a cool thing is that they are both small, so I fit them both in and it seems to be kinda working. It's keeping the humidity below what it is in my room, but not low enough. I know it will drop when I figure out how to drop it in my room. I really need a big dehumidifier for my room. That would solve quite a bit. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.8° RH: 62.8% VPD: 1.07 kPa
GG#4 und Runtz F1 haben LST gut vertragen. Hoffe dass sie noch mindestens 1 Woche wachsen, bevor sie automatisch in die Blüte gehen sollten. Die Babys genießen das sonnige Wetter auf dem Balkon und es wird zusätzlich mit einer Lampe (21-0Uhr) gearbeitet. Apple Fritter lasse ich normal um einen Vergleich zu den anderen zwei (LST) zu haben. Einen halben Tag später sind Apple Fritter und Runtz F1 in die Blüte gestartet. Würde mich über Kommentare und Erfahrungsaustausch freuen.
Hi, Topman! Today is 30 days of blooms! We are done defoliations and adding Delta9 6ml/l. The next week we are adding YV BOOSTERS. Comeing soon
Shes growing slower than the first plant I did in this manner but if she reaches 3 months of veg im gonna flower her even if she hasnt gotten to where i want her. Can't win em all.
Aún las tenía metidas en casa por la noche, por qué las plante en pretemporada y no quería que se congelarán.
Aún las tenía metidas en casa por la noche, por qué las plante en pretemporada y no quería que se congelarán.
Aún las tenía metidas en casa por la noche, por qué las plante en pretemporada y no quería que se congelarán.
May 10, 2024 A new week and more flushing. Both ladies look really good. Tropicana C is way too heavy for her branches. It's good and bad. It's bad because they are flopping all over. And it shows how weak these tops are. It had to be my nutrient regimen. It's good because it shows the buds are dense and heavy. Tropicana Cookies has significantly stronger branches and can hold a lot of weight for the size of the buds. I could just be a tight fit with all the buds up and down each top. Who knows. They are starting to lean a little bit, but not too bad. Her buds are almost all purple top to bottom and the leaves are getting lighter and lighter throughout the plant. She's covered in trichomes. From what I can see, there's not nearly enough amber trichomes on the buds. Very soon though. I reactivated her wick system today. Her container was about half the weight as it was yesterday. Maybe now that it's not saturated anymore, the wick system will provide what it needs. We shall see later today I think. The lighting for some of this week will stay the same. I'm just waiting for the other 2 plants in the tent to start their flush. Then I'll drop the power down some. Most likely to a DLI of 36 mol/m²/d. We shall see. I'm also curious if it will actually do anything. They are autoflowers and light doesn't really mean much. Just as long as it's on and the right DLI, it should be fine, right? Anyway, I'll drop it when the flush starts anyway. I want to see what happens. The environment is looking a little better. The humidity is lower at 54%, but still way too high. At least it's below 60% finally. But 54% isn't much better. The temperature is pretty good at 76° during the day and 67° at night. I still can't get it down to 66° at night, so 67° will have to suffice. However, there is about a 10° difference between lights out and lights on. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.1° RH: 54.2% VPD: 1.29 kPa May 11, 2024 Watering day! Last watering of the grow. I'll let them dry out from now on. It should be like 4 days before they are dried out. Tropicana Cookies looks so close to being done. Her fade is spreading and I'm guessing another 3 days? Maybe less. There is so much more purple now. Ite absolutely beautiful. She definitely will need a trichome check daily. Tropicana C has started showing purple finally. I'd give her another 5 days, maybe a week. I honestly cannot tell. I'll check trichomes tomorrow and every day afterward. Her buds are definitely getting heavier and some even look fatter. She's definitely not quite ready, but super close. The light power will be dropped in a couple days down to a DLI of 36 mol/m²/d. Not much else for that. The environment is still kind of a mess. The temp is fine at 75°, but the humidity is still high at 55%. I even got the temp down to 66°. So that's good. I'd like to keep it there for the rest of the grow. I'll also try to drop the temp during the day to help bring out more color. It will also help with keeping the temp low during the drying period. