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Its time to prepare for war. *Blows bagpipe* FISH SH!T THE ORGANIC SOIL CONDITIONER (used twice before and always noticed instantly) Fish Shit is a living product! It provides a complex Microbial profile that includes thousands of different species of bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. This profile is closer to a natural ecosystem than anything you will find on the market. Fish Shit helps release essential oils and terpenes which contribute to the building of a myriad of flavonoids. Flavanoids play a key role in the development of the most potent aromas and tasteful flavors of a plant and its fruit. Fish Shit contains beneficial microorganisms that help plants maximize nutrient uptake. It does this by transforming nutrients into more usable forms and keeping these nutrients in the soil longer. During photosynthesis plants naturally produce exudates (chemicals that are secreted through their roots). Through these exudates, plants can attract the types of good bacteria that are beneficial to them at different points in their growing cycle. These good bacteria cover the roots and act as a barrier to the invasion of disease-causing organisms that may harm the plant. What Are Enzymes? Before we dive headfirst into how, exactly, enzymes can benefit cannabis plants, it helps to understand a little about what these microscopic proteins do. Essentially, enzymes facilitate chemical reactions. They do so by binding with a substrate and forming or breaking molecular bonds. In this context, the substrate is the molecule upon which an enzyme acts to boost the efficiency of a reaction. •substrate /sŭb′strāt″/ •noun •The material or substance on which an enzyme acts. A surface on which an organism grows or is attached. An underlying layer; a substratum. Enzymes are proteins with complex 3D shapes that feature regions called active sites. When the substrate binds to these active sites, it forms an enzyme-substrate complex that causes a chemical reaction to take place, temporarily changing the structure of the enzyme and ultimately causing molecules to either come together or break apart. As a result, molecular products are released, and the enzyme returns to its original shape. Specific enzymes are capable of binding with certain substrates, as the substrate fits into the active site more or less via a lock-and-key principle. Although, new research suggests a more accurate theory of "induced fit", in which enzymes and substrates undergo structural changes to facilitate the reaction. If you take the human body as an example, we have an abundance of enzymes in our saliva and digestive system. These molecules bind with substrates in these regions (food particles), working to break down the food we eat into usable parts before converting them to energy. Enzymes in cannabis work in a similar way to the example highlighted above. Typically, enzymes occur in soil naturally, but if your soil mix is lacking organic material, or you're growing hydroponically, then adding enzymes directly to the substrate is crucial. By using them in cannabis growing, enzymes not only help break down essential nutrients into smaller, more readily available pieces, but they also support the digestion of dead root cells, clearing a direct path for nutrients. Overall, enzymes make it easier for your cannabis plants to absorb all the elements they need to reach their full potential. For growers, a plant that reaches its full potential means a bucketload of juicy buds come harvest. This is essential if you want to reuse a pot with old systems left over like mine. Common plant enzymes include: •Cellulase •Xylanase •Beta-glucosidase •Hemicellulase •Amidase Amino acids are a crucial, yet basic unit of protein, and they contain an amino group and a carboxylic group. They play an extensive role in the gene expression process, which includes an adjustment of protein functions that facilitate messenger RNA Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the three main pillars of nutrient solutions and fertilizers, but there are countless other nutrients that your cannabis plants need to produce the best possible harvest. Amino acids are one of them. You may have noticed that amino acids get a lot of attention from bodybuilders and other athletes. That’s because they play a key role in the synthesis of protein, which, as you probably know, is super important for sports recovery and muscle growth. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and the foundation of both plant and animal life. But what do amino acids do for cannabis? WHY IS PROTEIN IMPORTANT FOR CANNABIS? Just like proteins are important for the human body, they are equally important for the growth and development of plants. For example, proteins help plants: •Facilitate the growth of intracellular plant structures •Promote energy generation •Stimulate metabolic processes •Facilitate the absorption and transportation of nutrients So, where do plants get these vital proteins from? Well, unlike humans, plants can’t source proteins or amino acids from other organisms. Instead, they need to create their own amino acids, and then use these to build protein. That's why gardeners, much like athletes, go wild for amino acid supplements. Amino acids help plants by… • Increasing their production of chlorophyll, which ultimately improves their ability to photosynthesize • Serving as an easily absorbable form of nitrogen • Stimulating the synthesis of key vitamins • Improving their resistance to pests and diseases • Boosting the strength of their cells Amino acids also serve as the precursors to auxins, a group of plant hormones produced in the meristems—the apex of the stems where new leaves and stems are born. Auxins play a key role in the plant, activating genes for plant growth and development by triggering a multitude of vital plant functions. In other words, they determine what its size and architecture will look like. Auxins influence the development of branches, flowers, and roots, and even help to regulate the photoperiod response of the plant. Some amino acids, like cysteine, also work together with antioxidants like glutathione to help cannabis plants deal with oxidative stress, which can be caused by high-intensity lighting, some nutrient solutions, and high levels of CO₂. Unlike humans, plants can synthesize all the amino acids they need to survive and develop properly. Unfortunately, however, amino acid synthesis is a really high-energy process, and plants may struggle to produce enough amino acids when exposed to stress. WHAT FACTORS AFFECT A PLANT’S ABILITY TO SYNTHESISE AMINO ACIDS? Any kind of stress can affect a plant’s ability to produce enough amino acids. This includes: • Drought • Temperature extremes • Poor soil health • Pests • Diseases • Poor lighting • Lack of space • Poor root health WHAT DOES ALL OF THIS MEAN FOR WEED PLANTS? If you want to push your plants to their extreme in terms of floral growth and resin production, you should look into amino acid fertilizers. By making amino acids readily available to your plants, they’ll be able to use crucial energy to grow and bloom, rather than focusing on synthesizing amino acids themselves. Game of Inches, this is another Plants can absorb amino acids via their roots and leaves. They can also benefit from amino acids during both their vegetative and flowering phases. The fastest way for plants to absorb amino acids is via their leaves. The foliar application of amino acids is believed to improve the transportation of nutrients, increase transpiration, and boost photosynthesis. Hence, I recommend feeding your plants with foliar amino acid fertilizers. When doing so, however, carefully measure the amount of fertilizer you use, as—like with any nutrient—overfeeding can damage your plants. FOLIAR FEED AND SOIL SOAK • 1 crushed queen anne carrot • Add 2 tbsp of NPK Raw powdered water-soluble cane molasses • 20ml h2o2 • 1 crushed radish • 0.25 tsp NPK Enzymes • 0.25 tsp NPK Amino Acids • 50ml coconut water ( nature's own amniotic fluid packed with amino, enzymes ) + The sound of songbirds. Onto the predators 1250 -Green Lacewings Lacewings are extremely voracious predatory insects that feed on several pests. In adulthood, it feeds on pollen and nectar. In the larval stage, it feeds on aphids, thrips, and mealybugs at all stages of growth. It can also attack spider mites in moderate quantities. It is initially an aphid predator, but very effectively controls thrips and mealybugs infestations. It is so voracious that in the absence of prey, it will feed on its congeners. Lacewings are cannibalistic if there is no food available for them. It is therefore important to introduce them into an infestation situation, and not just preventively. •congener /kŏn′jə-nər/ •noun •A member of the same kind, class, or group. •An organism belonging to the same taxonomic genus as another organism. •A thing of the same kind as. or nearly allied to, another; specifically, in botany and zoology, a plant or an animal belonging to the same genus as another or to one nearly allied. Ideal temperature 20°C – 26°C Ideal humidity 60% – 70% Predatory stage life cycle 21 days Introduction rate 4 weeks Storage Refrigerator Use Immediately Are there any specific instructions on how to use this predator? Lacewings are available on small paper cards that you can hang to plant stems. On the cards are dozens of eggs ready to hatch. There are also sterile eggs they can feed on once they have hatched before they are ready to disperse in the foliage. It is important to use them quickly upon receipt to avoid cannibalism. If you don't use them right away, you can store the cards in the refrigerator for 24 to 48 hours to prevent the eggs from hatching too quickly. Avoid storing them for longer than this or you risk losing eggs. 1250 eggs are divided into 7.5 cards, 2500 eggs on 15 cards, and 5000 on 30 cards. The application rate is one card per square meter of growing surface. Is this predator best used for preventive