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.0° RH: 53.6% VPD: 1.27 kPa Update: I ended up checking the trichomes anyway, and i think I know when they will be done. Just an estimate, but I think a good one. Anyway, Tropicana Cookies should be done in about 3 days while Tropicana C should take about 5 days. I may wait and harvest both at the same time. Or in between and harvest them in 4 days. Tropicana Cookies just needs more amber trichomes. They are almost all cloudy. Very few clear, but only about 5% amber. Tropicana C on the other hand, has a bit too many clear trichomes and no where near enough amber. 5 days should do it. 4 might be a little early, but that might be the only option. We shall see in 4 days. May 12, 2024 Not much going on today. Tropicana Cookies had a soaked bottom again, so I removed 1 of the wicks. So there should be about half the water going in now. She's definitely not thirsty. So very close. Anyway, she is fading quite nicely and I think she will have a whole bunch of beautiful colors. Lots of purple and some nicely fading fan leaves. Light greens, yellows a tiny bit of red. But not there yet. Tropicana C did not have a soaked bottom today. She never does. It just tells me she is still thirsty. Which also tells me she still has some time left. Maybe 4 to 5 days, but I may harvest her in 3 to 4 days. It all depends on how she looks. I got some trichome pics today. Just one for each plant, but they were the best I could get so there you have it. Anyway, Tropicana Cookies looks very close. More amber trichomes, more cloudy and much less clear. Tropicana C still has a bit too many clear, but definitely has more cloudy. Not too many amber, but more than yesterday. I still plan to drop the DLI down to 36 mol/m²/d in a day or two. It won't really matter, but it's still important to note. It's for the other plants in the tent. The environment is a lost cause. I can still control the temp, but the humidity is still at 57%. I have the temp at 77°, but I think I'm going to drop it down to 74°. I don't think the humidity will go up with the temp change. And if it does, back up to 77°. I'll probably get the 74° mark, so all good. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.9° RH: 55.6% VPD: 1.25 kPa May 13, 2024 Not much going on today. I checked trichomes and I think I'm going to harvest when Tropicana C is done. She should be done in a couple of days. Maybe 3 to 4? Maybe less? I'm supposed to be harvesting tomorrow, but I'm not sure I will. I'll check the trichomes again tomorrow, but both are there. Just a little bit more. Not too much longer though. I have 4 more plants ready to come in like ASAP. Anyway, the trichomes on Tropicana C are mostly cloudy now, with a few clear and more amber. Maybe 8% to 10%. Just a bit more. Tropicana Cookies is a bit further with next to no clear trichomes and the same amber as her sister. Roughly 8% to 10%. She will definitely be done either tomorrow or the next day. So I think it makes more sense to focus mostly on Tropicana C for harvest time. I really don't want to harvest an indica too early. Not to mention, the purple is coming through really quickly for Tropicana C. Tropicana Cookies has almost all purple buds. The very bottom of the plant still has mostly green with purple coming through just a bit. It's more like pink than purple. But the majority of the bud is green. These are the underdeveloped buds. Not even worth of popcorn I think. That stuff will become concentrate. The light intensity will be dropped tonight down to a DLI of 36 mol/m²/d. Kind of pointless for the last couple days, but it needs to be done. The environment is driving me crazy. I can keep the temp at 74°, but then the humidity goes up to 58%. Much too high. Even opening the tent door only drops the humidity down to 52%. I'm going to need to drop the humidity in my room down to 35% somehow and maybe I'll get below 50%. This is ridiculous. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.4° RH: 56.2% VPD: 1.24 kPa Update: I ordered a new dehumidifier for grow tents today. It should be here tomorrow. I'm guessing a lot of my problem with the humidity is my current dehumidifier. It barely pushes air. Cheap and well used. The new one is from Vivosun. A much more reputable company. May 14, 2024 Trichome day! Took a couple videos. The videos are kind of crappy. I hurt my back so I'm shaky. I removed the wick system completely from both plants. Tropicana Cookies was yet again soaked. Not as bad with just the one wick, but still soaked. Anyway, I pulled the wicks and emptied the reservoirs. Maybe that will help with the humidity. They should both be dried out in a few days. Just in time for harvest. Tropicana Cookies looks wonderful! Her buds are nearly black, with nearly black leaves. It's the darkest strain I've ever grown. Insane. She still has a day or 2 left to go. There's trichomes, but not enough. Hopefully 2 days will do it. Trichomes are mostly cloudy, a little bit of clear and not enough amber. Tropicana C is right behind her sister plant in the dark purple color. Her flowers and sugar leaves are getting super dark. Fan leaves are lights ing up, but not fading. I have a feeling she is going to need longer than I have been estimating. I also have a major issue with the side branches all around the plant. They are just laying down. Buds completely facing down. The branches are also super weak. I don't understand what happened. Back to trichomes. There's like 20% clear still and nowhere near enough amber. The lower light intensity doesn't seem to being doing anything, but I'm sure it's preserving the trichomes. Maybe even helping along the plants to finish up. The environment is still a nightmare. The temp is still fine, but the humidity is stuck at 60% again. The humidity in my room is higher than outside. I have the door open to help drop it, but it's not helping with the tent humidity. I have no idea how environmental science works. Lol. I wonder if I defoliate both plants a couple days early, what will happen. Wouldn't it put all of its energy into the buds and increase trichome production, like a last push? I'll research this and decided what to do by tonight. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.3° RH: 59.2% VPD: 1.15 kPa May 15, 2024 Nothing going on today. Both ladies are about halfway there before completely drying out. I'd say another 2 days. I was going to harvest tomorrow, but I checked the trichomes and they still aren't there yet. Plus, I think the other 4 waiting to get in the tent still have time to veg before they overwhelm their containers. One of them is very close, but I don't think she will be a problem in the next 2 days. Plus I can always train her down. Tropicana Cookies is starting to lean more. Her branches aren't quite falling over, but they are definitely getting weighed down. She seems to have basically stopped fading. Still a lot of green leaves, but each top is essentially all dark purple. So this may be it for fading. Now I can only wait for her to ripen up. Hopefully 2 more days. I really can't push it that much further. Tropicana C is still behind her sister by a bit. Not much, but enough for me to be concerned about harvesting them together in 2 days. I guess I'll see how the 4 other plants are doing in 2 days. Maybe I'll wait 3. Who knows at this point. It's been 7 weeks, so it should be any day. I think the light intensity is making the smell stronger. Less intense light is keeping the trichomes nice and plump and filling with cannabinoids. So maybe it was a great idea to drop he intensity. The environment is still kicking my ass. I can't get the humidity to drop below 60% and now I don't have much control over the temp It's stuck at 73°. Not bad for this stage, but it's killing the VPD. It needs to be at like 1.5 kPa, but it's at 1.00 kPa. Super bad. No good. The night temp is still too high. The average last night was 69.1°. Much too warm for night temps. Maybe that's what is taking Tropicana C to turn purple. She's getting there definitely and should be the same color as her sister. They are the same phenotype after all. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.9° RH: 63.0% VPD: 1.00 kPa May 16, 2024 The final day of the week and I think I need to harvest these 2 tomorrow. The 4 Sour Diesels I have in my 2x2 tent are starting to get bigger and will need more space very soon. Not to mention, they are in my 2x2 tent I use for drying. Tropicana Cookies is basically done. I didn't check her trichomes today, but all the buds top to bottom are purple. Lighter purple in the lowers, but those are popcorn and larf, so I'm not so worried. She also seems to have stopped fading. She's nearly dried out now. Probably tomorrow right when I need to harvest. Tropicana C on the other hand has her trichomes looked at today. Made a video and took a pic from it. Anyway, the trichomes are much more cloudy now and maybe 7% amber. She should go a few more days, but I still have the dilemma of the other plants. I guess it all depends on how they look tomorrow I guess. She hasn't started fading yet, but more purple is showing up everyday. That's another reason I think she could go a few more days. She still hasn't even begun to fade. She's about half dry, but if I have to, I'll add a half gallon of plain water tomorrow to see if she fades at all. I may have to harvest Tropicana Cookies tomorrow and then Tropicana C a few days later. I should be able to fit 4 more 3 gallon containers in the 3x3 with just the one plant gone. It'll be tight and I'll need to Tetris the shit out of it, but I think I can manage. One thing I haven't thought about until now is drying itself. If I have to harvest separately, the 2 to 3 day difference will mess up the dry for the first one harvested. I think? Maybe not. I have a plan. Instead of hanging them next to each other, I'm going to hang them on top of each other. So the first will be Tropicana Cookies on top and later in Tropicana C on the bottom. Theoretically, with this setup, I could control the humidity a bit better. When Tropicana Cookies is nearly done and needs the extra humidity for that even dry, Tropicana C will have brought it back in and I should be able to hold it around 60% for the rest of the drying time for both plants. Lighting doesn't matter anymore. It's served it's purpose and I could technically take one out now for a 2 day dark period before harvest. But if anything, I'll wait for tomorrow. I honestly didn't think about the dark period until now. Haha. Whoops. That may just solve problem entirely. I don't have to wait for harvest time. My other plants won't get too big and I can put them in the 3x3 more comfortably. I can also harvest both plants at the same time. Or, if I have room, I can place Tropicana C in the dry tent on the bottom while Tropicana Cookies gets hung up. I don't think there's enough space though. Anyway, I think the best course of action is to put Tropicana Cookies in the dry tent for a 2 day dark period and harvest both when Tropicana C is ready. Then I can see if there's a difference between lights all the way to harvest or dark for 2 days. Fun! The environment is the bane of my existence. The new dehumidifier is definitely stronger than the old one and more compact. I even left the old one in there as well. Both running at the same time can only drop the humidity to a solid 60%, but my room is 63% and I can't do anything about it. I also have the tent completely sealed off. I think it's helping to keep the humidity from climbing to 65% or 70%. I have the temp up a bit to 76° and 77°. Just to help a smidge with the DLI. The only thing I have an advantage with is my ari flow and spread canopy. There's 2 fans blowing around air and the exhaust. It should help prevent mold or bud rot, but with such high humidity for days, I can only imagine something bad is happening. Maybe not bud rot or mold, but the chemical composition of the buds? I dunno. I haven't learned that much. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.8° RH: 62.8% VPD: 1.07 kPa
May 10, 2024 A new week and more flushing. Both ladies look really good. Tropicana C is way too heavy for her branches. It's good and bad. It's bad because they are flopping all over. And it shows how weak these tops are. It had to be my nutrient regimen. It's good because it shows the buds are dense and heavy. Tropicana Cookies has significantly stronger branches and can hold a lot of weight for the size of the buds. I could just be a tight fit with all the buds up and down each top. Who knows. They are starting to lean a little bit, but not too bad. Her buds are almost all purple top to bottom and the leaves are getting lighter and lighter throughout the plant. She's covered in trichomes. From what I can see, there's not nearly enough amber trichomes on the buds. Very soon though. I reactivated her wick system today. Her container was about half the weight as it was yesterday. Maybe now that it's not saturated anymore, the wick system will provide what it needs. We shall see later today I think. The lighting for some of this week will stay the same. I'm just waiting for the other 2 plants in