or curative treatments? Lacewings are used as a curative solution. Anything else I should know? Lacewing eggs hatch approximately 24-72 hours after the cards are exposed to room temperature. When they emerge, the lacewings are just 1.5-2 mm long. They are very small so they are difficult to see. Once hatched, they will stay on the cards for a few hours and then disperse in the foliage. You quickly lose sight of them if you have not witnessed the hatching. They then live in the foliage for about 3 weeks. Often, you will see them towards the end of their larval cycle. After feeding for 3 weeks, they will triple and even quadruple in size. At that point, they are easier to see. But they remain very discreet insects, it is not abnormal not to see them. Egg carcasses left behind on the cards do not disappear after the hatching has happened. It's normal to see eggs still on the cards. Visually it is very similar before and after hatching. Also, on the boxes, there are sterile ephestia eggs which are used to feed the lacewings once hatched. Not all lacewing eggs are viable either. Only a certain percentage of lacewing eggs will hatch. Once hatched, the eggs are white. You can observe this using a magnifying glass. With, 5000 Stratiolaelaps Scimitus It is used to prevent or control thrips pupae, fungus gnats larvae, and root mealybugs in the soil. It can also be used for red mites in bird farms or hen houses. The adult is about 1 mm long and is medium brown with a beige triangle on its back. Another fun fact about them is they can survive without prey. They can eat algae and plant debris. This is why they can reproduce and stay in plants for long periods. Ideal temperature 15°C – 23°C Predatory stage life cycle 18 days Introduction rate 2 weeks Storage Room temperature Use Within one week Are there any specific instructions on how to use this predator? Sprinkle directly on the growing media. They can live in all types of substrates like potting soil, coconut fiber, rock wool, cedar mulch, etc. Stratiolaelaps establish easily so they are permanently fighting pests. One introduction is generally enough unless you have an infestation. In this case, introduce them at least twice at a 2-week interval for best results. If you grow your plants in a 100% mineral substrate, it will have to be released more often since there is less organic matter than in traditional soil. Do I need to take any specific precautions? Stratiolaelaps breed in the top layer of the soil. So it is important not to disturb them in the first days following their introduction. They don't like temperatures below 8 ° C. So be sure not to introduce them in a water-saturated or cold environment. Release them 24-48 hours after your last watering. They are very sensitive to chemical acaricides and diatomaceous earth. These methods are incompatible with their use.
28.01. Day 3 Just relax and get an eye on the vpd! In my case looking for 0,6. But temp. Is very cold with 19 degrees —————————————————————— 30.01. Day 5 Same —————————————————————
Hi guys!!🌱 It´s been a while since I posted an update so here we are with my baby Runtzies update from 31.01.2025🏼 She´s growing really well, having some huge leaves, I had to remove two of them, as you can see (see pics). She´s healthy and that's all that matters🍀🍬 (Ive been watering her in the past days with only regulated water and not that much- just about 70-100ml I think. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🍬🍀 W E E K 3 🍀🍬 ✨31.01.2025- It was feeding day for Runtzies🍴 I gave her some more nutrients from BioBizz and PLAGRON. It was also the first time I cut some leaves from the top. ✨04.02.2025-So it´s time for another big update inhere! Last time I watered her (about two days ago) I just wanted to let her grow an didn't think too much about it... yeah I was just more than shocked the moment I took that pot in my hand- I saw little stigmas showing up there✨ She also stretched a lot! She´s about 19cm now. To be honest I don't know if that´s on me or just her living her life. That´s my 2nd plant that's going on that fast. I´m not really concerned tho- would rather say happy So today I decided to water her a bit more, I progressed about 500-600ml with good feeding in there. I also cut the first 2 branches off. I'll let her rest the next few days and update soon! Peace out guys🌱
19.01.2025 1.5L biobizz olmak üzere grow5ml bloom6ml topmax1.5ml activera1.5ml algamic1.5ml calmag3ml gübretaş olmak üzere restfull3ml micro3ml 6.42ph 2150ppm gübreli su verildi, drenajdan elde edilen suda 2640ppm 6.17ph gözlemlendi. 24.01.2025 1.5L gübretaş olmak üzere 3mlrestful 1mlmicro biobizz olmak üzere topmax3ml 6.3ph 400ppm hafif gübreli su verildi, drenajdan elde edilen 1060ppm ph6.55 olduğu gözlemlendi. 28.01.2025 1L biobizz olmak üzere 1mltopmax 1mlactivera 1mlalgamic gübretaş olmak üzere 1mlrestfull 0.5mlmicro 300ppm ph6.47 hafif gübreli su verildi. drenajdan elde edilen 6.94ph 793ppm 01.02.2025 4L ph6.11 173ppm flush drenaj 350ppm ph6.92 03.02.2025 i cut the plant..
I haven’t tried it yet, but the smell left on my fingers is amazing. The information on the website matched perfectly with the cultivation. Thanks for now, Nirvana and God and chatgpt Signed, A true appreciator – and I’ve added my comments!
Inizio 5 settimana di veg.. ancora una settimana e poi in fiore Oggi 6/2/2025 passato a 12/12
My plants are growing healthily and have already entered the flowering period.
Letzte Woche verlief ohne Probleme hätte auch noch 2 bis 3Tage länger stehen können. Mögen aber lieber weniger amberfarbene Trichome daher jetzt kommt sie schon ab.
Starting week 6 , going full force with the nutrient dosages for the next 2 weeks and getting them ready after for their final flush week Problems i had to deal with but i didnt was clearly the defoliation as i got a bit lazy start dealing with that twice, i ll just leave them as they are and see how their final development is
Another solid week of this lady just vegging along. MegaCrop is fueling her growth and she's really guzzling down the water, nearly 16 oz every 18 hrs. If there was a mini hydro category in this grow off I'd decimate all 🤣... Stay tuned I'd say we'll be seeing pistils within a few days, then the fun begins!!
Green House feeded one is simply the happiest lady in the tent, growing big frosty buds. Advanced Nutrients one is recovering and growing colorful buds. Both phenos smell like grapes just like described in the name…
Week 2 - Eternity Grow Cup! 🔥 Doing well so far the Runtz ! 24hrs light Humid 80% Watering every 2 days and spraying around solo cup to get a little run off. Just plain water for now until the bigger pots. Will be transplanting this week into 5 gallon pots 👌 and start feeding nutrients 👊
Green House feeded one is simply the happiest lady in the tent, growing big frosty buds. Advanced Nutrients one is recovering and growing colorful buds. Both phenos smell like grapes just like described in the name…
Tag 29: Die Watermelon Candy F1 Automatic von Zamnesia Seeds bleibt kompakt und kräftig. Durch den starken Blattwuchs werden die noch kleinen Ästchen beschattet. Diese in die richtige Position zu bringen ist ziemlich filigran. Tag 31: Die SF-Nematoden Kapseln für 6 Wochen Langzeitschutz sind gekommen. Beim Einarbeiten in den Boden muss es passiert sein, die Spitze ist gebrochen. Die Bruchstelle hat schon braune Ränder, kann also auch sein, dass ich das Biegen vor 2 Tagen übertrieben habe. Tag 33: Einer der oberen Seitentriebe hat die Aufgabe der Spitze übernommen und rennt los.
2.2 Plants have been moved into the tall RoyalRoom tent. Tent sits inside Ikea PAX wardrobe, I use RuuviTag meters for temperature and humidity monitoring and a couple UPS devices as a backup power for exhaust fan & led light. I have planted Alfalfa and red clover as a cover crop, also trying out Blumat digital soil humidity meters this round. PPDF at canopy level is at 400-450umol/m2/s, there is a possibility to swap out the solo led drivers for one big one if I want more power for flowering. 3.2 I tied down the tallest branches to the fabric pot to even the plant out, also gave the pots a little Raw nutrients B-vitamin foliar spray. 4.2 Worms added to pots and gave both plants 1L of B-Vit water. 7.2 Tied down the plants, also gave the right side plant 2 litres of water today, 1L for the left one.
Starting a new cicle. One of new money is 1 week younger. The Mid cicle is ready to flip The final cicle is near from harvest, maybe on 14th february. some crosses of a male Girl Scout cookies with : White widow, Industrial plant, White diesel and (White fire og x bubbakush )all made in 2014.
Starting a new cicle. One of new money is 1 week younger. The Mid cicle is ready to flip The final cicle is near from harvest, maybe on 14th february. some crosses of a male Girl Scout cookies with : White widow, Industrial plant, White diesel and (White fire og x bubbakush )all made in 2014.
She is in the cruise mode. Growing beautiful but small frosty flowers.