the tent to start their flush. Then I'll drop the power down some. Most likely to a DLI of 36 mol/m²/d. We shall see. I'm also curious if it will actually do anything. They are autoflowers and light doesn't really mean much. Just as long as it's on and the right DLI, it should be fine, right? Anyway, I'll drop it when the flush starts anyway. I want to see what happens. The environment is looking a little better. The humidity is lower at 54%, but still way too high. At least it's below 60% finally. But 54% isn't much better. The temperature is pretty good at 76° during the day and 67° at night. I still can't get it down to 66° at night, so 67° will have to suffice. However, there is about a 10° difference between lights out and lights on. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.1° RH: 54.2% VPD: 1.29 kPa May 11, 2024 Watering day! Last watering of the grow. I'll let them dry out from now on. It should be like 4 days before they are dried out. Tropicana Cookies looks so close to being done. Her fade is spreading and I'm guessing another 3 days? Maybe less. There is so much more purple now. Ite absolutely beautiful. She definitely will need a trichome check daily. Tropicana C has started showing purple finally. I'd give her another 5 days, maybe a week. I honestly cannot tell. I'll check trichomes tomorrow and every day afterward. Her buds are definitely getting heavier and some even look fatter. She's definitely not quite ready, but super close. The light power will be dropped in a couple days down to a DLI of 36 mol/m²/d. Not much else for that. The environment is still kind of a mess. The temp is fine at 75°, but the humidity is still high at 55%. I even got the temp down to 66°. So that's good. I'd like to keep it there for the rest of the grow. I'll also try to drop the temp during the day to help bring out more color. It will also help with keeping the temp low during the drying period. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.0° RH: 53.6% VPD: 1.27 kPa Update: I ended up checking the trichomes anyway, and i think I know when they will be done. Just an estimate, but I think a good one. Anyway, Tropicana Cookies should be done in about 3 days while Tropicana C should take about 5 days. I may wait and harvest both at the same time. Or in between and harvest them in 4 days. Tropicana Cookies just needs more amber trichomes. They are almost all cloudy. Very few clear, but only about 5% amber. Tropicana C on the other hand, has a bit too many clear trichomes and no where near enough amber. 5 days should do it. 4 might be a little early, but that might be the only option. We shall see in 4 days. May 12, 2024 Not much going on today. Tropicana Cookies had a soaked bottom again, so I removed 1 of the wicks. So there should be about half the water going in now. She's definitely not thirsty. So very close. Anyway, she is fading quite nicely and I think she will have a whole bunch of beautiful colors. Lots of purple and some nicely fading fan leaves. Light greens, yellows a tiny bit of red. But not there yet. Tropicana C did not have a soaked bottom today. She never does. It just tells me she is still thirsty. Which also tells me she still has some time left. Maybe 4 to 5 days, but I may harvest her in 3 to 4 days. It all depends on how she looks. I got some trichome pics today. Just one for each plant, but they were the best I could get so there you have it. Anyway, Tropicana Cookies looks very close. More amber trichomes, more cloudy and much less clear. Tropicana C still has a bit too many clear, but definitely has more cloudy. Not too many amber, but more than yesterday. I still plan to drop the DLI down to 36 mol/m²/d in a day or two. It won't really matter, but it's still important to note. It's for the other plants in the tent. The environment is a lost cause. I can still control the temp, but the humidity is still at 57%. I have the temp at 77°, but I think I'm going to drop it down to 74°. I don't think the humidity will go up with the temp change. And if it does, back up to 77°. I'll probably get the 74° mark, so all good. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.9° RH: 55.6% VPD: 1.25 kPa May 13, 2024 Not much going on today. I checked trichomes and I think I'm going to harvest when Tropicana C is done. She should be done in a couple of days. Maybe 3 to 4? Maybe less? I'm supposed to be harvesting tomorrow, but I'm not sure I will. I'll check the trichomes again tomorrow, but both are there. Just a little bit more. Not too much longer though. I have 4 more plants ready to come in like ASAP. Anyway, the trichomes on Tropicana C are mostly cloudy now, with a few clear and more amber. Maybe 8% to 10%. Just a bit more. Tropicana Cookies is a bit further with next to no clear trichomes and the same amber as her sister. Roughly 8% to 10%. She will definitely be done either tomorrow or the next day. So I think it makes more sense to focus mostly on Tropicana C for harvest time. I really don't want to harvest an indica too early. Not to mention, the purple is coming through really quickly for Tropicana C. Tropicana Cookies has almost all purple buds. The very bottom of the plant still has mostly green with purple coming through just a bit. It's more like pink than purple. But the majority of the bud is green. These are the underdeveloped buds. Not even worth of popcorn I think. That stuff will become concentrate. The light intensity will be dropped tonight down to a DLI of 36 mol/m²/d. Kind of pointless for the last couple days, but it needs to be done. The environment is driving me crazy. I can keep the temp at 74°, but then the humidity goes up to 58%. Much too high. Even opening the tent door only drops the humidity down to 52%. I'm going to need to drop the humidity in my room down to 35% somehow and maybe I'll get below 50%. This is ridiculous. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.4° RH: 56.2% VPD: 1.24 kPa Update: I ordered a new dehumidifier for grow tents today. It should be here tomorrow. I'm guessing a lot of my problem with the humidity is my current dehumidifier. It barely pushes air. Cheap and well used. The new one is from Vivosun. A much more reputable company. May 14, 2024 Trichome day! Took a couple videos. The videos are kind of crappy. I hurt my back so I'm shaky. I removed the wick system completely from both plants. Tropicana Cookies was yet again soaked. Not as bad with just the one wick, but still soaked. Anyway, I pulled the wicks and emptied the reservoirs. Maybe that will help with the humidity. They should both be dried out in a few days. Just in time for harvest. Tropicana Cookies looks wonderful! Her buds are nearly black, with nearly black leaves. It's the darkest strain I've ever grown. Insane. She still has a day or 2 left to go. There's trichomes, but not enough. Hopefully 2 days will do it. Trichomes are mostly cloudy, a little bit of clear and not enough amber. Tropicana C is right behind her sister plant in the dark purple color. Her flowers and sugar leaves are getting super dark. Fan leaves are lights ing up, but not fading. I have a feeling she is going to need longer than I have been estimating. I also have a major issue with the side branches all around the plant. They are just laying down. Buds completely facing down. The branches are also super weak. I don't understand what happened. Back to trichomes. There's like 20% clear still and nowhere near enough amber. The lower light intensity doesn't seem to being doing anything, but I'm sure it's preserving the trichomes. Maybe even helping along the plants to finish up. The environment is still a nightmare. The temp is still fine, but the humidity is stuck at 60% again. The humidity in my room is higher than outside. I have the door open to help drop it, but it's not helping with the tent humidity. I have no idea how environmental science works. Lol. I wonder if I defoliate both plants a couple days early, what will happen. Wouldn't it put all of its energy into the buds and increase trichome production, like a last push? I'll research this and decided what to do by tonight. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.3° RH: 59.2% VPD: 1.15 kPa May 15, 2024 Nothing going on today. Both ladies are about halfway there before completely drying out. I'd say another 2 days. I was going to harvest tomorrow, but I checked the trichomes and they still aren't there yet. Plus, I think the other 4 waiting to get in the tent still have time to veg before they overwhelm their containers. One of them is very close, but I don't think she will be a problem in the next 2 days. Plus I can always train her down. Tropicana Cookies is starting to lean more. Her branches aren't quite falling over, but they are definitely getting weighed down. She seems to have basically stopped fading. Still a lot of green leaves, but each top is essentially all dark purple. So this may be it for fading. Now I can only wait for her to ripen up. Hopefully 2 more days. I really can't push it that much further. Tropicana C is still behind her sister by a bit. Not much, but enough for me to be concerned about harvesting them together in 2 days. I guess I'll see how the 4 other plants are doing in 2 days. Maybe I'll wait 3. Who knows at this point. It's been 7 weeks, so it should be any day. I think the light intensity is making the smell stronger. Less intense light is keeping the trichomes nice and plump and filling with cannabinoids. So maybe it was a great idea to drop he intensity. The environment is still kicking my ass. I can't get the humidity to drop below 60% and now I don't have much control over the temp It's stuck at 73°. Not bad for this stage, but it's killing the VPD. It needs to be at like 1.5 kPa, but it's at 1.00 kPa. Super bad. No good. The night temp is still too high. The average last night was 69.1°. Much too warm for night temps. Maybe that's what is taking Tropicana C to turn purple. She's getting there definitely and should be the same color as her sister. They are the same phenotype after all. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.9° RH: 63.0% VPD: 1.00 kPa May 16, 2024 The final day of the week and I think I need to harvest these 2 tomorrow. The 4 Sour Diesels I have in my 2x2 tent are starting to get bigger and will need more space very soon. Not to mention, they are in my 2x2 tent I use for drying. Tropicana Cookies is basically done. I didn't check her trichomes today, but all the buds top to bottom are purple. Lighter purple in the lowers, but those are popcorn and larf, so I'm not so worried. She also seems to have stopped fading. She's nearly dried out now. Probably tomorrow right when I need to harvest. Tropicana C on the other hand has her trichomes looked at today. Made a video and took a pic from it. Anyway, the trichomes are much more cloudy now and maybe 7% amber. She should go a few more days, but I still have the dilemma of the other plants. I guess it all depends on how they look tomorrow I guess. She hasn't started fading yet, but more purple is showing up everyday. That's another reason I think she could go a few more days. She still hasn't even begun to fade. She's about half dry, but if I have to, I'll add a half gallon of plain water tomorrow to see if she fades at all. I may have to harvest Tropicana Cookies tomorrow and then Tropicana C a few days later. I should be able to fit 4 more 3 gallon containers in the 3x3 with just the one plant gone. It'll be tight and I'll need to Tetris the shit out of it, but I think I can manage. One thing I haven't thought about until now is drying itself. If I have to harvest separately, the 2 to 3 day difference will mess up the dry for the first one harvested. I think? Maybe not. I have a plan. Instead of hanging them next to each other, I'm going to hang them on top of each other. So the first will be Tropicana Cookies on top and later in Tropicana C on the bottom. Theoretically, with this setup, I could control the humidity a bit better. When Tropicana Cookies is nearly done and needs the extra humidity for that even dry, Tropicana C will have brought it back in and I should be able to hold it around 60% for the rest of the drying time for both plants. Lighting doesn't matter anymore. It's served it's purpose and I could technically take one out now for a 2 day dark period before harvest. But if anything, I'll wait for tomorrow. I honestly didn't think about the dark period until now. Haha. Whoops. That may just solve problem entirely. I don't have to wait for harvest time. My other plants won't get too big and I can put them in the 3x3 more comfortably. I can also harvest both plants at the same time. Or, if I have room, I can place Tropicana C in the dry tent on the bottom while Tropicana Cookies gets hung up. I don't think there's enough space though. Anyway, I think the best course of action is to put Tropicana Cookies in the dry tent for a 2 day dark period and harvest both when Tropicana C is ready. Then I can see if there's a difference between lights all the way to harvest or dark for 2 days. Fun! The environment is the bane of my existence. The new dehumidifier is definitely stronger than the old one and more compact. I even left the old one in there as well. Both running at the same time can only drop the humidity to a solid 60%, but my room is 63% and I can't do anything about it. I also have the tent completely sealed off. I think it's helping to keep the humidity from climbing to 65% or 70%. I have the temp up a bit to 76° and 77°. Just to help a smidge with the DLI. The only thing I have an advantage with is my ari flow and spread canopy. There's 2 fans blowing around air and the exhaust. It should help prevent mold or bud rot, but with such high humidity for days, I can only imagine something bad is happening. Maybe not bud rot or mold, but the chemical composition of the buds? I dunno. I haven't learned that much. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.8° RH: 62.8% VPD: 1.07 kPa
Another one down one more to go this fast buds journey has been absolutely an amazing one. The genetics are fire and fun to grow I like to have a lot of variety and fast buds as everything you could want so happy to be a part of this thank you Molly and Heather for making this happen for me and giving me a chance to grow some of the most fire genetics in the world🌿💨💯
Die Pflanzen sind buchstäblich in der Woche explodiert. Das Volumen hat sich geschätzt verdoppelt. Die Sanlights sind auf 85 Prozent. Ich werde in 2-3 Tagen die Lampen für 2 Stunden am Tag auf 100 Prozent drehen, um nächste Woche richtig Vollgas geben zu können. Die Luft ist zum Glück sehr CO2-haltig. Die Luft liegt stundenweise bei circa 1200 ppm, im Minimum sind wir da bei circa 800, was für die Pflanzen ganz gute Werte sind. Ich habe mittlerweile einen Honeywell-Lüfter auf Stufe 2 hinzugeschaltet, um Schimmel zu vermeiden. Der Lüfter läuft jetzt auch mit AKF, den ich die Wochen davor nicht benötigt habe. Die Pflanzen bekommen weiterhin 3 Mal in der Woche CalMag (1 ml auf 5 Liter Wasser). Seitdem habe ich keine Probleme mehr mit braunen Blattspitzen. Die Pflanzen haben alle die gleiche schön dunkelgrüne Blattfarbe. Die Feuchtigkeit und Hitze, die die Box produziert, ist unerträglich. Die Stoftöpfe lassen gut verdunsten, bin aber trotzdem sehr zufrieden. Ich bin der Meinung, dass die Pflanzen in den Töpfen einfacher zu groß sind. Genaue Informationen füge ich den Bildern der einzelnen Pflanzen hinzu, um das besser erkennen zu können, was was ist Stichpunktliste: - Pflanzen sind explosionsartig gewachsen - Volumen hat sich verdoppelt - Sunlights auf 85 Prozent - In 2-3 Tagen Lampen auf 100 Prozent für 2 Stunden täglich - Luft ist CO2-haltig (1200 ppm, Minimum 800 ppm) - Honeywell-Lüfter auf Stufe 2 gegen Schimmel!!!es ist kein Schimmel vorhanden es geht um Prävention!! - Genaue Informationen zu einzelnen Pflanzen werden hinzugefügt - Lüfter läuft nun mit AKF (vorher nicht benötigt) - 3 Mal wöchentlich CalMag (1 ml auf 5 Liter Wasser) - Keine Probleme mehr mit braunen Blattspitzen - Schöne dunkelgrüne Blattfarbe - Unerträgliche Feuchtigkeit und Hitze in der Box - Lüfter von 40 auf 70 Prozent um Temperatur zu senken + LF - Stoftöpfe lassen gut verdunsten
Thank you so much Molly and Heather and all of the fast boats team for giving me the opportunity and setting this up for me so I can have some of the best genetics in my garden ztrawberriez auto Is an absolutely beautiful plant. I recommend it for everyone.🔥💯
Hope everyone is doing well and have a good mothers day with the family!! Today we are into week 5 of bloom with this queen in the 2x2 I am lovinng and let me say that againi loving this grow this plant just everythuing about the 2x2 and the living soil! I went ahead and got risky giving th plant some light nutrients this week wirth the tastey terps from advanced nutrients, just giving her a little extra organic vitamins. From here on out I'll be giving her just water. but let me say this toooo. I am in LOVE with Roots ORGANICS baby the top soil feed ive gaven this plant has been awesome she is loving it every day, its been a game changer for me. much love happy growing
i started with LST. unfortunately the plant grew too fast in height, which doesn't make it any easier now. next week i'll try it with twine. maybe i should it just let it grow as it likes.
Harvested on day 70 (start of week 10) Only 9.2 grams of bud. Fairly short dry time of 8 days. I dropped a nug on the carpet and thought (f*ck there goes half my harvest) 😅 All jokes aside this is a perfect plant for growers trying to be discreet. I didn't even LST or anything and it only grew to 14 inches tall. You will need a carbon filter as it is a loud strain.